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Some news regarding Uprising's return with recently released RealRTCW engine.

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Here are some —quite big— news regarding The Dark Army: Uprising's return. More than three years since it's announcement, seven months after its first (mixed-reviewed) Microsoft Windows release, the modification has been reworked to match with players' (rather high) expectations. However, one issue was still being faced during said rework: a new engine had to be found to handle some of the promised exclusive features, with the intention to ultimately have a choice to download this modification as an add-on or as a standalone (as originally expected).

Voici —d'assez importantes— nouvelles concernant The Dark Army: Uprising. Plus de trois ans après son annonce, sept mois après sa première sortie (plutôt mitigée) sur Microsoft Windows, la modification a été retravaillée pour concorder avec les attentes (assez hautes) des joueurs. Cependant, un problème s'imposait toujours pendant la dite revisite: un nouveau moteur de jeu devait être trouvé pour gérer quelques unes des fonctionnalités exclusives promises, avec l'intention d'avoir au final le choix de télécharger cette modification en tant qu'extension ou indépendamment (comme pensé à l'origine).

Back last month, I was contacted by Russian developer WolfETPlayer concerning the —now released— engine modification RealRTCW (which is originally based on the famous engine patch 1.42d made by Knightmare) who politely asked for my agreement to use the Remade Weapons/Additional Weapons (extracted from The Dark Army: Uprising) add-ons, released April 21. Of course, I accepted (as everyone's allowed to use these, even without my agreement). I believed in what I was going to get involved in, and I was right doing it. When the first version of RealRTCW was released, I immediately saw WolfETPlayer's coding potential as well as the engine's ability to perfectly handle The Dark Army: Uprising's weapon models. Also, the original patch made by Knightmare has amazing features. So it raised an important question, under the form of an equation: The Dark Army: Uprising + RealRTCW... would it work? I didn't test until receiving WolfETPlayer's agreement. When he nicely accepted, a rather long ride of testing phases began. Of course, I didn't want to make anything official until I had the certitude of the engine's full compatibility with the modification. Hopefully, it works fine, even if the true work will resume with the second version of the engine, RealRTCW 2.0, which is gonna release soon. WolfETPlayer also joined the TITEUF-85 Prøductions crew.

Le mois dernier, j'ai été contacté par le développeur russe WolfETPlayer concernant la —récemment sortie— modification de moteur de jeu RealRTCW (qui est originalement basé sur le fameux patch du moteur de jeu de base, 1.42d, par Knightmare) qui m'a poliment demandé mon accord pour utiliser les add-ons Remade Weapons/Additional Weapons (extraits de The Dark Army: Uprising), sortis le 21 avril. Bien sûr, j'ai accepté (comme tout le monde est autorisé à les utiliser, même sans mon accord). J'ai cru en quoi je m'engageais, et j'ai eu raison. Quand la première version de RealRTCW fût sortie, j'ai immédiatement vu le potentiel de WolfETPlayer's dans le codage ainsi que la capacité du moteur de jeu à parfaitement gérer les modèles d'armes de The Dark Army: Uprising. Aussi, le patch original fait par Knightmare propose quelques fonctionnalités impressionnantes. Donc cela a soulevé une question importante, sous la forme d'une équation: The Dark Army: Uprising + RealRTCW... est-ce que ça marcherait? Je ne l'ai pas tenté avant d'avoir l'accord de WolfETPlayer. Quand il a gentiment accepté, une traversée plutôt longue de phases de tests s'en est suivie. Bien sûr, je ne voulais rien annoncer d'officiel jusqu'à que j'ai la certitude de la compatibilité complète de ma modification avec ce moteur de jeu. Heureusement, ça fonctionne bien, même si le vrai travail continuera avec la seconde version du moteur, RealRTCW 2.0, qui sera bientôt disponible. WolfETPlayer a aussi rejoint l'équipage de TITEUF-85 Prøductions.

Since it had to leave iortcw back last January (when it was retrieved from Mod DB), work has been hard on the modification, improving and polishing the original experience; feedback from the first release (let's say it was Beta test) helped a lot: many mistakes have been fixed. A lot of things have changed, in a good way. However, the modification still needed a capable engine in order to run properly and propose the expected experience... until last week. As of today, be assured the wait will soon be over and that (*more good news*) the modification will, at last, remain standalone, also being available as an add-on. The gameplay has also been revised. It's more user-friendly and, as asked, the "blind" UI/HUD is gone. Below is a screenshot of the new main menu followed by another one showing new "Mission Select" window.

