Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

Report RSS ROTR April 2024 Update: "Like a Ton of Bricks"

Today, we showcase Rise of the Red's take on the Iconic Zero Hour Helix. We hope it doesn't ruin somebodies day.

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Hello everyone. It's hard to believe that we're already a quarter of a way through 2024.
Needless to say, the team has been extremely busy working new content for 1.9, including new units, some big reworks to existing units, and a heap of optimisations to the code and AI to help make ROTR 1.9 the smoothest possible experience possible when it's ready.

As some of you may have noticed, our social media has began being more active again, and we have resumed regular posting of renders, gameplay clips, stream announcements and some new memes over on the facebook page. We also have a brand new Instagram Page, so if Insta is your preferred social media of choice, feel free to drop us a follow. This is all courtesy of one of our new team members, our PR manager Ricc. You may know the guy from the streams with Maelstrom, or from the discord server. He's going to be around posting content, managing messages and helping co-ordinate our social media channels keeping you all informed of whats happening in the community, and sharing some of the best bits. Anyway, enough of that, lets get onto what you're all really here for. After all, we wouldn't want to ruin someone's day.

China Helix

When the Chinese People's Liberation Army was deployed to fight the GLA in Germany during the final phase of the War on Terror, military logistics were pushed beyond their limits. Naval and aerial transport capabilities struggled to deliver sufficient amounts of ammunition, spare parts and provisions, which gave the terrorists more time to ravage the country and fortify themselves in its occupied urban centres. Despite the operation's eventual success, Chinese military planners recognised that something needed to be done.

Part of the solution to the issue of logistics was the development of a new superheavy-lift utility helicopter during the 2030s. The Z-28 is the largest, heaviest and most powerful helicopter in the world, second only to the American V-44 Starlifter in the wider category of rotary-wing aircraft. In its military service with the PLA, it can carry infantry and even vehicles, including the legendary Overlord tank. Designed with versatility in mind, it can be outfitted with specialised mission equipment, such as passenger fireports, external loudspeakers, an all-aspect Gatling cannon capable of engaging ground and air targets, or a payload of free-falling bombs.

Nicknamed the "Fat Hen" by Chinese pilots on account of its appearance and flight characteristics, the Z-28 became internationally known under its commercial moniker of "HeLiX", an homage to its two lead designers, He Heng and Li Xiulan, who received the State Technological Invention Award for their creation. The majority of Helixes serve under General Chen Hongbing of Northern Theatre Command, bordering among others the Russian Federation, whose relations with China have deteriorated to the point of hostility under President Nikolai Suvorov. As of the mid-2040s, the Helix has not yet had many opportunities to distinguish itself in combat, however it has already made outstanding contributions in earthquake relief and wildfire fighting operations within China and abroad.

China Helix Bnkr

The Bunker modification allows passengers inside the Helix to fire their weapons in combat. As with other garrisons, the wide variety of Chinese infantry types allows for many powerful combinations.

The Gattling Cannon modification adds to the Helix' standard armament with a powerful, rapid-fire rotary weapon. Notably, this cannon can fire on ground targets, air targets and even large missiles.

China Helix Spkr 1

The Speaker Tower modification allows the Helix to broadcast propaganda. The only other flying unit that can do this is the slower, less versatile Propaganda Airship, which will be assigned to General Jin in future.

Post comment Comments
(USA)Bruce - - 8 comments

Wow, I wish my GF was as Thicc as this helix!

Cant wait to ruin peoples day with this baby!
(Delete the other one please I didnt notice I was logged out)

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CptIstvanofArdeal - - 2,370 comments

Trust me i want try these bad boys as well

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Strogglet15 - - 1,392 comments

Love the Helix, he's basically the Overlord in the Air, even got the same voice acting style.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,213 comments

Oh my gosh, lookit that chubby baby! ♥

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Dutchygamer - - 872 comments

The return of my favourite unit in the Generals universe! Welcome back old friend...

