The goal of Wolfzone mod is to make a single player freeplay with randomly generated quests/missions. No need to be a surrealistic simulation based on scarcity and pain, just something more fun and arcade style, an immersive walkabout into the zone.

Report RSS News From December 9

Some news about the progress of the project. On the menu, Wolf:ET to ET:Legacy engine switch, Windows version, availability of the almost playable version.

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To get the Wolfzone mod development move forward quickly, i switched to ET:Legacy engine. It's a really good engine with a lot of bugs fixed and many improvements made.

But unfortunately, at the level of the source code, ET:Legacy engine is not really compatible with the old Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory engine and obviously with the Wolfzone mod and all the modifications which I had made.

So, for me, the biggest difficulty of these last weeks was to merge ET:Legacy engine and mod with Wolfzone mod.

I still have some work to do, but overall, the mod, in it's new configuration is almost done to get an almost payable version ready to be released.

What remains to be done?

  • Check for correct operation of bots,
  • Append all the Wolfzone mod weapons,
  • Integrate Limbo menu and inventory.

What is new with the ET:Legacy engine switch?

  • Windows version (tested with Windows XP and Windows 7),
  • The sound works well now,
  • OpenGL 3 and up support.

So i'm working on it, and with a little luck the almost playable version will be available before Christmas.

And finally, I would like to show you those skins and player models from marze addon working with Wolfzone mod.

Green Team Skins
Green Team Skins

Blue Team Skins
Blue Team Skins

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Guest - - 699,796 comments

Your mod seems to be very interesting. I like a lot the idea of randomly generated missions. I can't figure how you can do this with the Id Tech 3, and it had to be a pain reimplementing all the stuff in the Legacy version of the engine. When you release it, I will try this mod for sure! Good luck! (Sorry for my english)

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JimLaJungle Author
JimLaJungle - - 8 comments

Well, i think i can re-use and improve the embedded scripting engine. When the player finish the current mission, then the engine can replace the script on the fly with a new one pre-generated. I can implement some custom entities in GtkRadiant to put some spots on the map who define what kind of mission can be activated from this spot.

When the engine have to generate a new mission, it can select randomly a spot, select randomly one of the mission types available at that spot, for example get an object, destroy/construct an objective, defuse a bomb, kill a bot, and so on, and then give the mission to the player.

I often think about how can it will be done, but there is a lot of work before i can work on that, because at the present time i need to append weapons, player models, and maps, so, at first, only team deathmatch with bots will be available.

Thank you for your encouragements.

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