In a room full of electronics that has been reconstructed after the Wheatley incident, some androids discover a strange "Atlas" model. One core recognizes his old unfinished experiment. Having recieved aprooval of GLaDOS to continue the experiment, he starts doing testing in a wing where there's no place for humanity

Report RSS Thoughts - update 4 (Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!)

This is our last article in 2021. As a little present we prepared answers on your Questions :D Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!

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You asked us some questions on Discord and now it's time for answers:

    • Q: What will be new testing elements/mechanics?
      A: We have got one new testing element - Portal Detector. You have already seen it gameplay teaser. Why only one? Well, the mod isn't very big to add something else. We want to unleash the full potential of the element.
      Talking about gameplay mechanics in general, now it's not very different from Portal 2. Maybe after we move to P2:CE base we will add some interesting stuff in 3rd and 4th chapters.
    • Q: How have the progress being going?
      A: The mod is in development, but this process takes time. The mod has been worked on by the small team of friends that just love Portal 2, so we don't strive for any deadlines. And yes, if we talk about the developers and the team, then...
    • Q: Are you open for new devs?
      A: No
      Viflame: There are some reasons why and one of them - my bad skills of project management. I consider myself more as employee and mapper. It's morally difficult for me to force someone to work. You know you're going to work on a project, that basically isn't yours? In fact, by working on a project and putting a piece of yourself into the project it makes project yours too. I am striving for this approach, but it is still far away. Therefore, I am extremely grateful to those people who are already in our team. I don't want to work with colleagues, but with friends.

      I talked to Mind Escape developer once and understood for myself, that I must be ready to take over the entire development. In fact, I already took: I make maps, textures and even models last time. However, there are still people who help me in many ways. And I don't want to say that their work is less important. I value everyone equally, including myself.

      We are still facing the 3rd and 4th chapters (we are almost finishing the 2nd), and maybe if I can overcome my fear, then we will recruit people. But this is not accurate.
      If we do, we will warn you ^-^

      Is this...

    • Q: Are you making mod on Portal 2: Community edition base?
      A: We don't have access to the Engine, but we really really want to move to P2:CE base
    • Q: What made you want work on a mod?

      Viflame: Once upon a time, I randomly came up with the idea to show the events after Portal 2. I didn't have a desire to make some kind of Portal 3, and even now I don't; but I had a desire to do something that no one had ever seen before, something that would be difficult to guess. I wanted to make non-standard Portal, but with followed aspects of Portal universe.I would give examples, but [spoilers]. In addition, there were some understatements in the original, which we want to explain with this mod.

      Past Dreams: I was inspired by the very idea of the project, the plot here is what I need, it's addictive, well, of course I'm here to improve my drawing skills.
      I am an ordinary person who became interested Portal 2 mods, but when I found Russian people interested in this topic, I was delighted, and found this project :>

      ER: I was motivated by the desire to replenish my portfolio, gain experience in voice acting. And how I joined... It's a long story. Once Viflame threw a call in the chat. He needed an English-speaking voice actor. "Why not? I thought. - I'll practice my pronunciation, tighten up the language itself..." As a result, I tried, said a test phrase, and I was accepted. However, when I needed to voice some real replicas for the mod, I realized that I was not in a condition to voice anyone in English, and therefore offered to make an official Russian voiceover for the mod, to which Viflame agreed, but that's another story :)

      Nickelson: Once I found the post by developers «P2: Thoughts» they were looking for composers who can create a soundtrack for the mod. I always wanted to learn how to create soundtrack, so I decided to apply. I have no experience in creating ST so developers gave me a few weeks to create my first ST. Fortunately, they were like it and now I’m here)
    • Q: What have been your inspirations for this mod?

      Viflame: I am very inspired by various devblogs or something like that.
      Talking about games, my inspiration were:
      - Portal and Portal 2 (obviously)
      - Detroit: Become Human
      - Subnautica
      - Mind Escape and Snowdrop Escape
      - CUBE
      - Desolation
      - Valhalla
      - G-string

      Past Dreams: Honestly, I'm just a concept artist who doesn't help the development of the mod so much, but I'm very inspired by the maps of our mapper, they are very atmospheric :3


      And other news...

  • We have started to develop one plot-important location. It will need a lot of new textures and models. We want not to talk about it at all for a while and keep it a secret. You will like it ^-^
  • Did you miss the improvements of the old locations? We missed it too




    bts update

    That's it. We will continue to work on the mod. We wish you a good holidays :D
    Merry Chrismas ans Happy New Year!

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