Welcome to 2018 A.D,five years after Zero Hour.An reassembled GLA emerges again and spreads across the globe like cancer.China and USA fights against the new GLA around the globe while watching each other in the back -- what happened in the five years have torn the relationship between the two countries unmendable.

Post news Report RSS Postmortem Story #3:Dialogue

Long time no see! Here's the Chapter 3 about the story:A few weeks after Mohmar escaped from prison, in a corner of Liberia...

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"Great Atlantica " Grand Hotel in Monrovia, Liberia
Local time 5:00 a.m. sharp


The bedroom is a solid wood bed with a fuchsia veil, and the covers have been lifted off the bed and casually piled together. It was five o'clock in the morning local time, and the owner of this bed clearly did not like sleeping in. Right in the middle of the bedroom, on the coffee table, two Japanese made electric stoves, one making milk tea and one making coffee, scented the room. On the double sofa on one side of the coffee table, a few magazines and a few newspapers were scattered on it; on the other side of a single sofa, a few shirts and a few pairs of suit pants were casually piled up. The bedroom floor was covered with an expensive Persian carpet. All of this looks like the residence of an ordinary tourist who came to Liberia for stupid money, but when you go out and see the soldiers stationed at the door of the room who do not say a word and hold assault rifles and those busy working in a hurry, with a little fear in the eyes of the hotel attendants tell you that all is not that simple.

"Not a bad place to be… " a middle-aged officer stood on the balcony of his hotel looking out over the Atlantic Ocean and the Liberian flag flying over the Port Authority building at the seaside dock, muttering to himself.

A knock at the door broke the morning silence. "Leader, may I ask how did you rest yesterday?" The door of the room was gently pushed open by the soldier standing guard at the door, and a strong man walked in straight from the door.

"Oh, Brother Kell, thank you so much for what happened a few weeks ago… " The middle-aged officer called "the leader", Mohmar turned and smiled at him, turning on the balcony railing when the hand pressed out the 2/3 of the Marlboro, leaving a black spot on the white railing.

"Well… my leader… I'm interested in the previous years… is Dr. Thrax he… "Jarmen Kell just said a few words before he was interrupted by Mohmar. "Don't feel bad on yourselves, in fact, you guys are doing a great job. This is a nice place, even our people don't have to hide their identities here on the street." Mohmar walked to the coffee table, poured two cups of coffee, handed a cup to Jarmen Kell with a smile, and said, "All in all, your work has preserved the capital for the cause to rise again." The two men who had walked through the ghostly doorway once after the GLA's failure certainly knew what this meant, and a smile appeared on Jarmen Kell's face as he took the coffee and drank it down.

The phone in the bedroom rang, and Jarmen Kell, shielding himself from Mohmar, carefully turned on the speakerphone button, saw that everything was fine, saluted, and quietly exited the bedroom.

The caller was the hotel receptionist, who told the leader that the appointment was waiting for him. Mohmar agreed to let him in. After hanging up the phone, Mohmar again asked the soldier at the door to call in Jarmen Kell.

There were now three people in the bedroom - Mohmar,Jarmen Kell and the John doe.Three people gathered around at table, each with a cup of milk tea in front of them.

"Feel free, have something to drink… This gentleman can't be wrong since he was introduced by Brother Kell." Mohmar politely scanned these two people . The mysterious visitor was young, a white man, but a small part of his face had been burned, and his face was twisted into a ball where the burns had been.

"'Danko', one of the leaders of the extreme anarchist groups in Eastern Europe… once had relations with the GLA and also picked up a life after being burned by PLA's incendiary weapons. But he could not fully agree with the cause in his political station… " thinking of the information he had read about this mysterious man, Mohmar could not help but sarcastically shed light on his fate in his heart. "What a great loss of talent, haunted me now I can only work with such people ah… "

The mysterious man named Danko ,did not the first to drink the milk tea handed to him by Mohmar, he raised his hand, palm forward, and said a news like a bolt from the blue: "Leader… Dr. Thrax, he is still alive."

In the two stunned expressions, he slowly said: "I also learned about this a few days ago, because my people want to dump some 'goods' to Western Europe… after someone introduced the source of goods… is that Central Asian man, Kolichov." Danko said this, drank off some milk tea and went on to speak.

