Introducing Exercise Caution, a mod which explains the events after GLaDOS' destruction by the hands of Chell. In this mod, you play as Robert Knoll, a former mechanical engineer who previously signed up for the enrichment centre program, unknowing of the events he'd discover when the system woke him up to continue routine testing.

Post news Report RSS Exercise Caution - Developer Log #3

New map showcase, gameplay footage, and a few updates to the CSS.

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Exercise Caution is keeping pace, and we finally have enough progress to showcase entire new sections to a map, along with being able to reveal gameplay.

First off is the first new section from the map, a cramped area full of pipes, it is unbearable to stay here due to the heat, you can feel the claustrophobia start to set in as you feel the boiling temperatures slowly transfer onto your skin.



Next up is an area left in construction, with a wall panel left up against a cold steel plated wall, with the planned area for it to be placed not far above.




Aperture Science's exceedingly amazing planning led a faulty pipe to go straight through an area full of employees, this left them rather... displeased for their safety if they continued working in that sector, as the smell of gas gives all of them headaches.



And after quite a while, I finally have a gameplay video to showcase.

Also, you may have noticed the page has had it's CSS changed up, here is a before/after comparison.





Finally, I'd like to say that I'm amazed I've came this far in this mod, I was previously suffering burnout from my previous mod Half-life 2: Biohazard, but this mod has finally broke me out of being unable to make anything source related, there will be more updates as I continue both of these mods.

I'd like to ask that you join our Discord, for more active updates. or visit my YouTube channel for gameplay footage and additional OST tracks.

Regards, the Exercise Caution team.

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