The Third Reich is a ww2 themed modification for the Unreal Engine, the main goal is to provide the player with an infantry simulation experience, blended in with intense online action and amazing level design,we've already begun to expand the main ideas and more in order to provide you with an even more intense game on the next Unreal engine.

Post feature Report RSS The Third Reich - The First MOTM!

Few mods look as impressive as The Third Reich a WWII sim and with good reason too! No effort has been spared in creating this beauty! With its public release eminent, what better mod to be the first to recieve modDBs, elusive MOTM honour!

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The Third Reich is a Total Conversion for Unreal Tournament. We chose the Unreal engine because it can handle complex architecture and scenes for our maps. The scenarios can be filled with detailed settings; you can fully take advantage of every box or building in your way to prevent your character's death.

We are using this particular engine because of its many advantages to the average player; the engine supports high resolution textures to make scenes look more realistic, and the netcode is awesome, allowing anyone from the lowly player on a 28.8 Modem to the enthusiast on DSL/Cable to play at competitive and fair levels.

Our Goal is to re-create the tension and suspense of the Second World War.

This will be unlike anything you have played before. TTR will feature multiple objectives to be completed in maps, loads of new gameplay styles, realistic & historically correct weapons and maps, brand new player models and some new features to make it the most realistic, but fun, gaming experience you've ever had.

The Third Reich will primarily focus on the multiplayer part, although I must say that we have already figured out 6 campaigns for a single player experience with the latest unreal technology.

We will feature historically correct maps and weapons. This is to make your gameplaying experience even more fun than anything you've ever played before.

I know what u are thinking right now:
"pfff where did we hear that before..." but it's up to u to judge us, and I think that when you've seen what we've got planned, already have and the team behind this project, you'll have to admit that we do mean business.

Some Images, Showing off the Class of This Mod!

Feature Image Feature Image Feature Image

Velocity`: Ahoy Stryker! It's Velocity` here to ask you some questions for about The Third Reich. If you would be kind enough to answer, we'd appreciate it!
Stryker: Sure

Velocity`: Okay, so let's get started. For those who don't know you, why don't you introduce yourself for them.
Stryker: Well I'm Stryker, co-leader of The Third Reich, been working along side with Spunge all this time, my task in the mod was especially during the inititial steps to gather a team skilled and motivated enough to join us. Second thing i do is mostly public relations, and project lead.

Stryker: And also a bit of quality assurance but everyone on the team does that, to make sure the quality of the product is the highest we can offer.

Velocity`: Cool. What encouraged you to Co-Lead for The Third Reich?
Stryker: Well, basically spunge and I felt that there was an emptyness in the ut mod world out there, so we stuck our heads together and came up with a basic mod idea. And that was ww2 based, very basic but a good start. After that we took our time (about a year) in coming up with what the mod should contain, how it should feel, and all kinds of details.

Stryker: At that time there really wasn't much mods or games based on ww2, after that year they started coming up like mushrooms, it was like everyone had the same idea around the same time. However we where still motivated to continue, something we're all gratefull for.

Velocity`: I see. What is the theme? Single Player/Multiplayer/Adventurous?
Stryker: The initial ut release will be mostly aimed at providing an intense online war, after the initial release we will most definatly update that one with new weapons, maps and if neccessary gameplay fixes.

Stryker: AI's will of course be available, but its far more intense with human players.

Stryker: The future plans depend on the feedback of the community.

Velocity`: Sounds interesting.

Velocity`: What are the gameplay modes for The Third Reich? What are they about?
Stryker: The gameplay is mostly objective based, this can go from either capturing documents, encoding machine (enigma), destorying objects (recently coded), and capturing Territories, so basically its very dynamic and basically limited to the mappers own imagination, and historical facts of course.

Stryker: A map can contain multiple objectives, and they can be archived in a random order.

Stryker: For now most of the objectives are for the allies, the axis have the hard task at the moment of defending, but we are working for some objectives for the axis too.

Stryker: Though playing as the axis isn't necessary less fun than the allies.

Velocity`: Woah now, let me speak a little bit. Hah, anyways, sounds good. When do you expect the following Beta to come out?
Stryker: Hmm, hard to say actually, the internal beta's arrive rather shortly from the last one, after a month or so we compile a big internal version, so that would probably be the same with the public one.

Stryker: Its getting a stable base that takes the most time, and thats what the first release will be.

Velocity`: Alright, that about sums it up. But is there any comments you would like to say?
Stryker: Well i'd like to thank you for interviewing me, and i'd also like to invite everyone to our forums, every little contribution counts. And hopefully you'll like our mod when it comes out!

