A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style.

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How to add new characters to your fnt/tex font files to support PT-BR and other languages (Games : Fallout: New Vegas : Mods : Vanilla UI Plus : Forum : Support & Feedback : How to add new characters to your fnt/tex font files to support PT-BR and other languages) Post Reply
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Jul 3 2024 Anchor

Yes, it's Fixedsys. The developers didn't realize that using a pixelated font with resizing would give results as poor as the way this font looks in the game, but it is what is is.

You can get a tilde from Ñ to apply it to à and Õ, and modify it for the lowercase ã and õ.

Actually there exists ñ, but its tilde looks worse than its uppercase version.

Jul 3 2024 Anchor

Now that I saw the message because it was on the second page, that's exactly what I did, I tried to match the size of an Ñ, for example, and apply it to à and so on, and it worked, but it really looks ugly hahaha.

I saw that in the original game sources there is a font called 'monofonto_verylarge02_dialogs2', is this font also not used?

Jul 4 2024 Anchor

Monofonto_verylarge02_dialogs2 is used only for the Pip-Boy menu titles in the upper left corner, so you can ignore it.

However, in VUI+ with the Classic Font option this is replaced by the original Fallout font. This is in the "O P T I O N A L\Classic Pip-Boy Font\Textures" folder and it has to be fixed. You can find the original truetype version on the r_Fallouty.7z archive in the fomod folder.

You may also have to fix the original Glow_futura_caps_large font that's used for quest names. This one is capital letters only.

Jul 4 2024 Anchor

It's true, I was already forgetting about glow_futura_caps_large, because it's not included in the VUI+ package. I was almost overlooking it. Regarding the classic font, why do we need to fix that one and not the original game's?

I noticed that in the classic font (Monofonto_VeryLarge02_dialogs2) from the Classic Pip-Boy Font folder, there are no uppercase letters with accents; all accented letters are lowercase. Should I also create uppercase versions? By the way, there is already a classic font with accents on nexusmods that includes all the accents I added to the other fonts, as well as some that already existed: Áá Ãã Ââ Àà Çç Éé Êê Èè Ëë Íí Îî Ìì Ïï Óó Ôô Òò Õõ Úú Ûû Ùù Üü Ææ Ññ ¿¡

Here is the link: Nexusmods.com

Jul 5 2024 Anchor

You're right there's no accents on the uppercase Classic version. I forgot that. The reason was that I wanted this font to be as space efficient as possible for the Pip-Boy.

If accents are necessary in non-English languages, they must be added.

As for the two versions of the classic font in Nexusmods (the one you mention and its older counterpart):

  • They both fail to credit the guy who did the real work of converting the original Fallout font to truetype: Sebastien "Red" Caisse.
  • They have wrapping problems, due to the very old converter used in the 1st classic version.
  • They have no smoothing or outlining.

The last one is a big issue. Without smoothing these fonts cannot look the way the original was intended in CRT monitors.

My version was first modified in a truetype editor to improve various issues and slightly condense it to allow more text to fit on item lists. Then it was edited with a HEX editor to fix wrapping issues. It was really a big task, not to be compared with a simple conversion.

So, if you decide to fix my Classic font, please don't use glyphs from these two conversions.

And also, if you decide to fix my Classic font, please notice there are some accented fonts that are slightly wider. The narrower versions are better, so if you can fix those wide ones...

Jul 5 2024 Anchor

You telling me this now even makes me afraid; could it be that my edited sources are also not good? I always try to make them as close to the original as possible, is it something related to their dimensions, size, width, etc.?

Edited by: andreselos

Jul 5 2024 Anchor

No you won't have issues, because you've used the modern Oblivion Font Editor and my modified fonts. There were specific reasons I advised you for those, but I could tell you beforehand. Besides, modding is an ongoing project. It would be perfectly natural not to have a perfect result from version 1.0.

As for my Classic font, just try to retain its smoothing and outline in your added accents.

Edited by: Axonis

Jul 7 2024 Anchor

I understand, how do I know if the other languages will need accentuation on uppercase letters, because I believe I am covering 4 languages which are Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish, and French. This classic font is used only on the pip-boy, right? How do I know if in the pip-boy of these 4 languages there are some uppercase letters with accents, for example?

Jul 7 2024 Anchor

You won't, that's why I said earlier that you might prefer to stick to Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish, and French and let users know that you can add support to extra languages if they are willing to test your fonts.

You can leave the Classic Font aside. I know it's difficult to do because I included no accented uppercase letter when I first made it. We may fix this together at some point. I still have my modified truetype version somewhere.

As I've said, you can add the word "official" to your mod if you wish. This is the only VUI+ patch that can bear this title because you have fixed an issue that annoyed me for the last 2 years at least.

Just to make my point clear.

First release your mod under a generic name such as "Official VUI+ Font Patch" with a clear description such as "adds support for Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish, and French accents". Don't use a specific language name in your mod, it will restrict its reach for the future as you might add extra languages.

Then let users know that you can add support to additional Latin-based languages (such as Polish) if they provide you with the font folder of their games and promise you to beta test your edits.

