Tiberium Secrets was a C&C3; mod that was developed from 2011-2020. Our vision was to create a future for the Command & Conquer universe. We had 3 new factions planned, and managed to release 1/3 of our planned content. We scoped too big, and unfortunately needed to cancel the other 2 new factions. These included novel mechanics, lore, and IP. etc. Development has been sign sealed, and delivered. All that is required to play the ASI is a working copy of C&C3;: Tiberiumn Wars. All of the content is FREE! Of Charge. Explore to your hearts content! Love it or hate it, all things must end, so new things can grow.

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The ASI explained, in depth. If you want to explore without knowing ahead of time, DO NOT READ.

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Attacking Scrin base

Greetings Actuators,
For a while, we have remained a mystery to most, only revealed by those who dare to explore our corner of the matrix. But now, under the orders of ASIM, we will reveal some of our secrets. So, without further to do, let’s begin.
To start, we use a "dozer" construction system, which some may find familiar. The Auto Designer is able to build anywhere on the battlefield. Guard it well, as it is weaponless. We also have a mobile wall unit, known as the Conductor.

Thou Shall Not Pass

The first is the Neutralizer. It is a multi-use unit, which can manually switch between anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, and anti-air weapons on command, though with considerable downtime while switching. It’s a jack of all trades, master of none unit.
The Synthesizer is our engineer class, and it can also clone buildings. It also has a base weapon that allows it to suppress enemy infantry.
The Inquisitor is a unit that excels against massed infantry and structures. It can easily clear garrisons with its weapon.
The Conscripter is weaponless, but is able to convert enemy infantry to your side.
The Crippler is our heavy infantry unit, able to stand against tanks and other vehicles. It can also deploy into a small artillery gun.
The Anubis is a melee menace, able to make quick work of anything that gets too close.

Dozer Screenshot

Now, onto the vehicles:
The Hunter is a light gunner, equipped to deal with light threats either from the ground or the air. It's able to deploy into "horizon watch" mode, which allows it to be an anti air turret. It is also able to leap over obstacles.
The ASI’s Harvester has a "centrifugal shield" ability that allows it to repel some projectiles, such as missiles.
The main battle unit of the ASI is the Crow Tank, a unit that can use lightning to its destructive capabilities. If upgraded with salvage, it can use chain lightning.
The next is the Phora Hound, with a debilitating splash damage “breath” attack. It is able to call in air strike missiles against static targets at great range with its laser designator.
The next is the Athor, an artillery unit able to lay siege to enemy positions.
The last is the Ammit, the pinnacle of ASI’s ground army. Its raw power is restrained only by its low speed and maneuverability.

Catching shadows: Manta prison abbility

And now, the aircraft:
The first is the Eye Bot. This is a repair drone, and a suicide bomber, it also is able to provide sight for artillery units, such as the Athor.
The next is the Ibis, it's an anti-vehicle chopper, which can be loaded with an optional missile load out.
Next is the Owl, which is a gunship equipped to attack both air and ground targets. This unit is able to lay an aerial minefield to deny safe passage to enemy aircraft.
The last is the Manta, which doubles as a heavy ground support aircraft and a bomber, depending on its loadout.

attackingNod base

Now, the base defenses:
We have an anti-infantry, an anti-vehicle and an anti-air defense. The main difference is the anti-air tower is at T3 and it's incredibly powerful. Also, a little-known feature is all base defenses gain veterancy.
The Four Horsemen is the super weapon, which has 4 different missiles on it.
Basic mechanics:
Power Consumption
In addition to requiring power for our structures, our units also require power in order to operate at peak efficiency. How much power a unit requires depends on its tier: a T1 unit or squad requires 1 unit of power, a T2 unit requires 2 units, and so on.
It's important to note that all vehicles are able to collect salvage, dropped by destroyed ASI vehicles, which will upgrade them.
All ASI units are able to “Digitize”, which is similar to teleportation. This is facilitated by the support aircraft, known simply as the “Digitizer”. This support unit takes the role of air transport, and allows for rapid deployment within its radius.
The Conscripter facilitates a mechanic that allows you to convert and “Assimilate” enemy infantry, allowing for ASI versions of select infantry to be produced at the Assimilation chamber.

Explore to your synthetic heart’s content!
“Persistence in perfection!”

Dark turret

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