TNM is a huge singleplayer mod for Deus Ex based on the gaming community, finally released after 7 years of development.

Post news Report RSS TNM 2.0 - Day 2 Patch Released!

The Nameless Mod Day 2 update is the third of multiple patches to update Classic TNM to version 2.0. Note this is the third file of the TNM Mission 20 stand alone file. This patch is designed to update all maps in day 2. Be advised that you may experience some bugs or weirdness. If you would like the full TNM 2.0 experience, wait until all patches are completed. Standalone patch, no other downloads needed.

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  • Disabled idle animations/sounds for the guards in Scara's office during the intro.
  • Disabled the player's shadow when they're meant to act as a camera during a cinematic.
  • Fixed one of Kashue's lines getting cut off in the intro.
  • Made DD "uncloak" when he spawns and fixed paper sometimes disappearing on screen during the intro.
  • Made pawns not look at the player if they're in a cinematic.

Chapter 20:

  • Added IRC tutorial magazine to Phasmatis' computer.
  • Added anti-robot cache to the start of OSC 3.
  • Added the tester room as Narcissus flag #6.
  • Apartment cop that says he's going to get a coffee now goes to get one.
  • Bogie is no longer an ex-moderator.
  • Changed Phasmatis' password from Antithieus to Antitheus.
  • Fixed Abomination telling the player to talk to Beefman after they have.
  • Fixed Bwark and Kleef not singing due to missing cactus.
  • Fixed NVS's quest being available immediately when starting a new game from a game with the required credits.
  • Fixed Phasmatis' apartment door not having a key set.
  • Fixed Silver Dragon becoming hostile if you save him, leave the level, and return.
  • Fixed WC genetics and nanites computers having the other department's usernames and logins.
  • Fixed a shotgun poking out of a locker.
  • Fixed an oversight where Phasmatis wouldn't give you the silencer if you didn't initially have space.
  • Fixed some water at the end of Despot's level looking bad due to not being a fog zone.
  • Fixed the OSC part 4 medbot falling out of the world.
  • Fixed the goal for the hidden stash saying it was NE when it's SW.
  • Glottis now contains the weapons he sells.
  • Hammer & Sickle is now fearless.
  • Improved the camera angles if you interrupt Clark firing Sam.
  • Jimmycracker now makes child sounds.
  • Made Meggie eat other fish.
  • Made sure Bogie always gets knocked out instead of dying.
  • Moved the PM_Evil_ServerCodes datalink trigger to the top of the Mr Fusion elevator.
  • NVS's PM about you knocking out/killing Alpha now requires him to have your HUD codes and fixed the goal reappearing if you get the program without being asked to.
  • Phasmatis' door should no longer lock itself anymore.
  • Removed other cleaner bots during Hoover's reward.
  • Replaced the throwing sporks in the Goat storage with throwing foons.
  • Slicer no longer runs from projectiles in his cell.
  • Switched Lo Vaquero and Dreamcast's positions, so Dreamcast's basement warning works.
  • The melk thugs are no longer afraid of each other.

Chapter 20/22:

  • All showers can now be used to remove sewer stench.
  • Allowed deaths at the PDX HQ if they weren't caused by the player (e.g. A2).
  • Andreus now gets pissed if you steal the stuff from behind him, unless he knows who you are.
  • Changed Narcissus' physics so they float.
  • Clark's name is now consistently Clark.
  • Fixed WCID doors that sometimes didn't have collision.
  • Fixed a WC security console with username and password swapped.
  • Fixed bad tag on PDX sewer door, allowing PDX HQ to be accessed on day 2 by WC players.
  • Fixed clean up and closure of FanFic Shop if a fight happens inside.
  • Fixed death camera in the Voodoo Shop.
  • Fixed infinite skillpoints from Trestkon's locker.
  • Fixed sewers the breakable pipe smoke effect
  • Fixed the Voodoo Shop door not being locked at times when it should be due to bad tag.
  • Fixed the persistent info for WC sublevel.
  • Fixed weapon shop turrets floating sometimes.
  • Gave Kylie's stereo music.
  • Increased the amount of ammo you get for the napalm launcher if taking it from Andreus' body from 1 to 10.
  • Made Aemer's cat important.
  • Made Hobbes fight since he has lines for it.
  • Made ZP's desk aug upgrade persistent.
  • Made the giant sewer spiderbot bAlwaysPatrol.
  • Male Llamas outside the temple no longer talk about you being inside the temple.
  • Removed a chair so the WCID receptionist can reach the alarm.
  • Replaced Goat water fountains/coolers with melk ones.
  • Switched the public news computers to the TNM class in the WC lobby.
  • The dog at the entrance to Goat City is now important.