If you aren't going to fix Classic, then you can simply pack your modified fonts along with the VUI+ fonts.xml file as they are organized in the Font Tweaks folder in my archive. So your archive will contain:

Menus\Prefabs\VUI+\fonts.xml (unmodified from my OPTIONAL\Font Tweaks folder)
Textures\Fonts\*.tex and *.fnt files (your modified versions, based on those from my OPTIONAL\Font Tweaks folder)

And you're free to enable dollaro points on your mod if you wish.

Edited by: Axonis

Jul 7 2024 Anchor

Alright, I'll see if I can do that when I get home then. I'll leave the classic font for later. Could you give me more information about these Dollaro points? I've never been into modifying games. I have a project to convert the original New Vegas translation into Brazilian Portuguese for TTW, but I haven't really considered that yet, so I can say I'm completely inexperienced with reward systems, etc. And why need to add the font.xml file? Won't the person installing the fonts already have the file in VUI+?

Edited by: andreselos

Jul 8 2024 Anchor

It's Donation points, my mistake. You should first publish a small mod at Nexus and enroll to their Donation points system to understand it. Just be careful, your government might consider this a form of income so you might have to declare it somewhere. If you can ask a local accountant that would be best.

why need to add the font.xml file? Won't the person installing the fonts already have the file in VUI+?

Yes, VUI+ is required but the xml file contains extra tweaks to optimize the positioning of my (our) modified fonts.

Jul 9 2024 Anchor

Sure, can I use the art you use on VUI+ as the background? I plan to write "Official VUI+ Font Patch" to make it more official to your project. If so, where can I find this image?
I saw that in the Donation Points system, I can add another user to share the points, which is fair since you taught me how to edit the fonts. If you'd like, please give me your username on Nexus Mods so I can add you.

Edited by: andreselos

Jul 9 2024 Anchor

Yes, you can use this image. It's in black and white to distinguish it from the original. You should add your mod's name on top of it. I would suggest that you also include some of your added glyphs with a shadow effect.

You can keep your donation points. You've done a great job.

However, you must make sure that no permission is given to anyone else (except for myself) for your patch for any reason. Nexusmods automatically gets several rights, which is why I prefer to send you a modified version of my logo.

Jul 9 2024 Anchor
I would suggest that you also include some of your added glyphs with a shadow effect.

How can I make a sample like this? Since I can't use this source in any other way except in the game?

You can keep your donation points. You've done a great job.


However, you must make sure that no permission is given to anyone else (except for myself) for your patch for any reason. Nexusmods automatically gets several rights, which is why I prefer to send you a modified version of my logo.


Edited by: andreselos

Jul 10 2024 Anchor

Since you can export fonts to PNG you can use the PNG.

My method was to convert my icecream photo to dds, set it to Textures\Interface\main\main_background.dds and then modify the Start Menu to hide everything under a layer containing my mod's name. That's what I would use, but that requires understanding of menu code.

Just add your mod's name you can improve the logo later.

Jul 10 2024 Anchor

Alright, it's already on Nexus. Check if it's good, and if any changes are needed, just let me know.


Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Sure, the Nexus is down right now, will check later.

Crediting David Cobb, the author of the Oblivion Font Editor, is the right thing. He's done a great job.

There's an old file which has been flagged as a virus ? Weird, but you better delete that.

I'll sign it to Nexus later (it still doesn't work) to endorse your patch.

I've updated my installation guide to point to the official font patch. I suggest that you link to my guide.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Huh, were you able to see it before the site went down? How do you know I credited the creator of the Oblivion Font Editor? About the file flagged as a virus, I don’t know why that happened; it only has font and XML files, strange...

I've updated my installation guide to point to the official font patch. I suggest that you link to my guide.

Thank you for that, and the VUI+ link is already in the requirements.

Oh, now I understand, sorry, you're talking about your guide, got it!

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Either Virus Total flagged it unsafe (I don't think so), or a Nexus employee thought it was too good to be true.

You should definitely delete that old file when you can.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

You should definitely delete that old file when you can.

How do I delete it, I sent a startup file but it was wrong, I tried to delete it every way possible, the only thing I managed to do was overwrite it with another one, but the old file insists on remaining.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

I really don't know. They used to allow authors to delete old files. You should probably contact Nexusmods for that.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Sure, I'll get in touch with them. It seems that since 2021, they only authorize archiving files, not deleting them, I just read it here.

Where could I be adding your guide, in the description itself?

It seems that the Nexus website is back to normal.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Yes, archive it but also do contact Nexusmods to remove that "Some suspicious files detected" flag from your mod.

I'd suggest that you replace the long "How to Install?" text with something simple:

First install VUI+ with the Default Font Tweaks option, and then install this patch. This patch must overwrite VUI+.

You can also follow the official VUI+ installation guide.

Jul 11 2024 Anchor

Yes, archive it but also do contact Nexusmods to remove that "Some suspicious files detected" flag from your mod.

Alright, I've already sent an email to them.

I'd suggest that you replace the long "How to Install?" text with something simple:

First install VUI+ with the Default Font Tweaks option, and then install this patch. This patch must overwrite VUI+.

You can also follow the official VUI+ installation guide.

Okay, much simpler and easier to understand, I always get tangled up with these things hahaha thank you.

I've already edited the 'How to install' section. It really looks much better now, it was a bit confusing for something so simple.

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