Portal: Ambition is a semi-story-driven campaign that offers hours of gameplay through puzzles and out-of-bounds tasks. A copied specimen of the one and only Chell, you have a new purpose. Following a request by an unknown scientist from a different section of the facility, help retrieve important information and data.

Report RSS State of Portal: Ambition in October 2023

An update on the current state of Ambition and its release.

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Fiffle and Bread/Rye here again, we wanted to update everyone on the state of the mod.

So, last time we published an article we said we were on track for releasing on October 31st. That date is extremely close.
Since that date, Rye's senior year in high school started, giving him less free time, and the mod scope has grown a bit - we applied to get Ambition onto Steam, got accepted, got the mod into a more complete state - and during that time the story changed a bit, we planned a few new maps, and we ran into some complications with a VA leaving. When our plans shifted to a Steam release instead of a ModDB one, our release schedule also changed. I'll cut to the chase, this mod most likely won't make the deadline.
Despite our optimism and hopes that we could work quickly, quite a lot has changed for us and Ambition isn't the same as it was on August 20th when we thought we'd make this release date. Rye and I didn't wanna pull a Valve, but in order to give everyone a great game we'll need a little more time.
HOWEVER. We are planning to release a demo in some form on or around the 31st (our original release date) so everyone can still get to play something and see our progress so far. For updates on that, consider joining the discord (linked at the bottom of the article.)

About the VA, we initially had someone who planned to voice the scientist - one of the main characters - but due to college she had to leave. Currently, we have no VA for the AI or the scientist, Rye is working on the script, and we're trying to figure out how to go about voice acting.

We're always looking for people to add to the team, but right now what we need most is someone who can help us get voice acting out of the way and finish the game. We are looking for:
- A female voice actor to voice the scientist,
- A male voice actor who can speak clearly in a monotone text-to-speech like voice (similar to Ellen McLain's performance for GLaDOS,)
We aren't picky and anyone with any accent can apply, but the requirements are as follows:
- Must be able to work quickly and help us get the lines done as soon as possible
- Must have a good microphone
- Must actually do voice acting and be an active member of the team (duh)
These positions are NOT PAID.

We are also looking for the same people as before: texture artists and a music composer. These are also not paid and are of lower priority, refer to our previous article if you're interested.

For now, here's some updates and media:

We released the song heard in the trailer! Check it out on Rye's YouTube channel or in this embed:

We also released another song today, this one is heard in the test chambers of the game:

And some screenshots:

And of course, to follow the mod more closely consider joining our discord server. We will post more frequent updates there about the game, the demo, and our new planned release date when we are ready to decide it.

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