Renegade X is a mod dedicated to recreating C&C Renegade in the new generation engine, the Unreal Engine 3. We all believe the Command and Conquer series is a very special one, and its fans have been following its games for over a decade now. C&C has been one of the most successful videogame series in the RTS Genre. Our modding team believes that C&C Renegade is truly a hidden gem in the FPS genre. C&C Renegade's specialty was its multiplayer mode, because it was not mindless killing like most games. A player was thrown into a battle as soon as he joined a server, in which teamplay was the only way to win. The game revolves around a war between the Global Defense Initiative, and the Brotherhood of Nod. Each faction would have their own base of operations consisting of buildings. A team had to work together to destroy the enemy base, while keeping theirs intact. Obelisk/Advanced Guard Tower (Base defenses) Without these, your team has no automatic defense. Hand of Nod/ Barracks...

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Come and get it! Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements.

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Renegade X: Beta 3 has been released!

Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.

Please uninstall and remove all previous versions of Renegade X before installing Beta 3.


Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!

System Requirements


Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
2.0+ GHz processor
2 GB system RAM
SM3-compatible video card
4 GB free hard drive space


Windows Vista 64 SP2
2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
4 GB system RAM
NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
Plenty of HDD space


You can check out the full Renegade X change list here:

Otherwise, here is a short summary of what we have added and changed in this beta:

• Brand new Renegade X launcher!
• New map: C&C Volcano
• Another new map! X-Mountain
• New items: AT mines and EMP grenades
• New Black Hand character model
• More robust stealth code (stealth tanks and SBHs now flicker properly)
• Crash fixes
• New UI features (interactive pause-menu and scoreboard)
• End-game sequences
• Oodles of balance changes and fixes for weapons and vehicles
• New first-person animations for some weapons
• Audio changes (silo capturing is now broadcasted, weapon and vehicle sound changes)
• Texture, LOD, and shader optimizations – game runs much smoother
• TeamDonate command
• Weapon and vehicle reticle changes
• Many glitch fixes
• And much more!

Story and Gamemode

Renegade X is set in the near future, in a world dominated by a contagious yet valuable resource called Tiberium. The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an international security force set to combat global terrorism. Conceived as a united peacekeeping military force, GDI depends on the technological sophistication of its weaponry, and the superior training and loyalties of its officers. GDI looks to halt the spread of Tiberium, which is gradually destroying the Earth and killing off millions of people. At the same time, the Brotherhood of Nod, led by the charismatic leader known only as Kane, grew to prominence. Working largely in third world countries, wherever there was discontent and unrest, there was Kane. With the promise of a New World Order and bankrolled by the illicit Tiberium research and trade that Kane made famous, Nod began to gain power. A few scattered, disaffected units grew into an army with powerful atomic weaponry, ruthless tactics, and a Tiberian fortune. The Brotherhood aims to push humanity into the next stage of evolution via Tiberium mutation.

Where GDI stands for international stability and the removal of the Tiberium contagion, Nod seeks to overthrow the established order and build a world centred on Tiberium research.

To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:

What’s next?

We discussed some of our thoughts on the future of Renegade X in our previous update:

What we can say is that Totem Arts will continue working on and updating Renegade X. We have a few new maps in the works (including remakes of Under and Complex!), and a new gamemode in the planning stages. We’re excited with what the future has in store. For now, Beta 3 was a necessary step towards having a stable game and a stable community. There have been over 200 fixes and changes since our previous version, as well as two new maps, two new special items, and new art.

We are a free game, and therefore we do not have an advertising budget. Renegade X relies completely on word-of-mouth, so please do whatever you can to spread the news. Upload a beta mirror, e-mail a gaming site or magazine, record a YouTube video, post about us on reddit and other forums, and be sure to tell your friends! The bigger our playerbase is, the more work we can put into the game.

