Westeros: Total War is a modification for Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms. It is based on the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels by George R.R. Martin.

Post news Report RSS House Tyrell of Highgarden Preview

House Tyrell of Highgarden is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, overlords over the Reach. Highgarden is an ancient seat of rule and the heart of chivalry in the Seven Kingdoms; the Tyrells style themselves 'Defenders of the Marches' and 'High Marshals of the Reach', and traditionally, they have been Wardens of the South. Their sigil is a golden rose on a green field, and their words are "Growing Strong."

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Hello fans of Westeros Total War

The Westeros Total War team wishes you all a happy New Year. To celebrate this new year we present you several new previews. This is the first part and contains and updated House Tyrell preview.

House Tyrell of Highgarden

House Tyrell is one of the original and most renowned houses in the Seven Kingdoms as well as a bastion of chivalry. Going back to the days of Harlan Tyrell, the steward of the Reach, this house can proudly track their accomplishments. Harlan Tyrell was granted Highgarden and Lordship of the houses of the Reach after King Mern was burned with his host on the Field of Fire by Aegon. Tyrell, who was Mern's steward, subsequently took control of the Kingdom and surrendered, thus saving his house and those bannermen that remained to him the fate of the King of the Reach. The motto of House Tyrell is “Growing Strong.”

Lord Mace Tyrell, Warden of the South, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, Lord of Highgarden has announced his allegiance to Renly and has married his eldest daughter to the would be king thus cementing the alliance between the two parties. The Tyrells stayed loyal to the Targaryens during “Robert's Rebellion“ but bent the knee after the sacking of King's landing.

Rallying around Renly, the Tyrells add their formidable force to the already mounting power of the charismatic king. With the marriage alliance, the Tyrells stand to gain immense influence with a victory that they will do all in their power to make sure that is the case. What will the future hold for the Tyrells? Will Renly prove to be victorious thus making the Tyrells royalty again? Or will one of Renly’s many foes defeat him and thus serve a devastating blow to the haughty ambitions of Highgarden?

The new strat models. They will have skins for House Tyrell and several smaller noble houses.

The Units

The roster of House Tyrell has all the standard troops of Westerosi Andal Houses, but with an emphasis on knights and chivalry, which both are in abundance in the Reach.


Peasants are levied men who have been brought in at the word of their lords to fight in battle. They wield the weapons available to them, chiefly scythes or pitchforks. They can serve for arrow fodder, but for anything else, they are no good. A gathering of boys so green they piss grass and greybeards they are and stand no chance against any other forces. They are cheap units, however, and can be effectively used for garrison duty in castles, while the professionals fight wars far away.

Spear Levy

Levied from the lands of the lords these spearmen are not professional soldiers who dedicate most of their time to practice to master their weapons, but rather famers, millers and masons who respond when the lords call their banners and eagerly join battle. Their willingness to join in the field might lessen, however, once they experience the fatigue and famine of campaign. They are not sustainable in close combat, as their lack of severe skill in handling the spear will make them loose ground and rout easily when facing more powerful units.

Reach Spearmen

The spear is shorter than the long pike, though in return it is easier to wield and less cumbersome in close combat. The sturdy wooden spears make them a unit well suited for taking down units with heavy armour, seeing as they are quicker and can strike the holes in their defences. In addition they carry large drop formed shields. When locked in a spearwall formation, they are capable of holding off more powerful units, hiding behind their large buffers and picking strikes at the enemy. They are not much good for gaining ground in such a defensive formation, however, and must soon be supported to complete the decimation of their foes. Likewise as the pikemen, the spearmen are vulnerable to attacks from the rear and flanks, especially against heavy cavalry as they will be battered against the momentum of their horses. The spearmen will make out the larger part of most hosts, and being a regular type of soldiery, the Reach and House Tyrell have loads of eager spearmen awaiting the banners to be called and their service to be needed. With such a force of eager sworn spears, the House Tyrell is advantageous compared to their counterparts, who cannot sport the same great numbers.