"Brother Kolichov first introduced me to an underground lab in southern Italy, and after reading my request, someone from the lab side approached Kolichov again and said they didn't have that purity and wanted him to introduce '#3'… Yes, that's Dr. Thrax, I didn't knowt that '#3' was Thrax at all… "

"Dr. Thrax is not dead at all, the news of his death is just a smokescreen put out by the Americans to keep their position in the United Nation, but it is Kolichov who doesn't know exactly where he is… Brother Kolichov guarantee… As for Thrax himself, rumor has it that he used the black market network left behind to do arms and drug dealing after he got separated from the GLA… "Danko drank his milk tea , and afterwards narrowed his eyes as if he was looking at the luxury suite, but at the same time was glancing at Mohmar with his afterglow, as if trying to See through his sunglasses behind what expression is really.

Unfortunately, contrary to Danko's suspicions, instead of reacting quickly after hearing the news, Mohmar turned his head, pointed to the pile of newspapers and magazines, and asked Jarmen Kell, "The Chinese and the Americans got into it again while I was in jail, didn't they?"

"You are right! My leader… "Jarmen Kell immediately responded.

"The Chinese are getting infrastructure in Europe, but at the same time 'cementing strategic ties' with the Russians… right? Brother Danko?"

"That's right, because of this, we have less space and our previous channels of making money by dumping goods have been cut off quite a bit." Danko fell on his back on the sofa backrest,then said: "The Americans have also contracted their global strategy, their own new presidential candidate also high-profile announcement that we want… "This time Danko stood up, imitating the speech of the new presidential candidate on television:

"We're going to take a break from the cesspool of international affairs, we're going to focus on the Americas, we're going to focus on the American way of life - working in America, buying American products, walking the American highways, singing American songs! ! We also need to repair community relations and give more Americans the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. And, of course, it's all about MAKE AMERICA MORE STRONG! "

Jarmen Kell and Mohmar were also amused by this look.

But Danko fell back in dismay and leaned back on the couch and continued: "But what does that prove? You can't even guess, the Yankees withdrew their troops in Europe, but after this,these butcher went to DEA, and South American countries to cooperate, into the drug war in South America… they get tanks, drones and even B-52 bombers and particle cannon authority… Although there is a war there are arms deals, but my amigos really bear too much, their revolutionary funds are counting on the drug cash flow, those green and white… purity is not high when it is also yellow.Then… bang! Just blown up by the Americans! People and factories! And the surrounding villages and urban areas!"


"You go on to say, what are the Chinese doing in Europe again? Besides building infrastructure." Seeing Danko's expression grow hard, Mohmar digressed.

"The Chinese are doing little else, even just building in Europe, and afterwards pulling in busload after busload of foreign students and tour groups via the Great Eurasian Railway to splurge on European universities and attractions, they are not promoting their 'Modern Socialist System Of Governance' in Europe at all… If you ask me, they're more like businessmen than an army." Danko replied.

"And I thought these commies loved to export revolutions." Mohmar seemed to be amused.

"The Chinese are different, they have a saying 'Each is beautiful in its own way', that is, people should know how to appreciate the beauty they create individually, but also learn to appreciate the beauty created by others… My father participated in the revolt against the Russians street movement against the garrison in East Berlin, but the Chinese are not the Soviets, they have no interest in such things as 'building a communist empire in Europe'. They were just building and buying and selling things to each other afterwards. They had the Africans haul in coffee beans and trade them with the tea.the Chinese brought in themselves, the rosemary the Europeans grew for each other, and afterwards everyone got their money and what they needed… left satisfied… Oh, but what about us? We swing a fist with fury, but do not know where to hit! Now thats great, the Europeans are rejecting us more and more, and the Chinese don't care about us at all… " said Danko, his face pulled down again and he acted very confused.


"Enough of this world… " Mohmar shook his head, poured a cup of coffee for each of them, and made his opinion.

"There's a proverb where I come from that says 'If there's a great goal in your heart, then you take your labor as rest too', so while China and the United States continue to build up momentum for that little bit of global hegemony ,ready to tear it up… It's also time to accumulate enough power in the shadows, working silently and preparing to make an appearance to complete the cause… So, brother Danko, I need you to help me contact those people… especially Thrax and Kolichov, and those South American amigos… " Mohmar pulled out a newspaper and pointed it towards Danko, the headline on it read "Breaking news! GLA leader Mohmar escaped!", after giving a look to Jarmen Kell. he then pulled out two boxes full of cash from under the bed and handed them to Danko.

"Take this, here's the contact fee. When you meet, remember to tell the men that your leader escaped and safe. And… now we must develop new forces for the cause in the shadow of the Sino-American dispute, value our own lives and other brothers, and do not act unless have my orders."

"Gladly at your service, my fri… no, my leader." Danko replied to.

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