Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles is a total conversion for the fantastic game Star Wars - Empire at War: Forces of corruption. This total conversion will replace every single Star Wars asset of the original game with Stargate assets. This includes units, buildings, icons, sounds, videos and so much more. Pegasus Chronicles offers 3 playable races, the Ta'uri (alliance between Earth and the Asgard), Anubis (a mighty systemlord) and the Wraith. Beside these 3 playable races, you will meet many non-playable ones like the Replicators, the Asurans, the systemlord alliance, the Aschen, the Ori and many more. Each faction will have several space and land units, well known from the series or completely new ones. Contrary to our first full version for the normal Empire at War, the next release will offer finished GC maps, in which you can play through the known Stargate storylines and experience a lot of never seen missions and adventures.

Report RSS Merry Christmas 2023!

Merry Christmas! We got quite a lot of feedback on our newest GC Stargate Galaxies! Today, we're releasing version 3.0.2, a minor update for our open beta, which addresses some of the most frequent issues reported so far. Get it via Steam or our launcher!

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! We're very happy that you enjoyed playing our newest GC Stargate Galaxies! :)

We got quite a lot of feedback via our Discord and other channels. Thanks a lot to everyone who took the time to get in touch! Today we're releasing version 3.0.2 a small update for our open beta which adresses some of the most frequent issues reported so far:

- Fixing game crashing when using bombing run as Wraith by adding Land_Bomber_Type to Wraith heavy bomber
- Add scale factor to Asuran_City_Death_Clone so it should have the same size when being destroyed
- Re-export Genii Hangar model at 30x the size to fix its scaling
- Disable non-working SGA drone shot ability
- Adding KS7-535 missing description
- Removed duplicate texts of planet P96-844
- Fixed Genii / Jaffa retreat text
- Mentioned research price reduction bonus in Hammond's description text
- Adjusted some planet ability texts so players know which faction get the bonus
- Some more minor adjustments / improvements

More updates to come! Feel free to join the discussion on Discord.

See you next year!

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