Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles is a total conversion for the fantastic game Star Wars - Empire at War: Forces of corruption. This total conversion will replace every single Star Wars asset of the original game with Stargate assets. This includes units, buildings, icons, sounds, videos and so much more. Pegasus Chronicles offers 3 playable races, the Ta'uri (alliance between Earth and the Asgard), Anubis (a mighty systemlord) and the Wraith. Beside these 3 playable races, you will meet many non-playable ones like the Replicators, the Asurans, the systemlord alliance, the Aschen, the Ori and many more. Each faction will have several space and land units, well known from the series or completely new ones. Contrary to our first full version for the normal Empire at War, the next release will offer finished GC maps, in which you can play through the known Stargate storylines and experience a lot of never seen missions and adventures.

Report RSS Wave mode multiplayer! Happy Holidays!

Wave mode multiplayer is now available (and working) for both stable and open beta!

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Hello dear community,

holiday season has begun! We hope that everyone of you and your loved ones are doing well. :)

While 2020 was not the most active year for us we still got a Christmas present ready for you: Wave mode multiplayer is now available (and working) for both stable and open beta!

The synchronization error that prevented the wave mode to be played in multiplayer has finally been identified (thanks to Brian from Petroglpyh!) and fixed!
Therefore all three wave mode maps available are now awaiting to be beaten by you and your friends:

Battle over Antarctica

Attack of the Replicators

Fight for Aurora

We hope that this new way to play our mod in multiplayer helps everyone to keep in touch with their friends - at least a little bit - while it's currently not as easy in real life as it's used to be.
Feel free to join our Discord server to host your matches:

Click here to see the full changelog:

MotY Top 100...yet again! Thanks! 3
At this point of the news we would like thank everyone that voted us into the Top 100 of Moddb's yet again! We're truly humbled that you helped us archiving that 12 (!) times in a row now!

For 2021 we hope to be able to release even more content to you! Including but not limited to moving the ground skirmish to the stable version, a new galactic conquest map, a final fix for our ship name issues (damn you Lord Yu!) and maybe more! Some of it might have something to do with the image below...

There is more...

Happy Holidays!


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