Chapter 21:

  • Added "summon winquman" texture.
  • Added an Ion Storm node for computers.
  • Added lava spitters to Frontend.
  • Added missing Beeblequix rants.
  • Beeblequix should no longer talk about the threads goal if already done.
  • Changed DXI HQ to use caverns music.
  • Ensured that the boss holograms disappear if you defeated or bypassed them.
  • Fixed Beeblequix's static still happening if he's dead.
  • Fixed floating medbot.
  • Fixed using the computer to destroy the threads only destroying one of the panels and spawning the protectors.
  • Improved the knockout sequence.
  • Increased the MS timer from 10s to 1s to make it more responsive like the others.
  • Removed random camera placement flag from Beeblequix greeting, uses pre-defined side camera now.
  • Slicer's barks now work for his boss fight.
  • The lava bubbles are now able to be teleported by BSP errors.

Chapter 22:

Exclusive levels redesigned for this update.

  • ATC card is now useless after driving into the tower.
  • Added correct flag for Black ICE virus upload.
  • Alpha no longer tells you you're going to ABI before it's been decided.
  • Athena's guards now protect areas of her apartment, instead of bundling up.
  • Corporate NPCs no longer hate you for helping fight.
  • Corporate warning infolink now plays if taking the vents to the subway.
  • Fixed a duplicate copy of a safe's contents being a mile out of bounds.
  • Fixed a phone falling out of the world.
  • Fixed Athena's leg textures.
  • Fixed missing tags on PDX doors accidentally allowing access for WC players.
  • Fixed missing trigger to turn Beefman hostile if you keep bugging him.
  • Fixed the Demolition Man's lines not working.
  • Fixed the Downtown PDX security bot not being hostile when allied with WC.
  • Fixed the outro music being missing.
  • Fixed the secret Voodoo Shop firewalls going friendly after an alarm.
  • Made one of the subway hostages stand still instead of wandering around.
  • Made Tangy play his barks if the firewall he talks to is dead.
  • Midashand now no longer appears outside the helicopter while flying it during the outro.
  • Moved Wolfy into the light and removed the shoulder shot cameras as they clip in his model.
  • Only CSI guards are allowed to revoke ATC cards now.
  • Ported Hoover's missing reward slot to M22.
  • Reduced subway power panel to 10% strength.
  • Removed Alpha's pistol.
  • Removed an email that looked like Deus Diablo's girlfriend was breaking up with him, but didn't exist.
  • Removed the random helicopter sounds because it's canon that there's no other helicopters in the city.
  • Replaced Agent Jones in Corporate District with generic WCID Agent.
  • Scara's guards no longer let you shoot them twice before getting angry.
  • The day 2 portals no longer activate if Yardbomb was killed.

Chapter 23:

  • Added infolinks for the ABI office mission if you manage to skip the office and then backtrack.
  • Fixed issue if NVShacker is killed/knocked out and A2 appears at ABI.
  • Gave Ricemanu a hometag.
  • Leaving Slicer with his katana in M21 lets him use it in M23.
  • Made Trestkon's breath visible during conversations at ABI.
  • The lab barricades are now breakable, prevents a softlock if the Leviathan is destroyed.
  • The ruins' skybox is now used for the one face that it'd apply to.
  • Treskton now gets the same amount of ammo the player has, plus the default.

