Play the Singleplayer Story with the HaZardModding Coop Mod Co-Operatively. Up to 8 players supported via LAN or Internet. 3 different Classes at your disposal, to support the Team.

Report RSS HaZardModding Co-op Mod 6.0014

This version mostly consists of bugfixes, upgrades and conviniency features.

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Just in time for the 20th Aniversary of Star Trek Elite Force 2 comes the new Version of the HZM Coop Mod.

Coop Header

This version mostly consists of bugfixes, upgrades and conviniency features. There is no new content, except for prf_bCommander, a example map for recreating Bridge Commander like Bridge control.
There is one more map in Work and it might come out in 2023.

Most Visually noticable change:
- The Communicator menu was re-desinged and upgraded.

Other noticable changes in this version:
- Upgrades and improvments of other huds
- Coop Classes will no longer regenrate player health/ammo/shield
- Added code panel Interface for !login to the Communicator Menu
- !login, is now working on all maps.
- New !follow command, marking you green on the radar for all players
- New "Follow Me" on Communicator Menu also activates !follow command
- Coop Technicians will now solve all puzzles fast (as a modulation).
- Added: !notransport Command, activating a Transport inhibitor.
- Added: !stuck will transport player to another player if already at spawnlocation
- Added: !help will show Communicator menu with commands to Player with Coop Mod installed

In the Future new Versions will mostly consist, much like this version of bugfixes, upgrades and conviniency features.
Features and code that does not work right will eigther be fixed, cut down or removed, there are no plans to add any new features that are not already on the todo-list.
The goal is to conclude the development of the HZM Coop Mod for Elite Force 2 in 2024.

Aditional care will be given to the Singleplayer, how ever Savegame cross compatibility is due to huge technical barriers still out of reach.

Some improvments of other Huds


Download Link changed to version 60015 which contains critical bugfixes.

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