Post news Report RSS Dystopia Demo Update 4 Released!

After an extremely hectic week, we have Update 4 of the Dystopia Demo completed. The most important additions are of course the two new maps, dys_Silo and dys_Fortress, but the lengthy changelog includes many other tweaks and bug fixes. Due to the changes we've made, Update 4 is not backwards compatible.

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After an extremely hectic week, we have Update 4 of the Dystopia Demo completed. The most important additions are of course the two new maps, dys_Silo and dys_Fortress, but the lengthy changelog includes many other tweaks and bug fixes.

Due to the changes we've made, Update 4 is not backwards compatible. This also means that you will have to upgrade to join a server running Update 4. Because of this, we ask that all server admins add [Update 4] to the host name of their servers when they've installed Update 4.

We have four files available:

Patch any previous version of Dystopia Demo Client to Update 4 with this installer (73 meg):

dystopia_demo_client_u4.exe - from
dystopia_demo_client_u4.exe - from
dystopia_demo_client_u4.exe - torrent

Full Dystopia Demo Client Update 4 installer package (165 meg):

dystopia_demo_client_full_u4.exe - from
dystopia_demo_client_full_u4.exe - from

Upgrade any previous version of Dystopia Demo Server to Update 4 with this zip file (76 meg): - from - from

Full Dystopia Demo Server Update 4 zip file (165 meg): - from - from

As always, we need more mirrors. If you can host these files for us, please email with links to your files.

While you downloading your chosen files, here are a few screenshots to get you in the mood for some cyberpunk action, Dystopia style.


dys_Silo: the missile dys_Silo: control room


dys_Fortress: punk spawn tunnel dys_Fortress: the sewer entrance
Post comment Comments
SuperRad - - 828 comments

Can you use cars yet!?

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Betelgeuze - - 872 comments

yes thx and good work, but for the good of community you should have released some new maps faster.

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Jaikon - - 51 comments

Congrats guys for getting this update done, this game just gets better and better! :D

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dys-Fuzzy Author
dys-Fuzzy - - 82 comments

There's this thing called; as fast as humanly possible. That's pretty much what dictated the lapse 114 days from the initial demo release until this update....

Honestly, we never aimed to pick up a community off the demo. The demo release was always invisaged as exactly that; a demonstration of what Team Dystopia's idea of Dystopia is. The full release will come in time, when it's all completed.

We've been amazed at the following and scene that has built up around Dystopia over the last 3 months. We've had a very competitive clan scene, massively active forums and IRC channels, an awesome 3rd party mapping scene.... and it can only get bigger and more colourful from here.

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dys-Fuzzy Author
dys-Fuzzy - - 82 comments

The vehicles were always something we've had in our design doc as a goal for the full version. This release continues our demo period.

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Alone_In_The_Dark - - 791 comments


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Alone_In_The_Dark - - 791 comments

And you thought a demo is nothing? Some game devs you are :S (NO offence =P but really...demo's are important, more important than the full release in SOME ways)

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Betelgeuze - - 872 comments

With all respect but maybe you released the demo a little to fast. Ok I know its only a demo, but its still not a good idea to release a mod with only one map. Its a shame because the work you people have done is great and it has good gameplay, but playing the same map over and over again gets booring after some time. A lot of gamers who played Dystopia got bored and a lot of those players are not going to play Dystopia anymor. Releasing a demo and releasing the full-version months later doesnt have the same effect as only releasing a finished version with all the features and 10-15maps. Its a shame, but thats how gamers are.

I have to be honest and tell you that I was realy exited about Dystopia and I loved it for a couple of days, but now im not excited anymore and I dont know if Im going to download the full-version when its released. If you released it with 5-10 maps I would probably still play it.

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dar_ - - 96 comments

Awsomeness. I don't get why you're still calling it the demo, though. I do suppose it's better to have something called a demo, than to have something called a public beta release, which everyone will bitch about (like it usually happens).

I haven't played Dystopia for quite a while, because it used to be only one map. But, now that there's more, I'll gladly jump back in.

