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Special Operations Is As Real As It Gets. Control Either Special Ops Groups or Control Terrorist Organisations And Hunt or Become The Hunted.

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Well, I've been looking forward to interview this new mod, eye candy to the end! I've finally got ninjahamster to answer a few questions, so check them out!

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Special Operations Interview

Bunkster: Hello there, ninjahamster. Velocity` here from the modDB. I'll be asking you a few questions about Special Operations, if I'm correct your the leader of the mod.

ninjahamster: Hello there Velocity`. Yes your correct, im the leader and my new co-leader is Ringmaster.

Bunkster: Alright then, to start us off, why don't you tell a little bit about yourself to those who don't know you.

ninjahamster: Well, Special Operations is my 1st mod ever. I got the idea for it while browsing a forum for Global Operations. I came across a topic called "HEAT THE MOD". I was a very big fan of the movie so I decided to have a go at making a Mod. Unfortunately it didnt work out, so I moved engines and ideas and formed my own mod. This is when Special Operations was born. It was originally called "DESERT FOX : FIRESTORM", but I decided to change it at the last moment.

Bunkster: Cool, sounds like you've had some interesting events in your past. So, what made you create Special Operations?

ninjahamster: I think it was the idea of that most of games or mods didnt offer much. They all offered excellent functions but they were all seperate games. So I thought about making my own and combining all ideas into one complete unit.

Bunkster: MEDIC! I need some medical attention over here, this guy here has the best idea I've heard yet!

ninjahamster: Heh, thanks.

Bunkster: So, moving on, what is Special Operations about?

ninjahamster:Special Operations is about real-life situations of the past and present. Featuring some of the worlds most daring and brave ops, GSG-9 USSOCOM, SEALS and 75th Airborne Rangers, you must battle it out and defeat the Terrorists and not let them take over with their demands. Some features are leaning around corners, diving, airstrikes, parachutes, custom badges for models, vehicle control, medic class, and dual weapon mode. There are alot more'secrative' stuff we've still to announce.

Bunkster: Sounds cool. What are the current gameplay modes and what are they about, what do you do in them?

ninjahamster: Current gameplay modes are: Deathmatch - Fight to the death, Team Deathmatch - Fight to the death along with other teammates, King of the Hill - Keep control of a random zone point and win, Capture the Flag - Capture zone points and win

Bunkster: Wow, sounds awesome! Now, earlier you mentioned a couple of classes. Tell a little bit about those classes.

ninjahamster: The classes are whats going to make the mod, theres: COMMANDO (No special abilities), RECON (Uses a recon tool to spot enemies thru walls, lasts for 10 seconds, recharges for 30 seconds), MEDIC (Able to heal himself and others when are injured or unconcious), SNIPER (The fastest moving class. Has more control over aiming with all weapons than any other class), DEMOS EXPERT (An expert in demolitions and explosives, can carry more items of explosives than any other class), HEAVY GUNNER (An expert in machine gun tactics. Has 25% more armour and health than any other class)

Bunkster: Oh my gosh, I think I'm going to faint!

ninjahamster: Hahaha.

Bunkster: This is just awesome... Can't wait until it's out! Which reminds me, when do you think it will be released?

ninjahamster: Now thats a question I've been asked alot recently. Everybody is just dying to play it. It's a hard question to answer, so I'll say the very famous 3DREALMS: "When Its Dun" :D

Bunkster: Hah, okay. That about wraps it up! Are there any final comments you'd like to say?

ninjahamster: Actually, yes there is. Be ready because SOMOD WILL OWN J00!

Bunkster: Hah, hopefully. Well, thanks for your time! We hope to hear some more things about this wonderful mod, here.

ninjahamster: No problem, and thanks.

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