The goal of Wolfzone mod is to make a single player freeplay with randomly generated quests/missions. No need to be a surrealistic simulation based on scarcity and pain, just something more fun and arcade style, an immersive walkabout into the zone.

Report RSS Wolfzone Early Access Version Released

The early access version of Wolfzone mod is now available. This rewards months of hard work to make a game which begin to match what i wanted to get. Hope you will enjoy!

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The early access version of Wolfzone mod is now available.

This rewards months of hard work to make a game which begin to match what i wanted to get.

This release also represent the beginning of a new task which will take months of works too in order to append all features which i am thinking about and who, i hope, will make this mod enjoyable and entertaining to play.

Keep in mind that it's a work in progress so don't expect too much at first.

  • There is only one map at the moment.
  • A lot of weapons needs to be replaced by their contemporary equivalents.
  • There is only one style of player currently.
  • The gameplay is currently a simple stopwatch team deathmatch mode with infinite respawn (for bots and player), and objectives and missions will be added later to that game mode.
  • Bots behaviors need to be improved and it happen too often that they get stuck against a wall and they cannot release themselves, but also they show a really low strategy skill when they fight what can sometimes give a feeling of lack of challenge.
    On the other hand, if you don't react fast enough, they will blow you up in no time.

A View From Crossroad Map #1 A View From Crossroad Map #2 A View From Crossroad Map #3 A View From Crossroad Map #4 A View From Crossroad Map #5

But well, enough small talk, i suppose that you can't wait to test that first version in order you can make yourself an opinion on your own, so here is the links:

Let me know what you are thinking about.

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