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The_Hunter649 Creator
The_Hunter649 - - 455 comments

Same for me, to me it was the most fun unit they added in ZH :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
TAHARIBRAHIM - - 80 comments

perfect i am amazed and love the updates literrally the designs,tactics,and the efforts spend to revive this Mod legacy is unmatched and uncompared to any mod i truly love and revere your work HUNTER and all of the community cant wait until this release and the final release of 2.0 The_Hunter649

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Gittish-Lad - - 129 comments

Yes! The classic is back!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tommaze - - 71 comments

Welcome Back the Legend


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AnonBruh - - 123 comments

Why is HeLex Luther fat? Are they gluttonous? Is there a lore reason for this?????

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

Actually there is ! Not in the ROTRverse, but in the SWRverse. Allow me to tell the tale:

The dev team of ROTR was discussing the plans for 1.9, all sitting around the table, drinking fine beverages and eating peanuts. We were throwing ideas left and right about what cool asset we could add for China. Someone suggested bringing back the ZH minigunner, someone else suggested a Kingsize Troop Crawler. We even had someone suggesting Mig bombers flying backwards. Brains were heating, beer was depleting, all fun and games.
When SUDDENLY, someone (whose name shall remain a secret) pronounced the name "Helix". All chatter immediately stopped, time seemingly stopped. I even stopped drinking my home-made schnaps, Ricc stopped munching on his aperitive crocodile meat. Hunter looked at the anonymous dev, and only whispered "what have you done..."
The second he finished that sentence, a monstrous roar could be heard. We all froze in terror... Until the door opened in a loud BANG, revealing Marshall Rulofcool in all his glory. In his impeccable uniform, and so many medals pinned on it that it formed a shiny armor. The ****** even had a Victoria's cross pinned under his right eye. Holding a decapitated chicken in his left hand, and a fully loaded M249 in his right one, he spoke with a voice as loud as thunder, while munching on a 30cm-long Cuban cigar.
"Y'all ******* just said Helix ???"
Nobody answered. We looked at the table, terrified. When someone started to move, Marshall Rulofcool threw the chichen in the air, shot it with his LMG (still one-handing it mind you). The chicken exploded mid-air, revealing a miniature model of the Chonklix, bathing in a crimson halo of light. The awesomeness didn't stop there... We were so stunned, that the model coded itself, and a build was self-built and self-uploaded to the test server. The total thing took exactly 69 milliseconds.
Right after, Marshall Rulofcool took the miniature Chonklix model, put it on his hat (the only place that was actually not covered in medals). But instead of the rotor baldes spinning to take off, the Marshall himself started spinning, while singing the Belgian National anthem, and flew off to a destination unknown.
We were staggered. And so scared of the possible consequences of changing anything, that we left it as is.

The end

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ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 76 comments

People will think this is made up. This is what happened.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
FlamerYeeter - - 42 comments

10/10 best lore in rotor for 2024, real

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TAHARIBRAHIM - - 80 comments

perfect i am amazed and love the updates literrally the designs,tactics,and the efforts spend to revive this Mod legacy is unmatched and uncompared to any mod i truly love and revere the work of the community cant wait until this release and the final release of 2.0 and cool tale story telling by the wayMaelstromX103

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superfeatheryoshi - - 228 comments

You forgot the extra T in "Gattling" lol

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Guest - - 700,226 comments

Will the US Mother of All bombs and napalm 1.9 return

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments


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Rockrod85 - - 5 comments

does the new update come into genlauncher ??

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ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 76 comments

Likely it will once it's finished.

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SiNoD - - 3 comments

That's all good, but we need the troops not to be stupid and to be able to find their way around the buildings. Without lining up one by one and not trying to pass through mountains, cliffs and rivers.

Due to the inability to find a way to the enemy's base, the game starts to slow down and only helicopters can move normally. This can be seen on maps where there are 8 AI players.

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