With that said, we do aspire to become a Steam game, but we cannot do so without EA’s expressed permission. We have been trying to get to the EA licensing manager, but so far unsuccessfully. If you have any ideas on how Renegade X can become a Steam game, post them in the comments! If you know anyone from EA, point them in our direction please!

That’s all for now!

We’re looking forward to seeing you all again. Let us know what you think – connect with us and the community through our website, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Soon enough, you’ll be hearing from us again. But for now, enjoy the game!

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trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Thanks! Downloading now :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Guest - - 699,936 comments

Oustanding news! I'll make it a point to feature an announcement video for this on my Youtube channel. Keep up the great work, you lot! Your fans absolutely appreciate everything that you do.
-Mr. Black

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Neon-Ghost - - 1,605 comments

Are there still hackers about?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Ant_the_Gord - - 17 comments

I play the game nearly daily and have not once (I started playing in beta 2) have I seen anyone hacking. :) There are a few people who's accuracy might be a bit questionable but you're gonna have aimbotters everywhere you go I suppose, it's still really enjoyable though

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BrainLabGames - - 16 comments

look like a promising game .... good luck

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
StalinsThighs - - 407 comments

It's amazing how far this game has come. From a UDK mod, to a simple singleplayer game, and now to this masterpiece. Keep doing us proud, guys.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
EvilSmiley - - 113 comments

Congrats on the release guys

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
GypsyBastard - - 2,053 comments


Job well done

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Relifed - - 1,112 comments

Good release guys, it seems to be really stable!

I've also posted it on so that might help a bit with the population.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
booman - - 3,654 comments

I clicked on the Ren-X Official Mirror (US, Colorado #2) and my AntiVirus quarrantined a file: C064.tmp in my downloads folder.
Should I be concerned?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dncmaster - - 95 comments

No you shouldn't, I got Norton and it didn't say anything

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
booman - - 3,654 comments

Ok, good... Thanks for letting me know.
I will probably try a different site anyways.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Thib - - 1,690 comments

Impressive guys. Keep it up.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Evulant - - 266 comments

Best release so far. The game was fun before, even with the crashes, and now without them it's much, MUCH more enjoyable. This game is great! Keep it up.

PS:: Please do some more snow maps, would you? I love snow maps :]

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Lucífer - - 3,393 comments

Base/Outpost capture on larger maps where the structures are spread out would be a fun mode, UnReal Tournament 2004/Planetside 2 style

Red Barracks and Gold Airstrip always did look fun when capturing with engineers in C&C95;.

But this would be a lot of work for a gamemode.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Lucífer - - 3,393 comments

X-Mountain (Map): The Nod base has the airstrip forcing their base to be clear and visible, sight within the base makes defending more accessible, on the other hand there are trees in the middle of the GDI base which actually make it worse, a climbable tower amongst the trees as a center-piece would be useful for the GDI base, trees acting as camouflage making defending the GDI base more accessible similar to the Nod base.

I miss C&C Under

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ThexPlaguexDoctor - - 47 comments

Nice! I hope this mod will not die.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
medve - - 1,475 comments

any map optimisation for better fps?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Ant_the_Gord - - 17 comments

I've experienced worse fps at times to be honest, it seems for all the optimizations they did, they also changed things to make them even worse. >.<

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Dieblein - - 181 comments

Did you improve the AI?

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Threestepsfromhell - - 126 comments

I would like to see a deathmatch mode in the future, where you buy the weaons you need and the charaters you want, purely deathmatch means no base killing, just maybe spawn points in a basse that is neutral or something.

THe normal C&C mode is ok, but I cant help but feel that the formula should be improved, perhaps make losing a War Factory, PP or refinery not so tragic as to make the game boring. Perhaps allow some basic units to still be built even after the WF is destroyed, such as tank and buggy.

If you guys went commercial, I would buy your game.

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spessu_sb - - 9 comments

aimdownsights sucks soo bad

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,213 comments

Hope to see the AI in Skirmish able to use air vehicles at some point. Basic flight paths like in BF2.

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