Post news Report RSS RAGE Tool Kit Available Today on Steam

Later today on Steam id Studio and Bethesda will be releasing the official tool kit for RAGE – the same tools used to create RAGE and its DLC, The Scorchers. From the game’s world building tool, idStudio, to game maps and assets, the kit provides everything you need to get started with modding the first-ever idTech 5 title.

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Later today on Steam Bethesda and id Studio will be releasing the official tool kit for RAGE – the same tools used to create RAGE and its DLC, The Scorchers. From the game’s world building tool, idStudio, to game maps and assets, the kit provides everything you need to get started with modding the first-ever idTech 5 title.Interested? Before you start downloading the hefty 35+ GB file, the RAGE team has provided some documents to read. As described in the welcome document, these tools provided are complex and aimed towards “technically sophisticated and adventurous” modders.

Welcome to the RAGE Tool Kit

RAGE Tool Kit FAQ and EULA

To download the kit itself, be on the lookout for the RAGE Tool Kit in the Tools section of Steam (the same place you’d download Skyrim’s Creation Kit). id Studio looks forward to seeing your creations. If you have something to share, shoot them an email or share it with their id Software Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Source, Bethesda blog:

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 71)
Sofiachan - - 176 comments

I love you id....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+22 votes
CLOPPING - - 57 comments


your funny,he he he

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
Amensia - - 197 comments

Is this going to be as annoying as the Doom3/Skyrim editor? I'm really spoiled by Blizzard's Editors/Overgrowth/UDK/Amnesia type of Editors, for a good reason.

And the PC port wasn't really that amazing, the textures were constantly trying to bump up to high-res which could take a god awful time. The loading times were pretty long. And whenever I left a dungeon to go back to the overworld, I had to go back into the dungeon again and out because the FPs would drop to 0.1-0.2 FPs for no reason.

The game was alright, but their are sure a lot of bugs and problems...

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JohnMidnight - - 65 comments

When was the last time you played? Rage performed fine on my machine, pre, and post upgrade.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Amensia - - 197 comments

Well I gave you the benefit of the doubt and reinstalled RAGE, I got the newest Nvidia drivers I could fine, 301.9 I think.

I'm running a 560ti GPU, AMD 8 Core CPU, and 16 gigs of RAM. And ran the game at max settings.

And I still have the same problems. Take this example, at the very start. I go around the whole room just fine, all the textures are maxed out and looking good. If I turn around really fast, the textures are extremely blurred/low res, then a huge lag spike occurs and it bumps up to high-res. (Watch TotalHalibut's WTF video of RAGE, you'll see the same things during the video.)

My second and biggest problem... Is after just leaving the Arc, I immediately saved, exited and re-loaded the game. Bam, huge lag and I'm slowly watching the the world slowly (1 fps) go from low res textures to high res for about a minute before I quit.

@Raeldrikp - Thanks, I know from reports that ATI cards have been a issue.

@The Rest of You - Maybe because I'm having technical issues you don't need to down-vote my comment so much.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Rage didn't suddenly become "technically effecient" after the patches, its still a fairly broken game. Making it for consoles first was a big mistake on John Carmack's part. I suppose this toolkit is their way of apologizing.

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xalener - - 1,605 comments

It's not really a mistake that this game was built for consoles. I mean that was kinda the whole point of its existence. It was an experiment by Id to work around console limitations; something they've never ever done before.

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ceriux - - 1,514 comments

consoles are horrible technology... i say screw gfx lets go back to gameplay. then everyone can own a pc and everyone can afford to have one and the pointless consoles can die and the fake gamers can turn to pros!

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xalener - - 1,605 comments

Ugh, Ceriux, that **** is why console gamers refuse to get into PC gaming. It's not the price of hardware or shaky installations. It's people like you. No one wants to play a game with someone who spouts **** like that.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

yeah consoles caters to convenience, PC's cater to controls, graphics and customization. The only real issue with consoles is how developers are dumbing games down so that they appeal to the kiddies (the lowest common denominator). Its the developers that are part of the problem, and publishers. Also parents not being strict with what games their children play.. those are the real problems. Immature gamers are the least of our worries.

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nige111 - - 177 comments

Because console gamers are the nicest and most polite people you will ever meet.


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SquallGLeonheart - - 144 comments

console gamers spout worse and stupider ****

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SourHyperion1 - - 860 comments

I don't understand the problem you're having. My computer is a piece of crap compared to yours and it runs it just fine. I haven't had the low-res texture issue at all. The only issue I've had is on the first mission I went into a corner and the whole game when down to 1 fps, textures were loaded, but it just got real laggy and wouldn't stop.

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Smexy_Whales - - 29 comments


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sm4sh3d - - 56 comments

"Rage performed fine on my machine, pre, and post upgrade."

too bad 90% of people still have textures streaming issues

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Guest - - 700,192 comments

Well i cant blame id on that one. Well a little but since it was their choice to use megatexture technology. Its good for smoith gameplay and great textures but horrible with streaming said hd textures.

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1kon - - 306 comments

at launch it was pretty bad espcailly for my ati card, but still a lot of the bugs got fixed up later... after i got bored of it. still the toolkit might allow for more interesting content now

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sbnewsom - - 656 comments

Skyrim, an annoying editor? Are you a complete idiot? Ugh forget it.

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LiamFarley1998 - - 86 comments

Is that sarcasm. Jesus christ the camera controls in that were ******* depressing also the lower to floor function failed constantly.

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sbnewsom - - 656 comments

No, and I have experience in many editors. Skyrim is my third favorite. Second being Cryengine and first being Unity.

