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The Man From UNITY is a mod for No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way. For more screenshots, progress reports and forum feedback, hit the banner:

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The Man From UNITY now has an official theme song - Los Angeles based band DB5 have given us permission to use the fantastic Bond-inspired track Tomorrow Never Dies. A hot contender in Fox Interactive's No One Lives Forever Music Search, 'Tomorrow Never Dies' was shortlisted for the original

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The Man From UNITY now has an official theme song - Los Angeles based band DB5 have given us permission to use the fantastic Bond-inspired track Tomorrow Never Dies.

A hot contender in Fox Interactive's No One Lives Forever Music Search, 'Tomorrow Never Dies' was shortlisted for the original Monolith game but was pipped at the post by Rich Ragsdale's now famous theme tune. Well, Agent Archer's loss is Isako's gain, as DB5's outstanding song fits hand-in-glove with the tone and story of The Man From UNITY.

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