Reach Crossbowmen

The crossbow is rightly feared by commoners and nobles alike. A simple weapon to use, it requires little training; the tremendous force created by the traction of the bow makes the iron-fronted bolts able to penetrate steel plate, chainmail, leather and flesh. The weapon is simple in both design and purpose, and so every commoner could be equipped with it. These men, however, are professionals. They have devoted their lives to mastering the crossbow and are more than proficient with its use. On the battlefield, they lack the arc of firing provided by regular bows and so the ground before them should be cleared of allied units before unleashing the power of their bows, so to avoid friendly fire. Like other missile infantry, however, they must be kept out of the mêlées, and if kept in the front lines, they should be retreated thoroughly behind friendly lines. From there they can continue wreaking havoc upon the enemies left standing. The House of Tyrell deploys both crossbowmen and longbowmen, the diversity of their hosts is impeccable, not only are the men plentiful, but also well trained and skilled in the use of their weapon, as befits a House with such magnitude of power. The crossbowmen of the Reach may not be the most famed of soldiery, but their use is important. The bolts fly with great speed and accuracy, impaling their target.

Reach Pikemen

The pikemen are heavy infantry, armed with long, hard shafted pikes. Their armour is heavy chainmail and leather gambesons and they utilize the phalanx formation when attacking. The main strength of the pikemen is their ability to act in cohesion and as a single, impenetrable unit. Only their flanks and rear are unguarded. The pikemen often make up the bulwark of a host, commanding the long line of soldiery. Care must be taken, however, that they are not assaulted from the rear or flanks, especially by cavalry, for then they lose every advantage they have. For the pikemen are significantly strong when facing cavalry and being in formation, they skewer peasants and nobles both on their long confounds. The simple pikes carried forth by the pikemen quickly prove particularly deadly in their skilled hands, the wealth and prowess of a knight matters little when his horse has been impaled and he lies on his back on the ground. The Reach has no shortage of men and supplies, easily they can provide bountiful of such common soldiery. With splendid wood from the lush forests and fields covering the region, they produce not only good quality steel from the blacksmiths of Oldtown, but also good wood for the shafts.

Reach Longbowmen

Not only does the longbow have a greater range than both the shortbow and the crossbow, it is also a more difficult weapon to master. To learn it thoroughly, the archer must eagerly practice for ten years. Only then will he master the bow completely. Needless to say, these men are skilful in their use of the deterrent and will keenly prove so on the battlefield. In battle, the longbow has been proved to not only be a weapon good against massed, poorly armoured units but also to pick out the better targets, such as knights and nobles as their arrows can penetrate their steel plates. The longbowmen are a powerful force when used from afar as they should, though their commander should take care not to put them in exposed areas, as they are not equipped for close combat. The House of Tyrell deploys both crossbowmen and longbowmen, the diversity of their hosts is impeccable, not only are the men plentiful, but also well trained and skilled in the use of their weapon, as befits a House with such magnitude of power. The arrows of the longbowmen of the Reach run swift and true through the air, and find their target.

Reach Men at Arms

When in battle, men-at-arms can easily be confused with knights. They are both armed in heavy armour and they carry lance and sword. They have no noble blood, but are rather professional soldiers who have received the patronage of lords and been given armour, weaponry and the right to carry their arms into battle, heralding their own approach in even more grandeur. They are not inconspicuous on the field of battle either; they swagger in their heavy armour and expensive arms. The castle forged steel aids their skill in battle, and being cheaper than regular knights, they are a frequently and commonly used unit in the armies of lords. They are good as shock infantry, using the weight and momentum of their leaping charge to great effect against other infantry. Their weakness is against the mounted forces, as they do not stand much chance when the destriers and coursers ride in a deafening thrust towards them. As one of the richest Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, the House of Tyrell can easily afford to have many men-at-arms on their wages. Hedge knights and freeriders flock to the Reach to serve the roselords, who pay handsomely for each sword sworn to their cause.

