RSS Reviews  (174640 - 174660 of 175,196)

Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Mod review by Furman Agree (5) Disagree (2)

It's not correcting game realism mechanism. So - less fun.


Half-Life: ESCAPE

Mod review may contain spoilers by HosseAKM Agree (2) Disagree (1)

It was a good mod. It had a interesting story actually, also it was the first mod I played that had male scientist in his lab coat as principal character. What is more, I liked the references to Half-Life: Decay.
Overall, it was an excellent mod (ignore what I said at first) and deserves my 10 points!


Night at the Office

Mod review by VenomousBeetle Agree (1) Disagree (1)

A legitimate and fun mod, good story. 3 different endings.


Human Error

Mod review may contain spoilers by zck2020 Agree (2) Disagree

Few mods pull of what this mod does. I have yet to play a mod that has combine gameplay better than this one. I love the section where you get to use the APC. Not to mention the multiplayer, which has new and original game modes. On top of gameplay I enjoyed the story. Though a few of the characters were less that pretty, it didn't really bother me all that much. It was also fun to get to see some enemies from Half-Life 1 reiterated in the source engine.



Mod review by TheGreatGonzo Agree (8) Disagree (3)

best mod 2012 **** cry of fear


Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Game review by xPearse Agree Disagree

One of the best space simulation games ever made, too bad there was not a sequel and the planned one got canned.


Scientist Slaughterhouse

Mod review by sasasa Agree Disagree

Oh god, i don't even know how to discribe the awesomeness of this mod, this mod is as fun as hell!

Killing Scientists with infinite spawning? I'll join right now!
Massive amount of weapons is also a good aspect of this mod...


Earth's Special Forces

Mod review by cool_Matrix Agree Disagree

Fast Paced,great work but it was 9/10 because the mod is too good and the work is appreciable.But Because of the time they are taking 2 release it and slow updates make us more desperate for the game other than to play for it.Time required for the mod is very tireding for us to wait,main reason is that! :p


Mental Omega

Mod review by iKathryn Agree (1) Disagree

Why did I give this mod a 10 out of 10 you ask? Because it's the best damned mod for Yuri's Revenge, that's why! 3 full new campaigns, stellar new models, cameo art, and voice overs that all look and feel like they were created right along side the original assets during RA2's (Red Alert 2) development over a decade ago.

Each sub faction is no longer distinguished by a single unit, (like how Cuba had the demolition truck, and South Korea had the Black Eagle) no, now all 9 sub factions have entire rosters of specific to them infantry, vehicles, and even powers! Let's take for instance the American sub faction. They get special vehicles that are reminiscent of modern day America. Humvees, Abrams tanks, Stryker IFVs, Stealth Bombers, etc. There's so much new content with this mod, that it might as well be a whole damned new game!

There's even knew game features, and playable game modes available. I'll touch lightly on that. Two of my favorites, the game modes Meteor Shower and Fortress. In Meteor Shower, the A.I. is allowed to use all of its cheaty God powers that it can muster, and it's glorious. I was barely able to hold off a single opponent. It was like an old Brutal level opponent times 10. Crazy good fun. The other, is Fortress, and as the title implies, sees players placed inside of, or against, a fortress. These maps, start one, or two, or even an entire team, in a heavily fortified, resource rich position, with natural walls, choke points, emplacements, and high yield ore deposits. It's a hoot, that's for sure. On one of my favorite maps, (a 1v6) I managed to hold out against all 6 (normal) A.I. for a good while. Kind of reminded me of those old Stronghold Crusader maps. Just oceans of enemies coming my way atop my mountain fortress, but, alas, in the end, I was conquered.

