Post news Report RSS Version 1.9 release date

Just a small announcement to reveal the planned release of Version 1.9

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Announcing the release of 5thLegacy Version 1.9 on ?. (originally July 22rd)
Permission to use various graphics has been removed from the mod, as a result, it will be delayed until I am able to find replacement graphics for the update. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Unlike previous updates, I will only announce the more noticeable changes that the update brings, as opposed to revealing every change. If you need to know most/every detail, be sure to check the Changelog when its released. Version 1.9's focus will be to polish and fix the game in various areas to provide the strongest version of 5thLegacy yet. Version 1.9 will not be released in a "finished" state due to time constraints/personal issues, but the overall design and gameplay is complete in this update. The cut content, that will hopefully be finished in a future patch, are a full-length Persian campaign and more dynamic/refined AI strategies for the computer players. I appreciate everyone's patience as you've waited for the update to be released.

Some of the major changes expected in this update:
Four new civilizations all designed with more advanced techniques than previous civilizations to create more dynamic and intuitive strategies. The Armenian, Yuezhi, Lydian, and Median civilizations will be added to the roster.
The new Skirmisher unit-line. Fleet-footed ranged infantry that excel against other infantry, but are vulnerable to enemy archery and cavalry units. They're available in the Bronze Age and can progress to gold-tier in the Iron Age, like other standardized units.
A new technology for Elephants that increases their Hp to counteract their initially lower Hp. This new technology, "Mahouts", is available in the Iron Age after researching Nobility. It also replaces Iron Shield as the requirement for Armored Elephants.
The Hipposandal technology will be providing +1 Pierce Armor for Cavalry and Camelry units; however, Iron Age Cavalry/Camelry units will also have lower PA by default, making it more crucial to acquire Hipposandal.
Many buildings will now take longer to construct, but in a fair and balanced approach; however, Walls will take less time to construct as well.
The "hidden" work rate modifiers that decreased/increased about 4 different Villager gather rates for each civ are now more transparent and can be seen on Civ Cards. They've also be adjusted across the board to be more dynamic with each civilization.
Numerous changes to nearly every civilization using the advanced design techniques to provide the best civ balance in 5thLegacy yet.
Version 1.9 will also introduce an "easier AI" pack for players who have found the AI too difficult or are looking for AI that are more lenient.
And many, many other changes (be sure to check the Changelog when the update is released).

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