Play the Singleplayer Story with the HaZardModding Coop Mod Co-Operatively. Up to 8 players supported via LAN or Internet. 3 different Classes at your disposal, to support the Team.

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In February we where playing the HaZardModding Coop Mod live on stream, see the results in this news.

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In February we where playing the HaZardModding Coop Mod live on stream hosted by @Gallitep.

Despite the few issues that we ran into during the stream @Gallitep felt that the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Elite Force 2 is comparable to Sven Coop for Half Life and even more stable than Synergy for Half Life 2. Which makes me very happy to hear, since I feel this is very high praise coming from him.

With the bugs that where discovered during the stream fixed and some new features added, I feel confident that this is the most polished and reliable version of the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Elite Force 2 Multiplayer to date.

However, I have decided to work on Version 7,

which will be based on a clean code base, thoroughly separating standard game-code, upgrades-code and coop-code. This will take a few months, but should provide a solid base to get rid of all the bugs that can’t yet be fixed. In the meantime version 6 will be maintained and receive updates as needed.

NEW Feature - COOP CLASS !ability

Class !ability

Changed, so that the ability when used will apply to all players at once, not just the player in front of you. But it comes at a price, after using your ability it has a cool down of 60 seconds. The 4 little rectangles below the Class Hud show how much your ability has recovered. You can simply type !ability or use the Circle Menu to quickly activate your Class Ability.

NEW Feature - Circle Menu

Circle Menu

A feature inspired by modern games, by the stroke of a button a overlay is shown with various options. Cycling trough the options is possible via right click and selecting a option is done with a left click. Currently the overlay shows 3 options to select from, the Class ability, the Objectives and the Communicator.

NEW Improvement - Enhanced and Remastered Audio

GBS Mod audio enhancement

You get to enjoy AI-Enhanced and manually Remaster Audio-Dialog of the GBS which is included now in the Coop Mod. An update for the Singleplayer version of the GBS Mod is in development and will take a few more weeks. The AI-Enhanced audio files improve massively upon whats provided with the original release of the open source Mod.

CRITICAL Fixes - Mission breaking bugs fixed

Critical Fixes

Thanks to the fact that the play trough with the Host Gallitep was streamed live on twitch and recorded, many issues could be fixed that where previously reported but could not be reproduced or identified. The visual records and the direct conversation with the person that ran into the issue helped a great deal in resolving them.

NEW Improvement - Last Man Standing

The LMS code has been rewritten completely and prevents now Players from cheating by simply reconnecting. Also picking up a secret golden Ship during LMS will revive dead Players and allow them back in. Also transferring a life to a dead player can be done with the command !transferlive or by using the Coop Communicator Menu.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to @Gallitep for hosting a special Coop stream.
And to the special Guests @Wilverine and @KdogPrime.

Gallitep Twitch link

Gallitep Youtube Link

Wilverine Youtube Link

Watch a recording of the stream on YouTube

Video on yt

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