Velocity`: Alright. Congratulations on the first MOTM for, thanks for your time!
Stryker: No problem.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

I just have to hand it to this mod team... i mean they went out on the field.. researched their mod... for a freelance team they certainly are motivated and deserve all the accolades there mod is certain to get when released..

now i just gotta hook the modDB up with some exclusive stuff direct from this mod :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
azzDB - - 1,077 comments

I've said it before, but this isnt my type of mod, however I really cant ignore the obvious effort you guys have put it, congrats ;)

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spunge - - 2 comments

on behalf of our entire team i would like to thank you for this great honor.

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Chandler - - 106 comments

I thought we were going to nominate mods for MOTM... has this changed?

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

Chandler wrote: I thought we were going to nominate mods for MOTM... has this changed?

hmm, I completly forgot about that nomination part..

for the next month all mods shall be nominated to see which takes out the MOTM honour. I just wanted to code it in and have a sweet mod selected and I am certain you agree that this mod is well and truely worthy!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Chandler - - 106 comments

Perhaps you think it is a sweet mod, but not everyone may agree. Even if they do, then it will get nominated on its own anyways. The important thing is that people get to make the choice. MOTW is already chosen by modDB staff, so it is good that MOTM is nominated.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

chandler you are 100% correct.. i forgot about that system lol, i think since i had the system coded in i just needed to select a worthy mod and well this one fitted the bill :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Chandler - - 106 comments

That's fine, but I'll be waiting for next month to see who wins ;). On a side note, do you have any sort of repeat nomination protection put in so the same mod doesn't win all the time (since it's based on popularity)? Like a mod can only be nominated for MOTM once a year or something.

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ralph - - 7 comments

Just from a popularity, setup point of view, you guys should invert the two selections.

The mod of the week should be chosen by popular demand and nomination votes, that way there can be 52 winners in a years with recognition spread to alot of good work and projects. Well deserved exposure.

and then Mod of the Month, gets chosen by database staff, for showcasing truly outstanding achievement as they see fit.

And This mod looks pretty good. but I'd like to see those gun models ingame, not just rendered art

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bigthreesix - - 286 comments

yes, id have to go with intense on this... good job guys

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

ralph wrote: Just from a popularity, setup point of view, you guys should invert the two selections.

The mod of the week should be chosen by popular demand and nomination votes, that way there can be 52 winners in a years with recognition spread to alot of good work and projects. Well deserved exposure.

and then Mod of the Month, gets chosen by database staff, for showcasing truly outstanding achievement as they see fit.

And This mod looks pretty good. but I'd like to see those gun models ingame, not just rendered art

Actually I 100% agree with you on this... for the next month it'll remain as it presently is as I am busy coding various other exciting features into the modDB however rest assured this shall change!! Great suggestion thanks for it!

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ralph - - 7 comments

this is a great site, surprised there aren't more like it on the web. Suggestions to help make it better is the least we can do. And as I've looked around a little more, theres a couple amazing projects listed here. and the most popular definitely doesn't mean the best, so that nomination system needs to have some checks and balances.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

Thanks for your kind words and once again what you say is 100% true.

Popularity does not always mean the best, so yeah I guess it just comes down to admin disgression when deciding between a few mods at the end of a month. Besides if a mod is good and misses out, it should later be recognised as been of such quality.

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token - - 1 comments

This is what unreall needs!! if its anything like DOD was to halflife. It will be a 100% improvment to the unreal engine. the engine is amzingly capable but is put to waste because the game moves so fast you hardly have a chance to injoy it. Realism adds a sence of pertinece to a scenario and historical value makes gamply even more meaningfull: Compared to jumpads, aliens, & flak cannons combined with mindless eratic combat. This type of gameplay always leaves me feeling unsatisfied. and is the reason i have only played my 50$ +unreall2003 like 10 times and probly wont play it again intell you guys realese your badass MOD


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killa-kiwi. - - 2 comments

yeah I think, no i know this mod is going to be awesome :)

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Buzzy - - 2 comments

it ok

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Buzzy - - 2 comments

it ok

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PsychoFarmer - - 105 comments

maybe there could be the motm and motw, as well as an "admin mod" or something like that
then the admin can go around, and if they find a really good mod that hasnt gotten as much recognition as they might deserve, than they could have it be the admin mod of the whatever, so that the good mods that might otherwise go unrecognized can get some support, as well as the popular ones

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CC.Majin.EsF - - 38 comments

Is there a "Game of the Year" award for the most watched, hit, nominated all around loved game in the database?

1 condition

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