Ready to defy darkness? Deathshead is back to unleash the power of the philosopher's stone through his new super soldiers - will B.J. Blazkowicz survive?

Report RSS Launch update — beware the uprising of The Dark Army! (updated 12/25)

The Dark Army: Uprising... has released! Beware the uprising of The Dark Army!

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Since Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 08:30 PM (UTC+01), The Dark Army: Uprising is available for download on Microsoft Windows via Mod DB. Fruit of the work of more than three years of labor, and one year after its useless initial release, this single-player standalone Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ mod, now powered by RealRTCW 2.0, is completed, stable and playable. You can download the English (US) version by clicking the button below.

Depuis le samedi 3 décembre 2016 à 20:30h, The Dark Army: Uprising est disponible en téléchargement pour Microsoft Windows sur Mod DB. Fruit du travail de plus de trois ans de labeur, et un an après sa sortie initiale et inutile, ce mod solo indépendant de Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, maintenant roulant sur RealRTCW 2.0, est terminé, stable et jouable. Vous pouvez télécharger la version anglaise (US) en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.

The Dark Army: Uprising — English (US)

Mod of the Year Awards

You may all know it already, but the 15th Annual Mod of the Year Awards, 2016 Mod of the Year Awards, has launched on Mod DB. I recently realized that many of you have already voted for this modification, but now that The Dark Army: Uprising has released, you can be judge: if you feel it deserves its place on the podium, feel-free to vote for this mod. After working on it for years, of course it would be pleasant to earn recognition in such a form of event.

Vous devez probablement déjà le savoir, mais les 15th Annual Mod of the Year Awards, 2016 Mod of the Year Awards, ont été lancés sur Mod DB. J'ai récemment réalisé que beaucoup d'entre vous ont déjà voté pour ce mod, mais maintenant que The Dark Army: Uprising est sortit, vous pouvez être juge: si vous pensez qu'il mérite sa place sur le podium, votez donc pour ce mod. Après avoir travaillé dessus pendant des années, bien sûr que ce serait plaisant de gagner en reconnaissance lors d'une telle forme d'évènement.

Now that The Dark Army: Uprising has been released, its official Office of Secret Action forum is active again. Come and have a talk with other agents to discuss about the ongoing operations, share pieces of advices with those in need of help... and elaborate the perfect strategy against Deathshead's dark army.

Maintenant que The Dark Army: Uprising est disponible, son forum officiel du Bureau des Opérations Spéciales est de nouveau actif. Venez nombreux et discutez des opérations en cours avec d'autres agents, donnez des conseils à ceux qui en ont besoin... et élaborez la stratégie parfaite contre l'armée sombre du Boucher.

You may want to say it's ridiculous while being explainable: the Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ 15th Anniversary Event has been delayed again, moving to December 19, 2016, as more projects are willing to participate. At the moment, eight projects are going to be showcased during said event: The Dark Army: Uprising, 15th Anniversary Edition, Remade Weapons II, Dingenskirchen, Dystopia as well as three unannounced projects. RTCW Remake Mod could potentially be the ninth showcased project during the event, through a new trailer, but it remains to be confirmed by its authors.

Vous aurez l'envie de dire que c'est ridicule tout en étant explicable: le Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ 15th Anniversary Event a encore été reporté, déplacé au 19 décembre 2016, car d'autres projets ont la volonté d'y participer. Pour le moment, la présence de huit projets, pendant l'évènement en question, a été confirmée: The Dark Army: Uprising, 15th Anniversary Edition, Remade Weapons II, Dingenskirchen, Dystopia mais aussi trois projets non-annoncés. RTCW Remake Mod pourrait potentiellement être le neuvième projet à apparaitre pendant l'évènement, au travers d'une nouvelle bande-annonce, mais cela reste à confirmer par ses auteurs.

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lowenz - - 1,065 comments

Great release!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thanks for playing and supporting this mod. Please leave a review when you can, as feedback is essential. Also, feel free to check or create threads on the official Mod DB "Office of Secret Action" forum, available from Finally, if you feel it deserves its place on the podium, then you can nominate this mod for the 2016 Mod of the Year Awards.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

Thank you for this stand alone RTCW mod, have downloaded it and am playing it now. But, it is very hard to play. Already have died 3 times in the first level. Seems the mod playes on Hard mode default. Is there a way to set this lower because although i am a experienced fpshooter gamer, this is kind of frustrating to get killed that much that quick.
Can't find a setting in the menu to lower the difficulty settings though.


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Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

Yeah noticed this too. He didn't think about most basic things like proper settings menu in-game and the unchangeable difficulty setting.

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Hi, @Maggy_. Settings will be available in-game, and difficulty will be changeable soon, thanks to a patch (currently in the works) due to release this month.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Hi, @SPY-maps.

As I just confirmed to @Maggy_, difficulty will be changeable soon, thanks to a patch (currently in the works) due to release this month.

Thanks for playing and supporting this mod, btw. Please leave a review when you can, as feedback is essential. Also, feel free to check or create threads on the official Mod DB "Office of Secret Action" forum, available from Finally, if you feel it deserves its place on the podium, then you can nominate this mod for the 2016 Mod of the Year Awards.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lowenz - - 1,065 comments

Yes, enemies are bullet sponges.

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Hi, @lowenz. Thanks for playing.
I can confirm that a patch is currently in the works, and it will fix this.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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