RSS Reviews  (140 - 160 of 174,701)

Buff and Shine Broken Crescent 2.6

Mod review by yahyanawfal Agree Disagree

Amazing mod, takes broken crescent and actually makes it fun. The additional factions give this mod so much flavor.


Wieshaq Mod

Mod review by Soviet_Conscript Agree Disagree

Good addition to the old game



Mod review by frieman4993 Agree Disagree

This custom story has absolutely beautiful map design and an interesting story. It ended sooner than I was expecting, though, and I don't feel like any "choices" I made really had any impact short of arbitrarily choosing certain directions. I guess I could have "failed" if I went a different way, but that's not a moral choice, just a directional one. While it was beautiful to meander through, The String also lacked puzzles, being more of a walking sim. Taken for what it is, it's a great little adventure through regret, but I feel it could have been something more. Still highly recommended, very close to 9/10!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Mod review by AsesinoDeLaMuerte Agree Disagree



Bionic Coyote's Easy Mod

Mod review by BionicCoyote Agree Disagree

Best mod evah


They Hunger

Mod review by Elian23 Agree Disagree



Portal: Epic Edition

Mod review by Begula228123 Agree Disagree

vere epoc


Half-Life: Remastered

Mod review by nonsense-me Agree Disagree




Mod review by Denzel20 Agree Disagree

It seems like a "my first wad" because it's a boring series of levels, which last between 5 or 6 minutes depending on how you play. Although I like the beginning of the maps and some things with a lot of potential, the other parts feel so disconnected and visually unimpressive, not to mention that they are large rooms without many enemies.


Doll House

Mod review by MissingBrain Agree Disagree

Ремейк мода классный. Изначально была интересная идея которую я до этого не разу не видел. Прикольно сделана атмосфера утра в моде (у некоторых объектов поменялась текстура на более желтую что передаёт атмосферу утра)


Little neighbors house

Mod review by MissingBrain Agree Disagree

Неплохо, но есть проблемы.1. У дома нет текстурок.2. Сосед тебя не видит.3. Мод почему то вылетает(я не знаю может только у меня такая проблема).


A Global Crisis

Mod review by elixr1 Agree (2) Disagree

Some Israeli ****.


Amnesia: Le fardeau de Lefay

Mod review by frieman4993 Agree Disagree

A refreshing Machine for Pigs-flavored mod that delivers a potent story!

-Gorgeous, smartly-designed maps
-Appreciate the lantern never running out of oil to focus on the story
-A creative narrative with twists I did not see coming

-Some story beats that didn't quite connect, although not too surprising for a tale that ambitious
-Occasional frame rate drops
-Repetitive puzzles which were sometimes unintuitive
-Very linear

I recommend this mod to anyone wanting more Amnesia!


Kane's Wrath II (Upcoming)

Mod review by elixr1 Agree Disagree

This mod is ***. I mean yeah I literally typed a comment and it got deleted you can't even answer any questions about this mod so please just delete this goofy trashy mod cuz it's not worth it.


Nuclear Winter

Mod review by PsyWarVeteran Agree (1) Disagree

If I had to describe this mod with one word, it would be "cheesy."

Most of the blame lies with the voice acting. Teenage voice + bad mic quality + bad dialog that uses the word "man" in every sentence possible makes a bad combo. Seriously, count how many times any character says "maaaan" and elongates it like a stereotypical stoner, it's ridiculous. Towards the end, one of the characters mentions smoking some weed too maaan. These are the worst soldiers ever. I'm also so sick of hearing those bitcrushed guitar riffs over and over.

With that rant out the way, how's the story and level design? The story is whatever, yet another "every country is bad and they all attack America" story. The level design is nothing special either. The mapping is blocky and there are scaling problems, everything is massive. We used to see this issue when HL mapping was in its infancy, four years later however, it's a different story. Still, I like some set-pieces and sequences, especially the ones involving fighter jets and explosives. It's acceptable for the year but could have been much better.

This is also one of the rare mods that take place in an urban setting. I love some of the areas such as the zoo but I wish they were handled better, brushwork-wise. I also love the logic that the animals turning into creatures like alien grunts, shocktroopers or gargantuas are explained away with "must be the radiation" :) Speaking of mutants, there are a few zombie re-models, or "mutants" as the game calls it, they were a nice surprise. There's a scene that takes place in a skyscraper with helicopters and a projector, that was great too.

The mod uses Black Ops as main enemies and since they don't take extra headshot damage, the fights aren't satisfying. Shoot them in the head or foot, it's the same damage. I hate those bulletsponges, even in OP4. There are some puzzles involving explosives, specifically, pushing them to various areas and blowing them up to progress. I liked that the creator made the game end if you explode them before putting them to the place you're supposed to. You don't get stuck when you mess up.

What else? The creators love for Xena: Warrior Princess continues :) Just like in the Xeno Project (Xena Project?) there are random characters rubbing (!) posters of her affectionately while spewing nonsense. These dumb scenes still make me smile even after all these years.

Overall, I still like the creator's previous works, "The Xeno Project 1 - 2" better. This isn't a bad mod either but it feels like it got suffocated under its own ambition.


Blender Dawn of War Addon

Early access mod review by LemonTreeModdb Agree Disagree

Very nice asset that is extremely beneficial for the modding community



Game review by .gzr Agree Disagree

Underrated Game, AFPS will never DIE!


Another Zone Mod - (Translated)

Mod review by Vasim Agree Disagree

Another Zone Mod is a good Misery styled mod, which tries to incorporate mechanics to lenghten the progression to hopefully match your length of story which for me took over four and a half to five hours, which is an incredible rarity.

It doesn't put it's hand and control the enconomy like a mean father, and is quite generous with resources, the money sink this time is an artifact upgrade system. The way it works is simple, all you do is pay a big sum for a schematic and then use the UI to upgrade it progressively up to lvl3, which works in it's favour has it doesnt take away from the short story and thus lend attention to the star of the show the stories in the mod.

The story is quite nice, it is a short and well written common story that is interwoven with more interesting but less developed miniquests that have you run around everywhere, the density of content in the mod really made it in this context as there was never a second where I wasnt doing something for someone, and I only got around to completing around 90% of the content.

I recommend it to anyone who wants an interesting and short experience that still retains an interesting gameplay aspect.



Mod review by rjsxz Agree Disagree

this mod is just amazing, it improves in evert way rtcw


Tiberian Sun: Rubicon

Early access mod review by GiantASSspider Agree Disagree (1)

amazing demo cant wait for the full version