Welcome to Unique mod, Crimson Tears mod for TES4: Oblivion!

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First version of my Unique Mod, Crimson Tears mod is released!

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I am happy to announce that first version of my mod, alpha 1.0 is ready and you can download it.
It took me so much time to finish it to a stage, which is playable. Still few things can be missing or there can be bugs but I tested it and it's playable.
Here are some screenshots, which you can also see at mod's gallery:

New birth sign:

Special potion that enables enchanting by drinking it:

Special potion that enables spell making by drinking it:

Enchanted arrows for archers to buy at Thoronir's shop (they restock every 24 hours):

Earlier if you had too much gold there was no way to spendt it good, now you can buy new unique items at Thoronir's shop(they restock and change every 24 hours):

An angel guardian summon (you will be able to summon him if you choose Summoner birthsign), who gains power and get stronger when you level up:

You can get it for free ofcourse here:

You can support and hasten my work by donating.
Thank you for any donations and playing my mod!

Regards, specopsbarton, developer of Crimson Tears mod.

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