Reach Mounted Men at Arms

The men are regular men-at-arms, only their patrons have provided them with a warhorse as well. They resemble knights even more when atop their mounts, looking yet more imposing in heavy armour and flying the banners of their lords. Like the men-at-arms, mounted men-at-arms are professional soldiers who have been taken into the service of a lord and in return been afforded with the tools of war. They function as heavy cavalry and are a unit often sighted in the order of battle. When charging, they point their large lances forward and drive them with incredible momentum into the targets. As a mounted force, they are even more imposing than their infantry counterparts and pose a greater threat on the battlefield. Normally, a lance will break upon such impact and the man-at-arms will draw his mace or sword and plummet it into the nearest foe. They are, as other cavalry, vulnerable against spearmen and pikemen, and best used against light troops or when delivering the final blow to a wavering unit. As one of the richest Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, the House of Tyrell can easily afford to have many men-at-arms on their wages. Hedge knights and freeriders flock to the Reach to serve the roselords, who pay handsomely for each sword sworn to their cause.

Sworn Swords

Sworn swords are knights gathered from the region. Armed with the long lance, behind which they concentrate the full momentum of the destrier onto the pointy end, mercilessly driving into the enemy. When locked in mêlée, they will draw their swords of castle forged steel and wreak further havoc. Though the unit might seem immensely powerful, it will not steamroll all opponents. Especially, the sworn swords should be guarded against pike and spearmen and if outnumbered by heavy cavalry they should be withdrawn and used elsewhere. Remember, the best use of the sworn swords is hit and run, to utilize the power of their horses.

Reach Nobles

Noblemen are perhaps the grandest and most splendid warriors to be seen upon the battlefield. Their glistening plate armour is made of the finest steel and their surcoats emblazoned with the sigil of their House. They are the lords bannermen and their sons and heirs. Rich as few and with royal blood fleeting in their veins, they are a proud and deadly force. In battle, they need not fear as much as the commoners either. If flung from the perched seat of their barded destriers, most men are already done for. Many would rather collect the ransom of such highborn hostages than kill them off. They fight no less fiercely for that matter, however, and are capable of breaking through most formations. Though they are not, to be sure, immortals. If facing far too many enemies, they too will fall. The Reach is filled with lordlings and noblemen, and as the womb of chivalry, they are fierce fighters all. The fiercest some would say. Whatever their true powers, they are knights and lords with great prowess and thunder across the battlefields, sword and lance in hand. With a ready supply of bannermen and their sons and heirs, House Tyrell have another asset to their marshalled armies which proves a valuable advantage.

Oldtown Spearmen

The metropolis of Oldtown is located at the very tip of south-west Westeros. Being the second largest city in the Seven Kingdoms, it’s holders, House Hightower, command great power. Overlooking the Redwyne straits is the High Tower, seat of the House. Also hosted at Oldtown is the Citadel, scores of acolytes, maesters and archmaesters are made there. The Lord of Oldtown is given the hereditary title Voice of Oldtown and holds the right as defender and speaker for the city. Needless to say, such a vast city needs a force of trained men to guard it from danger. Both wretched sellsails and even infamous ironborn scour the surrounding waters, looking for easy prey. These men are armed with the spear, as well as a large shield. They function like regular spearmen, only the Oldtown Spearmen are used more for garrisoning than pitched battles. Still, when in battle, they will stand tall like the High Tower itself and fight nobly for the cause.

Oldtown Crossbowmen

The metropolis of Oldtown is located at the very tip of south-west Westeros. Being the second largest city in the Seven Kingdoms, it’s holders, House Hightower, command great power. Overlooking the Redwyne straits is the High Tower, seat of the House. Also hosted at Oldtown is the Citadel, scores of acolytes, maesters and archmaesters are made there. The Lord of Oldtown is given the hereditary title Voice of Oldtown and holds the right as defender and speaker for the city. Needless to say, such a vast city needs a force of trained men to guard it from danger. Both wretched sellsails and even infamous ironborn scour the surrounding waters, looking for easy prey. The Oldtown Crossbowmen are used to take shifts of patrols or quelling minor uprisings in the streets, though that makes them no less skilled in the use of their weapon. With no less power than regular crossbowmen, they will fire deadly volleys into their enemies before crouching and hiding behind their large shields while reloading.