Chapter 24:

  • Added messages for activating the oxygen pumps.
  • Fixed Sluggo's apartment hallway lights not having the correct tag.
  • Fixed some situations where the Debugger could set the player on fire permanently.
  • Fixed the line about the player killing Slicer in his cell not working.
  • Fixed the line about the player taking melk not working.
  • If you somehow didn't take an elevator to Phasmatis, you are no longer told you did.
  • Lowered airlock trap doors min damage threshold to 1 to account for new vacuum mechanics.
  • Moved the repair bot to not block the vent.
  • The ROFL console is now disabled during PDX playthroughs.
  • You are no longer called a liar if you didn't tell anyone why you left Forum City.

Chapter 25:

  • Fixed an error with the DXO lights in the ending.
  • Fixed the denouement ending getting stuck at the Goat section.


  • Removed mention of 6 chemical bottles to make a molotov in training.


  • Added IRC settings for location, kill, and death messages in Settings > Game Options > IRC Settings.
  • Fixed the /help command in IRC not giving a list of commands and added help for these commands.
  • Increased IRCFont height from 10 to 11, fixes the top row of pixels being hidden from characters and their tittles.
  • Now plays a sound when receiving a message.
  • Now plays a sound when sending a message.
  • Now plays a sound when someone joins.
  • Passive IRC messages are now yellow, green if your name was in them.
  • Passive IRC now auto-reconnects after a level transition.
  • Passive IRC now gives reasons for disconnects due to loading/level transitions.
  • Replaced IRC "connected" message with "connecting" as still waiting for a server reply.


  • AI no longer uses ricebags against bots.
  • AI now has the ability to use the plasma rifle's penetrating ability.
  • Changed red greasels so their fire only appears during their animation like a regular greasel, makes it easier to dodge.
  • Changed the PS20 to use the TNM plasma bolt, increases damage from 8 to 40 and lets it penetrate walls.
  • Changed the buoyancy of divers to match their mass so they don't float up.
  • Cut final frame of napalm launcher down animation.
  • Despot no longer strafes so his attack animation plays properly.
  • Disabled BSP turret fire ability if confused.
  • Disabled frames 22/23 from WeaponWrench to improve Attack2 animation and make it look less broken.
  • Disallowed picking up fire extinguishers when at max ammo for one.
  • Edited some stats of RyanHitman2 to match RyanHitman1.
  • Environmental Training no longer affects the lollerskates.
  • Fixed ABI elite guard gas immunity.
  • Fixed NPCs not caring at all about being stuck full of flare darts.
  • Fixed Ryan's hitmen not being immune to gas like intended.
  • Fixed firestaff and flamethrower max range.
  • Fixed some singular rockets falling out of the world.
  • Gave ABI commandos fist weapons by default, only used in air environments and when out of ammo.
  • Gave NPCs the intelligence to switch between ammos. Makes Kylie use her assault rifle both ways.
  • Gave doberman dogs the ability to jump attack.
  • Hazmat suits now reduce flamed, EMP, shocked, burned damage, as intended.
  • Implemented headshot damage for ricebags vs player.
  • Increased the range of the gibinator.
  • Kept the instigator chain going for napalm glops, blobs, and bleps.
  • Kept the instigator chain going for taser slugs.
  • Kept the instigator chain going for vortex grenades.
  • Made Ballistic Armor/Protection reduce sabot damage.
  • Made Phasers immune to stun and gas damage.
  • Made giving someone credits transfer the credits to them.
  • Made melky greasels immune to melky damage.
  • Made people who are knocked out while on fire die.
  • Made rabid dog blood invincible.
  • Made range mods now affect the max range of projectile weapons and only the accurate range of instant weapons. Previously did nothing for projectile weapons.
  • Made the AI only use the fire extinguisher vs players as an absolute last resort and never if the player is on fire.
  • Made the PS20 only use the long discard animation for the final PS20 use, otherwise use the shorter unused animation and allow chaining.
  • Made the WC commando immune to gas as was intended.
  • Made the fists a lethal weapon when used by NPCs, and made them the absolute last weapon choice.
  • Made the moderators immune to gas damage.
  • Made tranq mines immune to halon gas damage.
  • Made unconscious people "drown" in vacuums.
  • Melee weapon hits x5 > x3.
  • NPC energy reduced from 500 to 150, 200 for mini-bosses, 250 for bosses.
  • Nerfed mini-GS memeber speed from 300 to 60, melee damage from 6 to 3, and ranged damage from 8 to 3.
  • Phasers and stalkers now play their burning animation correctly.
  • Plain katana damage 10 > 18.
  • Reduced PHAT rifle AI sound when using ricebags.
  • Reduced the health of TNM cameras from 50 to 10.
  • Removed range mods from the sniper rifles as they're useless.
  • Ricebags are now also non-lethal when doing non-head damage.
  • Spider canisters are now immune to ADS.
  • The AI should no longer try using the baton against robots.
  • The fireblade now works in water and vacuums, but doesn't deal its fire damage in these conditions, only blade damage.
  • The phaser now teleports around when fleeing.
  • Trestkon's pistols no longer have a worse RoF in the weapon shop.
  • Weapons requiring oxygen to fire no longer work in vacuums.