Depuis qu'elle a eu à quitter iortcw en janvier dernier (quand elle a été retirée de Mod DB), le travail a été dur sur la modification, en améliorant et en polissant l’expérience originale; les retours de la première sortie (disons que c'était du Beta test) ont beaucoup aidé: pas mal d'erreurs ont été corrigées. Beaucoup de choses ont changé, dans le bon sens. Cependant, la modification avait toujours besoin d'un moteur de jeu digne de ce nom pour marcher correctement et proposer l’expérience attendue... jusqu'à il y a quelques semaines. Au jour d'aujourd'hui, soyez assurés que l'attente est bientôt terminée et que (*encore des bonnes nouvelles*) la modification sera, finalement, indépendamment disponible, mais aussi en tant qu'extension. Le gameplay a aussi été révisé. C'est plus amical et, comme demandé, l'IU/HUD "où on se sent aveugle" n'est plus. Ci-dessous une capture du menu principal suivi d'une autre de la fenêtre "Sélection de la mission".

As you may fear, this new engine switch will unfortunately affect the availability of the modification on some platforms. Then, the Android release is cancelled (again). As for the Apple Macintosh and Linux versions, these are indefinitely delayed (as this new engine is based on a custom patch made by Knightmare which is basically not compatible on said platforms). The Microsoft Windows release is, of course, maintained. Apologies to those who were waiting for it to release on Apple Macintosh and Linux operating systems.

Comme vous pourriez le craindre, ce changement de moteur de jeu aura malheureusement un impact sur la disponibilité de cette modification sur certaines plateformes. Ainsi, la sortie sur Android est annulée (encore). En ce qui concerne les versions Apple Macintosh et Linux, elles sont indéfiniment repoussées (puisque ce nouveau moteur de jeu est basé sur un patch personnalisé fait par Knightmare qui n'est basiquement pas compatible sur les dites plateformes). La sortie sur Microsoft Windows est, bien sûr, maintenue. Excuses à ceux qui attendaient sa sortie sur les systèmes d'exploitation Apple Macintosh et Linux.

Having the modification being delayed helped a lot in increasing the story background. There's gonna be some deeper backstory about The Dark Relic (which is the artifact Deathshead's uses to raise The Dark Army) treating with black-magic sorcery stories which are reported to have really happened. The intention here is to reinforce the occult part of the modification. All of this through readable books, note-boards and note-books. The introduction scene has also been cutscene-ed and extended.

Avoir la modification repoussée a beaucoup aidé à développer la toile de fond du scénario. Il y aura une histoire de fond plus profonde à propos de La Relique Sombre (qui est l'artefact que Le Boucher utilise pour lever L'Armée Sombre) en traitant avec des histoires de magie noire ensorcelée qui sont dites avoir vraiment eu lieu. L'intention ici est de renforcer la partie occulte de la modification. Tout ceci au travers de livres, bloc-notes et carnets. L'introduction a été cinéma-tisée et étendue.

Of course comes the question... when in hell is The Dark Army: Uprising gonna come back? It's been seven months since its —three days— release, so what!? In fact, my goal is not as ambitious as it used to be. All I want now is to release the modification, not matter how long and hard it will be. It would be nice if it could re-release before 2017. Only time will tell, but with this engine switch we're making a big step. The re-release has to be flawless. Absolutely flawless. Everyone's got to be happy this time. Not 50%, but 100% of the players (or almost) have to enjoy it. One interesting fact to note is that the new release will be multi-language (only texts/UI elements).

Bien sûr arrive la question... quand est-ce que The Dark Army: Uprising revient? Cela fait sept mois de puis sa sortie —de trois jours—, donc quoi!? En fait, mon but n'est plus aussi ambitieux qu'il le fut autrefois. Tout ce que je souhaite maintenant c'est que cette modifcation soit disponible, peu importe le temps et le coût. Ce serait pas mal que ça revienne avant 2017. Seul le temps le dira, mais ce changement de moteur de jeu est un grand pas. La sortie doit être sans défaut. Absolument sans défaut. Tout le monde doit être content cette fois. Pas 50%, mais 100% des joueurs (ou presque) doivent l'apprécier. Un fait intéressant à noter est que cette future sortie sera multi-langage (seulement les textes/IU).

