Play the Singleplayer Story with the HaZardModding Coop Mod Co-Operatively. Up to 8 players supported via LAN or Internet. 3 different Classes at your disposal, to support the Team.

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Just in time for the end of the Year the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Star Trek Elite Force 2 comes with a new playable Point and Click Demo Level...

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First of all, happy Christmas and Holidays to you all!

In time for the end of the Year 2023 comes version 6.0018 of the HaZardModding Coop Mod for Star Trek Elite Force 2

Point and Click Level Preview

The new playable Test level prf_pointAndClick alowes you to try for the first time Point and Click Mechanics in Elite Force 2, enabling a whole different way to play a level.

The Basic controlls are:
FIRE, to select and de-select a unit.
ALT-FIRE, to mark a place for the unit to move to or use its special ability at.
USE, to activate the Special Ability of the unit.
RELOAD, to zoom in and out.

Special Abilities Preview

The Test level features four Hero units, each unit has its a special ability:

Jurot, can heal friendly units nearby.
Picard, can order a powerful Orbital Strike.
Munro, can request a Awayteam beaming down.
Tuvok, can Mindmeld with enemy units and make them become one of your own.

Another noticable new Feature is the Ability for Medics to heal friendly NPC with your Tricorder, a feature that has been requested many times. There are also many more minor new Changes, Feature and Fixes as well as some newScript Commands.

I am especially looking forward to any feedback regarding the Point and Click Test level.
Enjoy the new version and have a great time.

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