  • ADS no longer detonates lava bubbles.
  • Activating the blackbox now makes the red light turn green, as was seemingly intended at one point.
  • Added 2.0 to the main menu title.
  • Added AllKeys/AllPasswords cheat.
  • Added TantalusAll and TantabusAll cheats.
  • Added ThereIsNoRadish cheat.
  • Added ZP to credits for voice acting.
  • Added a few more hints.
  • Added a sound for a silenced pistol firing.
  • Added a soundtrack option to play with the CD OST soundtrack.
  • Added aug upgrade to AllItems cheat.
  • Added horizontal log scrolling.
  • Added hotkeys for computer applications.
  • Added magazines to Phasrox.
  • Added the 3 fanfics to Phasrox.
  • Added vortex grenade to AllCheats.
  • All x option for item refusal now actually saves the settings.
  • AllAmmo cheat now also instantly reloads your weapons.
  • Allowed greasels to turn their heads.
  • Buying ammo from the AI now always spawns new ammo to give them player instead of giving the player ALL of the AI's ammo of the type they have.
  • Can no longer print blank emails.
  • Capitalized Athanatos' name.
  • Changed "Charge remaining" to "Fuel remaining" for lollerskates.
  • Changed AO's pistol to have the same view offset as a stealth pistol.
  • Changed caution box fragments to metal.
  • Changed textures on the DXA Guards.
  • Changed the katana's description to not call you a cheater since you can legitimately get it from Slicer.
  • Changed the land sound of coffee.
  • Destroying cameras now also destroys their stands.
  • Disabled blend anims, head turns mainly, when rubbing eyes or dying.
  • Disabled conversation gestures when a character isn't meant to say anything for their line, cases where the line is just "...".
  • Disabled flamethrower igniter fire in a vacuum.
  • Disabled frobbing for flies, should prevent them getting in the way when reading.
  • Disabled shadows for Gwog and That Guy.
  • Disabled the breath generator while dying.
  • Disabling the egg display now keeps it off for the whole game.
  • Enabled the dump system by default for new users.
  • Fixed AJ's face textures being lopsided.
  • Fixed Dark Templar's teeth texture.
  • Fixed GEP gun culling on 100fov.
  • Fixed Kevo-sama teeth textures.
  • Fixed Mines not having uppercase belt descriptions.
  • Fixed Phasrox spawning the wrong item for pistol, spork, swords, and screwdrivers.
  • Fixed TVs not keeping the instigator chain, fixes Aemer's broken TV lines.
  • Fixed The Nameless Adventure expecting the name Hellen Keller instead of Helen Keller.
  • Fixed Trestkon's skin color when holding grenades, prods, and flamethrowers.
  • Fixed a big delay on the sound of a goat burning.
  • Fixed a board guest with blue teeth.
  • Fixed a lamp's light only being half lit.
  • Fixed an incorrect level name on Breakout level 18+.
  • Fixed an issue with a bad texture on generic carcasses, like AJ.
  • Fixed bad message when receiving images.
  • Fixed being able to get multiple blackboxes from killing Pimp JoJo.
  • Fixed bleeding pink mask on Goat Melknett terminal texture.
  • Fixed fireblade description typo.
  • Fixed many typos.
  • Fixed one of Andreus' lines being unused.
  • Fixed post-2004 dates to pre-2004.
  • Fixed scramble grenade description.
  • Fixed some of Scara's emails having the wrong address.
  • Fixed some phasrox categories being merged.
  • Fixed texture for quad rocket launcher's ammo.
  • Fixed textures on Evil Invasion.
  • Fixed the breath location for crouching NPCs (Ricemanu).
  • Fixed the female Llamas calling Lamar Llamar.
  • Fixed the player turning to face the wrong actor at times during 3+ actor conversations.
