The End Of Days is a freeware modification for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. Our mod adds a new playable faction - Russia, and greatly improves the original three with new units, structures and special powers!


New patch that features a series of small changes!

The End of Days - 0.98.5 Patch 3 - Full Version
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jenyasafronov - - 7 comments

The competition regime was fixed?
UPD. no did not fix it (

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aaroninfante12 - - 20 comments

Is the Challenge mode fixed?

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jenyasafronov - - 7 comments


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Anhi - - 7 comments

Hello.. Error reporting - The F35 fires at infantry without damage...

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

I love the effort of the mod building community. But despite the fact I enjoy this game. I just dont like how the A10s when guarding doesn't go back automatically after firing their missles. They stay using just their machine gun. the Thad X on USA doesn't fire missle even when you put radar on them.

Overall Love the support of the mod team behind this. it's the perfect mod otherwise

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Thaad works fine, you are just using gamedata.ini file which conflicts with our files...

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say_full - - 6 comments

The same problem still persisted. I finished tao's map and didn't let me finish the game even though there is no more buildings

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Здравствуйте. Играл в этот мод начиная с версии 0.95. Мод безусловно шедевральный, проделана колоссальная работа и спасибо разработчикам огромное! Но с выходом версии 0.98 я к сожалению не смог с удовольствием, как раньше провести пару часов за отличной, уникальной игрой. Дело в том что ИИ в последних версия мода стал слишком сложным, раньше я справлялся с ИИ на самом высоком уровне сложности, теперь только могу играть на лёгком уровне, так к��к ИИ стал просто адским. У меня вопрос, ИИ и должен быть таким просто жесточайшим или может я при установке сделал что-то не так?
Мод загружен через Genlauncher.

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Many people can beat the hard AI, also we are working on new version of AI which will be smarter and more balanced.

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eil - - 873 comments

Just stop playing as dumb comp-stomper and become better player - AI become harder to be a proper opponent, not just a beating toy. Your own saying that before you easily could deal with hardest AI proves how weak old AI was.

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Alpharius33 - - 1 comments

Превосходство ИИ в противостоянии против человека и так очевидно. Его задачи красиво проиграть, а не в очередной раз доказывать, что если ты не киберспортсмен и не можешь в мультизадачность, микроконтроль и 1000+ кликов, то получай закономерный проигрыш. Большинство хочет насладиться проделанной работой мододелов, опробовать новые юниты, тактики, а не пыхтеть и превозмогать. Докиньте мегасложность выше обычных и пусть у кого куча времени и сил обмазываются сложностью по полной.
P.S Сугубо моё мнение, которое может не совпадать с мнением сообщества и любителей соревновательных режимов.

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Play vs medium or easy AI and you will have the fun you are talking about. For now that's what we can offer.

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mst199674 - - 13 comments

Hi..why in this mod enemy don't any move and attack me....and my other mod the end of day...I install two mod ... cold war Cris and the end of day with gen launcher...but in game enemy don't any move ..built and ....?

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didro1989 - - 3 comments

Hi ! You'd better turn to the Cold War Crisis topic. I have two mods via GenLauncher . Everything works.

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mst199674 - - 13 comments

Hi gen launcher is not work I fix it .. please guide me..

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mst199674 - - 13 comments

Where I can download gen launcher????

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say_full - - 6 comments

What happen to Gen launcher? unable to launch it. crash and error message pop out

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

We are not Gen Launcher DEVs, so please ask such questions in Gen Launcher server.

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say_full - - 6 comments

done fixed it. I just reinstall GenLauncher and run smoothly.

You can find it here:

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JohnWASD - - 4 comments

Hi, tried Challenge mode, works good and is more balanced now, medium still feels a bit stronger than it should be in therms of rss and multitasking but good its back.

Only issue I found is whenever I play against Air Force general game crashes. Tried reinstalling, changing resolution and all, using GenTool also but no matter who I chose against it it crashes there.

Love the mod, continue the good work.

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AndrewTheDuke - - 6 comments

You know what's going on, right? Will the dev team add paraglider units for the GLA?

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments


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canhtung203 - - 12 comments

Hi, i see pantsir now cant fire at the land unit

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FLAYTREP - - 89 comments

I have a question about the US reconnaissance means in the form of an airplane, which not only repels all missile attacks with a laser, but also lures all air defense systems to itself for about a minute, no bullets or missiles can destroy it, how to deal with this ?

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lianmacmilan - - 4 comments

can't using generals promotion skills, while play in skirmish mode

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randyarmy2000 - - 196 comments

Mi-24 can't loaded Troops and Missing Upgrade

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gamillionaire - - 3 comments

Same issue. I tried fixing it by looking at the Contain Module, but no luck... It's driving me nuts.

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ZerstоreR - - 1 comments

В Челлендж моде против ядерного генерала следующие баги:
1) Ядерные ракеты не наносят первичный урон, демажет только радиация
2) После уничтожения всех войск и всех зданий миссия не завершается и невозможно вступить в бой со следующим генералом

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VaIentine - - 20 comments

The best Mod of C&C Generals Zero Hour.
You guys did a really good job!

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Thank you, slowly it will be even better, more balances, improvements, new EDA faction, and finally I'm planning to remake all core faction's structures with totally new and unique design, different from ZH, so it will almost as a new game.

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FLAYTREP - - 89 comments

It looks like you have solved the problem with desynchronization in multiplayer against Artificial Intelligence, have already fought with your partner more than 5 times and no problems (there may be a decrease in FPS, but not for long). Thanks to the team who created this mod!Waiting for a new faction!

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Is t80bv going to be added?

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

I don't believe so, Russia already has tons of tanks ...

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Hello... [Chinese self-propelled howitzers are unstoppable]. [Similar systems must be provided to the Russians and the United States]. Just like the [economy and speed of unit production] plus [the ability to steal money without being noticed] is a complete imbalance in the game and excessively favors the Chinese faction

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Nope it's not imbalanced, we have many played PvP games, and such scenario is not imbalanced.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

B-21 Raider could come?

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

It's in the mod already...

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AndyB66 - - 7 comments

Can anyone help me? I love this mod, but every time I try to build a KASHTAN gun it locks up the game. Anyone know how to fix this? I have tried reinstalling several times with no luck? Have used GenPatcher, Gentool etc ....all no good.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

В целом мод довольно глубокий. Хотелось бы видеть аналог этого на движке CNC3
при игре за Россию, возникают проблемы с РЭБом, когда ты приказываешь ему развернутся и стоять, он почему то может либо сложится и стоять либо вообще сложится и уехать. Так же большие проблемы с оптимизацией, если играешь в игру дольше 30 минут по необъяснимым причинам начинает все дико лагать. Я так понимаю это зависит от развития бота( я играю с ботами тут они дикие какие то).
Нужно что то делать с оптимизацией и с "послушностью" отдельных юнитов которые ведут себя как считают нужными. РЭБ нужно закодировать так же как и ПВО, мол ты его развернул и они стоит, а не так что он может уехать. Это критически важно при игре с серьезным соперником так как без РЭБ тебя просто сносят.

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Alexei_Stukov Creator
Alexei_Stukov - - 5,575 comments

Optimization is great, it really depends on which maps you play. Some maps are problematic due to paths and multiple objects they have and this is not a mod issue.
IDK what is that REB you are talking about...?

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