A fictive story presenting the USSR's final attack over the US at the end of RA2, ended with its fall and the birth of the Brotherhood of Nod.

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A small heads-up about the current state of afairs.

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Its been two years of inactivity until now and since I'm as good at PR as a Wookie, this probably isn't the best way to crack the ice.
Guess I did it anyway, eh ?

Well, straight to the point : I've been working on the project behind the scenes these past years but I haven't done any major updates because, well, there just wasn't much to show.
Now, you might ask : "But if you don't have much to show, then why do you say that you've 'worked behind the scenes' ?"


I've actually tried investigating other avenues of development, like UDK, Source and Unity.
If you want to know how that went, suffice it to say that this news post is not about Red Phoenix moving off of Renegade.


M00 Intro Ride

In other, more juicy stuff, I've layered the first mission of the Soviet campaign (the Prologue). You basically start-off as a Spetznas soldier (think Borris) in a military base on the outskirts of Moscow, right before the Allied invasion. Your mission is to switch roles with the Elite Kremlin guards and secretly evacuate Premier Romanov while the Guards escort a look-alike. Since I'm following the canon ending, we all know how this ends eventually. You'll also get a short glimpse at Kane, but more on that later :)


Red Phoenix Alpha build

Also, I've thought alot about this in the past, trying to weight the pros and cons; I have a alpha build of the project that was done in a rush for a presentation. Although its a bit old, its the most complete one yet. Still, its alpha material so it might not be exactly what some of you might expect.

Regardless, I've decided to polish it up a bit and release it. Any kind of feedback is a thousand fold appreciated !

Expect more on this in the comming days !
BogdanV, out.

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lolfr - - 685 comments

glad to see a mod rise from the grave

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