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Hello community, it sure has been a long time since we last spoke. We have an update for you now, a nice one (or atleast I'd like to think so) and promises of more updates (and in this millenium!). I have here 2 great skins from our king pins in the art section, cronium and Dete. Dete is back after

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Hello community, it sure has been a long time since we last spoke. We have an update for you now, a nice one (or atleast I'd like to think so) and promises of more updates (and in this millenium!). I have here 2 great skins from our king pins in the art section, cronium and Dete. Dete is back after a long absence and he is currently time sharing a job at DICE and ES, which is very cool if I must say the least. Cronium is a new arrival on our team and boy am we glad we snagged him. He is now trapped in one of our Artist Cages ™ and making some awesome stuff. Today they bring you new skins for the UTF Interceptor, and a great skin of the UTF scout featured in an awesome wallpaper, so awesome infact it gets a bigger thumbnail than the rest...

Anyways before we get to the media, I'd like to get to the promise part of things. You see, I know this mod has seemed dead for quite a while now, with sparse updates, and some of them disappointing. I think I realize now we haven't been completely honest with ourselves as a mod team. At ES, we strive for a level of detail close to that of a true game company, but we would be kidding ourselves to say we really are one. As a true, home grown mod, we will take ourselves seriously as a mod and release more progress more often. The way I see it, its better off for you, the community, to see our weekly progress, however small, than to wait for months on end for that huge update that may never come. This is also good for the team, because it means we can relax and have more fun with our media releases... be a bit more silly. So check back more often now, because we plan to be a much more transparent mod team.

Enough of that and onto the media. First off, that great scout wallpaper I've been bragging so much about, by cronium. I dunno about you, but this is sitting on my desktop right now...

UTF Scout Wallpaper

Next up, that new UTF interceptor skin, compliments of Dete

UTF Interceptor Re-Skin

And this week, as a special bonus... A screenshot. A map screenshot to be more precise. Here I have the first public screenshot of OmegaSlayer's Sheldon. This map has been great ever since it started development and I'm glad to show you this sneak peek of it. It's not much, and it's certainly not finished (we are still working on expanding our prop library and such with more computer consoles), but I thought it would be worth mentioning:

Sheldon Sneak Peek

I'd also like to say we had our first beta test in the new year today (yes it has been a long time coming) and things are looking good. The art and mapping teams have made great progress management wise since the appointment of the new leads. Those are Raz and Rex respectively. Space is moving along nicely, everyday more bugs are being squashed and more features added. The HUD is being conceptualized and implemented by john_sheu at the moment as I am working on the netcode, prediction and weapons for the space craft. It's nowhere near polished enough for a screenshot yet, but hopefully those will come soon. I know it's a long wait, but I have a feeling it will be worth it.

That concludes our first update under our new philosophy. We hope you can join us for more, as we plan to be much more open about our development from now on (cuz hey, were human too). Be sure to visit us on our website and post comments at our forums!


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Supercowbob - - 71 comments


Waiting patiently for this quality mod.

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Biscuit - - 1 comments

Looking good! Keep up the quality work!

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Varsity - - 1,044 comments

That is one hell of a ship.

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briguy992 Author
briguy992 - - 128 comments

Thanks for the comments guys! :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Baselerd - - 13 comments

keep up the good work, you have a great concept and great work so far :). One constructive criticism I have is that all your maps look a little barren; it's reminiscent of fps's from back in 2000. Good work though, and Im sure you'll make the maps prettier when you get down to polishing, because I understand this concept involves alot of background work.

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Canuck - - 110 comments

The HUD looks pretty slick. Is it implemented or photoshopped in?

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JoeX111 - - 516 comments

Holy freakin' ****!

This is going on my watched list right now!

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Makkon - - 2,028 comments

One word:
Fantastic textures and meshes. For a hl2 mod, this should be interesting.

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duckedtapedemon - - 557 comments

The hud is ingame

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MrTwister - - 88 comments


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