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Koroshiya_Ichi - - 249 comments

I haven't played Dystopia for quite a while, because it used to be only one map. But, now that there's more, I'll gladly jump back in.

shouldn't that be JACK back in?? hahahaha..... oh god i need a life

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EvilErnie - - 100 comments

Seems more like a beta then a demo, but still a really nice job!

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dishwasherlove - - 84 comments

Awwwwwwwwwwww jeah.

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BigBird - - 1,161 comments

Its not a public beta because all the Dystopia side bugs are squashed, also it's a demo due to the fact that thats its only a fraction of what it will be :)

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Baselerd - - 13 comments

Hey great work guys, but i have a question...

You call it demo because it is "only a fraction of what it will be," what else, other than vehicles in some maps will there be?

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Wraiyth - - 483 comments

Congrats on the release guys, it plays fantastically.
To all those who want it released with more maps, I'd say that one or two high quality maps is far better than 5 sub-par maps, Knowing the amount of work that goes into development, bug fixing, playtesting and balancing gameplay, I give termi and everyone else a huge kudos for the creation of Silo in that timeframe, especially seeing the number of bugs fixed in it

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MarineXGEN - - 21 comments

For users that utilize Vapour, it's available there too.

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smokeythebear - - 117 comments

Its called a beta, not a demo.

i dont remember there ever being demos that were updated with new content, or is the word "demo" implying that the full version will be retail/downloaded off steam?

Please keep it free though because...This is the best mod for hl2 right now,If the mod takes off and becomes insanely popular you will probaby get jobs in the gaming industry (desert combat).

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dys-Fuzzy Author
dys-Fuzzy - - 82 comments

Firstly: what with us being the ones that made, we get to call it what ever we want.

Secondly: it's not a beta. We run closed betas. Our releases have been thoroughly tested and are only ever made public when we have squashed every known bug. Thus, not beta.

Thirdly: we continue to call it a demo because it's still a "demonstration" of our complete goals.

Honestly, we never expected one little word to generate so many comments....

And yes, it will always be a free mod for HL2.

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methy - - 1,221 comments

Also, if I recall correctly, the Age of Empires III demo (as a recent example) had content added to it post release. Nice demo guys, and may Dystopia rock on forever.

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Crispy - - 602 comments

I think that as far as gaming's concerned demo's are usually a fraction of a completed game. They are usually released when the production phase is complete to guage and generate further interest during the time spent sorting out the distribution process (in what formats, to which locations and how many copies).

I think this is just another case of the Dys team defying convention, so gamers will just have to separate the connotation of the game demo from the denotation of the word 'demonstration'.

As far as public attention goes, I'm sure that the Dys team didn't have any incling that it would be so popular way back when they started, and even during the first few months after HL2 came out, but the second the first media images were released and certainly the second Valve were reported as being interested it didn't take a genius to see that as one of the only mods promising early playable content and one of the even fewer mods shooting for a high degree of quality in their releases to the public, Dystopia was bound to attain a huge response from the public.


I'm pleased to see new maps out but releasing only one to begin with definitely had its advantages. With many of the weapon and player attributes subject to possible tweakage in subsequent updates, its important to establish this balance before going crazy with the maps. Maps should always be built around game specifications and not the other way round. By releasing only one map, the Dys team had a control map to sample the gameplay and work on preliminary tweaks that are discovered more quickly when thousands of players with no checklists and no limitations are let loose on a game build. I'd say the choice to restrict it to one map was a wise one, and that the Dys team should stand by their decision.

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feanix - - 26 comments

for those who say the demo was put out prematurely, you may be right (and you may be wrong, i don't feel like arguing that particular point, however), but i dont think that it will doom the mod. as we get a few maps coming in (all of a very high standard, we have an excellent 3rd party mapping community) things will pick up. i thinks its better to gradually aacumulate fans over a period of time rather than gain a rash of attention of the Newest Shiniest Mod.

dys 4 life, bitches! :P

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NightSage - - 644 comments

heeeaaaaaaad chop!
Heeeaaaaaaad Punch!
Vaaaarious heeeeeeeeeeaaaaaad somethings!

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