Oldtown Knights

House Hightower is a strong House. One of the strongest in the Seven Kingdoms, to be sure. The city of Oldtown lies under their protection, and the lords of the High Tower are sworn to Highgarden and House Tyrell. Still, the city of Oldtown and the surrounding areas are capable of sending their own companies of noblemen. The city of Oldtown is even rumoured to be able to raise twenty five thousand levied men, when the banners are called. Such a powerful force must be treated with respect. The noblemen are rich as well, not only numerous, and when riding into battle, covered in plate and steel they make for a splendid display. Preferably used by lords as a reserve force of elite horsemen, they can be used to turn the battle at the last moment, charging in steelclad and bold to ravage the already wavering foes.

Horn Hill Vanguard

Horn Hill is the seat of Lord Randyll Tarly, sworn bannerman to House Tyrell. Men have been known to dub him the finest soldier in Westeros, a great honour. What is then to be expected from his men? Elite heavy infantry, they are armoured with pieces of plate armour and chainmail under the surcoat displaying the red huntsman of Horn Hill. They carry large two handed greatswords, akin to the Valyrian sword of Lord Randyll named Heartsbane. Though armed in heavy mail they are extremely resilient to fatigue, and the additional weight complements their heavy charge. The Horn Hill Vanguard is well used when sent to charge into the enemy, running the last few feet before the clash. At the Battle of Ashford, during Robert’s Rebellion, Lord Randyll led the vanguard of the Tyrell forces and before Lord Mace Tyrell could enter the battleground, Randyll Tarly had inflicted the only defeat on the forces of Robert Baratheon.

Highgarden Knights

In all of Westeros, the Reach is best known for chivalry and the display of knights. The heart of the Reach lies at the end of the Mander and the start of the roseroad, Highgarden. The wealth and courage of the lands combine to make the finest knights of the realm. From the rosy seat of House Tyrell they ride with great ferocity and skill in battle and tourneys. Armed from head to toe in glistening steel plates on, for most, unruly destriers they make a fine display and salute the legends and songs of knighthood. The son of Lord Mace Tyrell, Loras, has been dubbed the Knight of the Flowers and at the age of sixteen has already made himself famed across the Seven Kingdoms for his prowess with the lance and sword. The Knights of Highgarden follow his example.

Tyrell Household Guards

The citadel of Highgarden is renowned across the kingdoms, all seven, for being the heart of chivalry. The seat of House Tyrell is a sight of splendor in the summer, when the flowers have bloomed and rise beneath the white walls, striking for the sun. The groves and fountains give the seat the impression of paradise. But do not be mistaken, the fortress, though shadowed in beauty and magnificence is a castle, a stronghold, a holdfast. It must needs be also have a company of guardsmen. They are clad in the green and gold of Tyrell, upon their surcoats the crest of the green rose. They are a force of guards, though they are powerful in pitched battles as well. They are armed with sturdy spears and strong shields for the opening fight, and a sword once the close combat commences. A unit to be feared, and wisely used.

The horses will be changed to armored ones in the release. Bow Levy and Outriders units will be added as well.


Units by: Emperor of Hell and Murfmurf
with help from Toho
Map by: Toho
2D art (strat) by: Noobas
Coding by: Mhaedros, Kilic Ali, Inarus, Dux
Text: HeirofAlexander
Thanks to the other mods letting us use their stuff! Rusichi TW, Mare Nostrum, Narf, Dejawolf and others in the M&B community!

Post comment Comments
petersl - - 19 comments

looks amazing :D but the picture od oldtown knigts shows oldtown crossbowmen, just so you know :D great work keep at it

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Lesser - - 760 comments

seen this on TWcenter was so happy to see this coming along and still work getting done on it

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Toho Author
Toho - - 30 comments

yes, TWC is always first to get the updates.
we update MODDB later.

sorry if you though it was new stuff :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jesterinatlantic - - 333 comments

in anycase, is really cool see that the mod still alive and kicking... keep it up, just update moddb when you'll release it!

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I_Love_Cat - - 98 comments

Can you please desaturate the colors on the textures just a little bit? Especially the red and yellow tones need to be desaturated, and maybe darkened a bit. Everything just looks too colorful right now, some colors almost get a neon glow to them which feels very inappropriate for a medieval age game.

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GeneralPatton3 - - 290 comments

Where is the Redwyne Thornguard?

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Tarrayin - - 3 comments

I'm still waiting

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