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This month, beware the true uprising of The Dark Army!

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Release date

It's official, the overhaul of The Dark Army: Uprising finally reaches its end, and hopefully you won't have to wait until next year to (re)play it, as it will release for Microsoft Windows this month on Mod DB, more than ten months after its initial release.

C'est officiel, la révision de The Dark Army: Uprising montre enfin le bout de son nez, et heureusement vous n'aurez pas besoin d'attendre l'année prochaine pour y (re)jouer, car il sortira sur Microsoft Windows ce mois-ci sur Mod DB, plus de dix mois après sa sortie initiale.


New options

The Dark Army: Uprising will be running on WolfETPlayer's RealRTCW (2.0) this time and will propose all of its greatest features but it will also gather a bunch of cool new features like playing by day or night, remade guns, better light system, better assets, new user-interface but also more recently with the implementation of sound reverberation to make the in-game world more immersive and realistic.

The Dark Army: Uprising roulera sur RealRTCW (2.0) de WolfETPlayer cette fois et proposera tous ses atouts mais regroupera également une flopée de nouvelles possibilités comme jouer de jour ou de nuit, une meilleure gestion des lumières, de meilleurs assets, un nouvel interface d'utilisateur mais aussi plus avec l'implémentation récente de la réverbération sonore pour rendre le monde du jeu plus immersif et réaliste.

You may have noticed the HUD Color option in the last screen. Yes, for the moment I can confirm you will be able to change the new HUD's color to red, blue and/or green.

Vous devez avoir remarqué l'option HUD Color dans la dernière image. Oui, pour le moment je peux confirmer que vous aurez la possibilité de changer la couleur du nouvel interface en rouge, bleu et/ou vert.

Original game's 15th anniversary

TITEUF-85 Prøductions changes

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Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

Didn't the mod already run on RealRTCW when it first launched?

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WolfETPlayer - - 831 comments

nah, it was ioRTCW

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Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

I forgot lol
Also bought RTCW now so i can play this mod when it is coming out

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

@Maggy Also note that RealRTCW 2.0 by WolfETPlayer brings a lot of new weapons from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. :D Mayhem assured! ;)

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KeMoN - - 140 comments

Looks like my crate texture found a great purpose after all :)
Looking forward to the release and cheers for putting such a great effort into the anniversary event.

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thanks for your support @KeMoN.

Your crate textures are absolutely beautiful– can't get enough crates in maps now, ahah. Seriously, even my profile picture has got one of your crate textures in background. :D

Thx so much for such amazing work!

Reply Good karma+6 votes
H3llBaron - - 903 comments

There are many stuff of community of Rtcw! Good to see the RealRTCW engine with TDA, solid gameplay garanted. Also I'm proud to see new assets with my HD fonts and other fixed textures of Kemon, looks superb! :) TITEUF-85 good work!

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thank-you @HellBaron89; can't wait for you to experience what TDA has become.

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chakotaywood - - 46 comments

This is really splendid news indeed!!

Once again I have to thank you TITEUF-85 and the whole team who have put every effort into this project over the course of many many months. If that doesn't show commitment then I don't know what does :)

Many congratulations to all of you!

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thank-you @chakotaywood for your support over the years.
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy playing TDA.

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ronboy - - 316 comments

It will be great to see a revamped TDA running with the RealRTCW Realism Mod. The new weapons will make it even better too. I think that this is going to be good.

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William Faure Author
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thank-you for your help and support @ronboy.
New weapons mean more chaos, but also new strategies.
Can't wait to see your walkthrough of TDA. :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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