Of course I've shown some screens of the main menu but why not new in-game visuals? Well, my goals are different now, as are my conditions of work. I don't want to spend days on promotion or anything. I've been working in the shadows this year, and that's how it's gonna be from now on. Future projects will be worked in the shadows and will be announced only months before possible release date. Only then it would receive the usual advertisement with trailer(s) and visuals. Only when there's a level of certified satisfaction in the accomplished work. This is how the new TITEUF-85 Prøductions is: development is the shadows; reveal and advertisement close to release.

Bien sûr j'ai montré quelques captures du menu principal mais pourquoi pas de nouveaux visuels de jeu? Et bien, mes buts sont différents, tout comme mes conditions de travail. Je ne désire pas passer des jours sur la promotion ou quoi que ce soit. J'ai travaillé dans l'ombre cette année, et c'est comme ça que ça sera à partir de maintenant. Les prochains projets seront développés dans l'ombre et annoncés seulement quelques mois avant une date de sortie possible. Seulement là ceux-ci pourraient recevoir la publicité habituelle avec des bande-annonces et des visuels. Seulement quand il y a un niveau de satisfaction certifié dans le travail accompli. C'est comme ça qu'est le nouveau TITEUF-85 Prøductions: developement dans l'ombre; annonce et publicité proches de la sortie.

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WolfRTCW - - 519 comments

Great news, TITEUF, the combination of your work and WolfETPlayers work for RtCW SP has superb potential :) .

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

Indeed; thanks for your support and be sure to play RealRTCW 2.0.

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,865 comments

Well made news, keep up the good work!

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thanks mate, keep-up the good support!

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TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

Can't wait to play the new and improved addition, hopefully my voicework won't be a ten minute long black screen. ;)

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ronboy - - 316 comments

Your voice acting was pretty good, I think. I'm looking forward to the revised introduction sequence too.

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

@Ronboy I'm amazed by the quality of @TheRenegadist's V/A work. He fits Jack so perfectly. I will give him more importance in future projects.

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ronboy - - 316 comments

Speaking of voice actors, Titeuf, I'm in need of some for my new project. Can you help me to get in contact with some good voice actors?

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

No problem— I'll send you an email asap.

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

@TheRenegadist This was one of my biggest regrets. The cutscene involving Jack and the OSA Director was 80% complete at the time of the "too" early release— very sorry for that. Hopefully you'll have "all" of your dialogues to listen in-game this time.

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ronboy - - 316 comments

Excellent news, Titeuf. I think that this is a big step forward for you, as a developer. I'm hoping that more mappers start switching to the RealRTCW engine, because it's so much better than the original engine.

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

@Ronboy If many will tell me that RealRTCW isn't an engine and just an engine "mod" which is based on Knightmare's wonderful patch 1.42d, I consider it as a new engine, separate from the other, as it is much more about how revolutionary it is, thanks to the uncommon alteration of the original game's source code. Berserker@WolfSP, iortcw and RealRTCW: each have their own flaws and qualities, but they hold the keys to everything related to Return to Castle Wolfenstein's bright future.

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Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

lol you changed engines again

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WolfETPlayer - - 831 comments

I wouldn't exactly call RealRTCW a completely new engine. I just merged widescreen 1.42d patch with Additional Weapons Mod, also added a whole bunch of new weaponry. Also a lot of balance tuning for AI,Weapons,movement, etc. But still this is not the new engine. I did not wrote this from the scratch. This is simply the best solution for Titeuf right now, since he will be able to deliver widescreen experience without sacrificing new weapons. And there shouldn't be any critical bugs, since i did not altered source code THAT much.

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

@WolfETPlayer In the article, I called RealRTCW an engine "mod" however the Knightmare's wonderful 1.42d source code alteration you did (in such an uncommon way these days) is so wonderful. As I often say, Berserker@WolfSP, iortcw, Knightmare's patches... hold the keys to Return to Castle Wolfenstein's bright future. You didn't keep your talent for yourself by creating a separate patch/engine, instead you merged it with Knightmare's unique abilities and improved his work, thus making a big step forward regarding the development of this kind of collaboration between rare RtCW coders, even if that wasn't intended. Hope you see my point.

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

@Maggy_ Ahah yes that's right. Hopefully this is the last time, I assure.

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FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,559 comments

Looking forward to the re-release ^^

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William Faure AuthorOnline
William Faure - - 772 comments

Thanks-a-lot. Looking forward to the re-play ^^

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