  • Fixed unreliable phat rifle muzzle texture function when using ricebags.
  • Fixed uranium stick's glow being offset when you pick it up.
  • Fixed vending machine titles not being the correct width when given custom titles.
  • Fixed very broken wrench model.
  • Gave Silver Dragon lip syncing.
  • Getting knocked out no longer makes your body bleed.
  • Hijacked ToolTitleBarWindow to show the TNM logo instead of DX.
  • Holding ctrl now fast-drops pieces in Tetris.
  • Improved Hello Kitty texture.
  • Improved masking on Phasmatis infolink icon.
  • Improved tranq mine culling and made using your last one not display another in your hand while it's placed.
  • Increased Ghand's eye height to be more accurate and make the player look up at their face instead of their torso when talking.
  • Increased default FoV from 75 to 90.
  • Increased katana mass.
  • Increased the LODBias for beans as the label would disappear.
  • Increased the height of the flamer bot slightly.
  • Increased the time to display infolink text as it's usually too fast and TNM text is long. Should allow people to read what's being said.
  • InstallWindows cheat now also affects cash registers.
  • Invincible security chairs are no longer damaged by burning.
  • Item refusal now just drops the item on the floor instead of trying to spawn a copy.
  • Made IAmGwog and IAmSpyGuy require cheats.
  • Made LoveMe and HateMe affect robots.
  • Made PS20s display their ammo amount on the belt like grenades instead of their ammo name.
  • Made PS20s not show in the ammo list.
  • Made That Guy not make pain sounds.
  • Made all holograms fearless.
  • Made buffer, froba, kill, hateme, loveme, teleport, and setbool require cheats.
  • Made carcasses gib from fall damage.
  • Made incinerators hiss and create steam when entering water, like fireballs.
  • Made the aug on/off sound only play once per tick for AI augmentations, rather than for every aug.
  • Made the melee anim match the speed of the weapon (better animation).
  • Made the molotov just spawn liquid if broken in an area with no oxygen.
  • Made the remainder of the game localizable.
  • More realistic damage value for molotov.
  • More realistic damage value for tranq mine.
  • Moved POVCorpse mesh further right to prevent culling on higher FoVs.
  • Moved public computers to PDX nodes.
  • Multihit melee weapons now always play their hit sound at full volume.
  • NPCs now play idle lines while sitting.
  • Possibly fixed issues with the phaser's effect lingering.
  • Prevented fire from sticking on walls in areas with no oxygen.
  • Removed all mentions of tranq mines exploding.
  • Removed high pitched sound on ATC/CSI/DXA guard lines.
  • Removed high pitched sound on female goat lines.
  • Removed mentions of Deus Ex characters in item descriptions.
  • Renamed melky greasel spit to pure melk spit.
  • Replaced THEREISNOSPOON cheat.
  • Silver Dragon's fireballs no longer create light to prevent crashes.
  • Skipped the character creator window for Radish Adventure and just go right in to it.
  • Standardized Jaysee's name to Jayzee, as that's the name used in the cipher.
  • Standardized mission location strings.
  • Taking EMP damage now shows static.
  • Tidied Deus Diablo's shirt texture a bit.
  • Tranquilizer Mines are now consistently called that instead of Trip Bombs.
  • Vending machines now instantly change text when selecting an item.
  • Vortex grenades now affect grenades, projectiles, snow, rain, and polystyrene.
  • Vortex grenades now damage carcasses.
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