Now, onto the new "features" I mentioned earlier. With each new sub faction, there are now new powers. In the old RA2:YR, if you were playing as the allies, you had a force shield power, and the the Chronosphere/Weather Storm devices. Maybe a paradrop if you had a tech building. Now, each of the new subfactions have multiple powers unique to them. But fret not, these are not freebees! Oh no, you have to pay for these, like in Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath. You can call in an airdrop of Humvees and Strykers like in C&C 3, or build a Spysat to gain access to a precision laser to douse your enemies in fire! Now, these aren't annoying powers used constantly by the A.I. like in Red Alert 3. (That stupid Russian gravity beam sucking up all of your harvesters every 60 seconds anyone?) Oh no, these are pretty light, and pretty balanced. The ONLY power that would be of any annoyance I would say, is the American's precision laser strike, (Mercury Uplink) but, the A.I. rarely used it, and only used it on easy targets, like infantry. It is also no Ion Cannon. It does not destroy entire bases. It does, say, 1/4th of a Rhino tank's health bar. It's great against clumped up infantry in a stick though! But be warned, it's expensive to use! And the A.I. knows that!

But, the best part of all, is the new A.I. It blows the old RA2 A.I. out of the water! It's so intelligent now. The A.I. has been attacking you from the same side, what do you do? Build defenses there, but oh wait! What's this?! Kirovs coming in from behind your base?! THEY WENT AROUND?! They can do that?! Oh yes! Yes they can! The A.I. learns while fighting you. In one fight I landed an MCV on an enemy A.I. Island during a game of Islands, and I was taking over the island, a big forces in hovercrafts I landed on their beach, but I didn't bring any air defense units, and by the time I realized this, and was panickingly building Flack Cannons, there was already two choppers and a whole flock of Rocketeers headed my way to demolish my little hostile takeover.

All in all, this is not a mod to pass up! (P.S. That new campaign is amazing. I highly recommend-, oh no character limit reac


Scientist Slaughterhouse

Mod review by HosseAKM Agree (1) Disagree (1)

Ya know... after a looooong day, what do you want to do?
Kill scientists and watch them gibbed, am I right?


Afraid of Monsters DC

Mod review by JonathanPL Agree Disagree

Simply a classic, with great atmosphere and design and even few possible endings.

Can't miss that, one of the best for Half-Life.


USS Darkstar

Mod review by ytres Agree Disagree

It's a rather unique concept of a mod with pretty good execution. Didn't feel 100% polished.


Afraid of Monsters DC

Mod review by DeathReaperGrim Agree (6) Disagree

The best mod I have EVER played so far... different routes, different endings, awesome puzzles, startling zombies and a theme that would make my heart beat louder and faster! 10/10 is well-deserved ^_^


Project Reality: Battlefield 2

Mod review by HungerSTGF Agree (16) Disagree (1)

Although a really hefty file size PR:BF2 really improves on the flaws of Battlefield 2 and updated an already terrific FPS.


Warzone 2100

Game review by Nietschechen Agree (5) Disagree

Jawesom RTS, sad theres no official Wz2120...


Age of Empires II: The Conquerors

Game review by TheTom Agree Disagree

Even better than its brilliant predecessor. Loads of fun and hours of collecting resources and building up your empires provide by a really addicting game.
Still today a great game for spending many hours having fun.


Age of Empires III

Game review by TheTom Agree (1) Disagree (1)

I've been playing every part of the Age of Empires series and again the simple but yet addictive gameplay provides hours and days of great fun. Compared to AoE 2 it lost much of complexity but especially with others playing in the LAN enables fast and fun game even with new and unexperienced players.
Also it now has really nice graphics effects. Its really great fun to shoot rockets and cannonballs at the enemies building and watch them being destroyed while parts of it fly through the air.


Eve Of Destruction

Mod review by AyCe Agree (2) Disagree

Such a brilliant mod for such an old game! These people actually work on a mod for an... 8 year old game? I still play this mod sometimes, and you have sooo much vehicles you can drive! So much weapons to choose from! This is just great!


Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Mod review by spetsnaz_stalker Agree Disagree

It adds what Relic supposed to add! One of the most important factions in WW2!


Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds

Game review by feillyne Agree (1) Disagree

Extremely high quality game. Definitely worth the price. Classic 2D game, better than many "modern" 3D games. Features 6 playable factions, plus additional 2 ones in the x-pack!