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Bj_Bob - - 62 comments

Why is this comment buried?

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AudioGhostX - - 585 comments

Skyrims editor is great, very easy and simple to use. Annoying is the last thing i'd call it.

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jamman88 - - 226 comments

everyone who down voted this guy is a derp, rage uses a unique engine with a system devised by carmack called mega texture, and it was the first of its kind of course it has issues especially with such a detailed world for the hardware it can run on 60 fps on my 6370m, and and i have used every editor he has talked about (except amnesia) and he has a point

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Elementalist - - 732 comments

I personally do not really get why he would say Skyrim is annoying but UDK is not...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
sbnewsom - - 656 comments

Because most of the post was uninformed and baseless?

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

Megatexture was made and used in Quake Wars YEARS earlier.

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Nemesis@zombotec - - 27 comments

Tool Kit is released so feel free to Debug. Maybe your the first one to releases a Community-Patch.

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WetDogSquad - - 259 comments

But the Oblivion, Fallout 3/NV, and Skyrim Modding Kits were great (albeit buggy at times) D:

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notaclevername - - 522 comments

I think Im the only one who loved Rage. It didn't need an important story, it delivered in the action and carnage of gun fights and bullet impacts. The only thing that I knew I wouldn't like, from hearing about the game, to this day, is the lack of multiplayer without vehicles. Damit. Doom 4 better not do that or I think Ill just pull a "Hunter S. Thompson".

But nice to see that there is finnaly a modding tool up!

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1kon - - 306 comments

dunno, i felt as if the story really picked up during the last 15-20 minutes.

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TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

I cant find it on steam :(

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medve - - 1,475 comments

i think its restricted to 'merica

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XxMrDestructionxX - - 587 comments

Nice they take for ever to make tools, and then restrict me to use em .-. thanks...

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ceriux - - 1,514 comments


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TKAzA - - 3,154 comments


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Guest - - 700,192 comments

Hey I loved Rage too ! I think it was one ID Software Masterpiece ! I actually loved it way more than Doom 3 and it's expansion which were IMHO poorly made... The story of the original doom 3 was fun but the monsters in the closet trick did not do it for me, it was way too previsible to know when monsters where going to jump at you and where they would be coming from ! The weapons of doom 3 really annoyed me too ! But it was an OK game. ROE was pathetic ! I didn't care for the story or the hero.

Now Rage... Rage really impressed me ! The NPC were well made and charismatic (gotta love those women), the guns were awesome, the "crafting" was really fun, the story and everything was more original than doom too ! Plus, the environments were superb (the graphical glitch didn't kill the experience even if sometimes some textures were really ugly) and the vehicles were a lot of fun to drive !

I liked Rage so much that I even read the book which was clearly entertaining :D I recommend it to any Rage's fan !

Rage was an under rated game ! This game was truly fun and now that the editor is here, it's going to be a blast to see mods for a game playing so well ! I hope there's a whole bunch of modders out there who will want to work with it and bring lots of quality stuff ! Can't wait to see what's going to come out of it !

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SIGILL - - 1,156 comments

I thought they wouldn't make RAGE moddable because it was too complicated.. Good to see they've changed their mind. Now if I could only play RAGE without the textures being a mess/not being loaded correctly. The part that I was able to play was quite enjoyable.

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SabreXT - - 296 comments

Yeah, Rage and BF3 were apparently to complex and required to many resources to be used by us plebs, then they release the tools...

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Gorbles - - 277 comments

Go ahead and use them, then. I'm eagerly awaiting what you can create.

Bear in mind that the tools are aimed at advanced modders/developers.

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ceriux - - 1,514 comments

im pretty sure the reason they didnt allow people to mod bf3 is because they wanted to be sure to make their money selling premium accounts lol... if it was so complicated they wouldnt be able to make anything on it either. its like saying oh only my game company is smart enough to use the tools we used to make this game. so all you modders and misc developers are too dumb stfu and give me money!

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xalener - - 1,605 comments

That's not what they meant by "complicated."

What they meant is that Frostbite 2.0 requires a damn render farm setup to even work, and even then the engine is a Frankenstein of a bunch of third party tools. It would probably be impossible to work out a proper licensing agreement for public use.

That being said. Rage editikng kit's hurdles are also hardware related, but not the type of "millions of dollars of corporate funded hardware" that Frostbite 2.0 is built on. it seems like the issue is that creating and storing uncompressed megatextures takes an ungodly unrealistic amount of disk space and RAM for a home computer.

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macacos2 - - 525 comments

There's no such a thing as a game that is too complicated to mod. They just use that as an excuse to not let you mod them so they can make profit out of things such as DLC.

If anything, it's only complicated to them to keep the modding under control.

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patborders - - 4 comments

Finally, can't wait to give this a shot.

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Swyter - - 664 comments

Bethesda and its subsidiaries are getting even more and more mod friendly lately.
Much appreciated. Food for creative folks.

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Foxtrop - - 1,007 comments

John Carmack you did it again!

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Renazor - - 26 comments

I'm all over it, estatic, hyped!

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

I loved Rage. My system AMD 965, Radeon 7850, Vista 32, 4 gig, 1920 X 1080 everything looks great. Just the occasional tearing artifact when I move the camera too quickly.

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Guest - - 700,192 comments

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dufake - - 153 comments

It would be better if Megatexture only be used in the wasteland for race,
and landscape.

Its purpose should be limited.

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Trevortt - - 28 comments

I hope to see some amazing MODS from this

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