Operation Market Garden (OMG) is a persistent multiplayer only modification based off the award winning real time strategy game Company of Heroes. We put a strong emphasis on balance, community, transparency, and fun. Currently in an open Beta, we are constantly improving, adding new OMG features and content. Through our website the player tailors their company, customizing it to fit their play style and needs. Through our simple and easy to use launcher they join battle with their teammates against the enemy. There's no in game resource management, no base building, and no gimmicks. It's just pure combat, building on the already superb platform of Company of Heroes, and it's pure fun. Win or lose, your surviving units stick with you throughout your battles. The war persists, your troops persist, and its all at tip of your fingers.

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OMG Mod is back after a brief hiatus, new dev team, new domain, new everything!

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OMG Mod is back after a brief hiatus, please join us at our new domain: omgmod.net

New Dev team

We have been hard at work resurrecting the mod and getting it back to its former glory. New dedicated development, game balance, game design and moderation teams have finished building and are hitting the field. The current focus is to balance the game using the mod's unique pricing functionality, as well as introduce new and exciting tiered doctrines to allow for a new meta to shine forth.

Balance Patch

The latest release comes with balance changes and the return of the monthly war cadence, not to mention regular reward unit challenges.



Perfectionist repairs
From 1.1 repair speed and 0.25 wear and tear to 0.8/ 0.165(bugfix)

Stuka Barrages
Flame barrage damage from 10-20 -> 20-30

Surplus munitions
Burst length on mp40 from 1.5 to 1.25

Panzer Elite


Engineering 101
Renamed ability to: Erbsenmuster Camo
Removed WalkingWounded repairs (added to TH)
Added Marder Cloak on 15seconds
Added Flak 38 Cloaking

Butterfly bomblets
Changed crit table to mines against tanks and green hp inf

Explosive ambush
Replaces engineering 101
Mardars cloak after locking down for 15 seconds

Anti tank Requisition
Added ability to buy a schreck for falls at 150mu

Combat arms requisition
Replaces Supressive tactics.
Now allows LGF to buy 2 G43s (40mu),
An lmg42 (60mu) or 2 butterfly mines (20mu).

Elite Pz4 crews
Replaces Hunting rifles
30% extra turret rotation, Max Speed, Acceleration and Deceleration. On p4 ist

Valued cargo
Flakvierling gains:
-10% received damage and accuracy
0.05 hp/s regen
+10% burst duration and turn rate
This all is temporary
Added elite armour crews:
-15% received accuracy on gun (not crew)
-9% Received penetration on gun
+1 Sight Range
+15% Horizontal Tracking Speed
+10% Burst Duration
This all is on the way once we learn how to code
(Bug Fix) Added 35% more health on gun
now grants trucks improved PE-HT armour (the new one, like PE-HT armour, but half dmg from rifles), and +35% hp

Tank Hunters
(Bugfix) StugAce penetration now increased instead of decreased
(Bugfix) Hotchkai with Stuka can now use lockdown
(Bugfix) Tankhunters Panzerfausts no longer hunt tanks through obstacles

Scorched Earth
Changed Hotchkiss Vet2 cooldown reduction to also effect SE Flame Barrage
Stupa Vet 1 +10% Deceleration
Stupa Vet 2 +10% Accuracy

Medical Emergency
Sprint removed
1 extra medic per station
4vp ->2

Snare mies
4 uses -> 2 (bugfix)

Here to clean up this mess
Bar Upgrade 4 bars -> 2 bars
Upgrade 140mu -> 70mu
Can be purchased with tompsons

HVAP shells
Changed from 17p ap rounds to 1.5 dmg and +5s duration

Tracking the tracks
30s duration 180s cooldown

A tool for every Job
All Shermans may purchase mineflail or bulldozer upgrades
Bulldozers and Mineflails reduce speed by 25% instead of 50%
Mineflails give 10% extra hp (note same as bulldozers)
Vp 2 -> 3

TC can do his job!
+5 los on vehicles buying the 50cal upgrade

Smokey shots
Range 40->45
Can be targeted into fow

Quadruple bypas
From upgrade to free unlock
300s cooldown

Field Mechanics
Pios repair speed increased from 1.3hp/s to 2hp/s
Vp 3 ->6

Vehicular repair manuals
1 unse -> 2
300s cooldown
Speed debuff while active removed


Vet3 AVRE range increase from 20% -> 10%

AT Rifle accuracy vs moving VS. Soldier Armor from .35 -> .9 ( only affects soldier armor, all other units has 100% already)
AT Rifle accuracy vs infantry increased by .05
AT Rifle Short Range penetration +15%
Smoke Grenades kill criticals on green health infantry removed


Nebel 180fu -> 150
Walking Stuka cooldown 120s -> 135s
Panzerschreck 110mu -> 120mu
Inspired assault max uses 2->3
Inspired assault 75mu ->40
Ftfl max uses 2->3
Blitzkrieg max uses 2->3
Stormtrooper assault grenades 100mu -> 75
Stormtrooper 2 mp44 package 120 ->100

Fg 42 125mu-> 120
Hotchkis Stuka upgrade 2pop -> 1 pop
Panzerschreck 100mu -> 110
P4ist 10pop->9
Falls Pool 10 -> 20
Falls Resupply 2->5

Quad AP rounds is 180 seconds cooldown (from 60), with unlimited uses
T17 White Phosphorous rounds from 2 uses to unlimited uses 300s cooldown
Assault Airborne Thompson cost 160 -> 140
Assault Airborne manpower price 330 -> 300
MG nest 50mu ->60
Medic station 45mu ->60
105 sherman scatter when firing into fow from 1.5 to 1
Mechanized Infantry Changes:
+10hp per man 65 -> 75
Set resupply to 4, max pool to 10
No longer forced mine sweeper and Thompson
Additional upgrades now available 2 Thompsons (40mu), 1 Minesweeper (10 mu), 2 Grenades (35mu), 2 satchels (60mu)


Johnson lmg 80mu -> 60
Commando price 300 mp -> 250, 130 mu -> 110

Remove marksman upgrade from recon sections.
Add global purchase of marksmen ability at 120 mu.
Change ability to range 50 from 35. 180s cooldown shared between squads.

New Reward Unit
Luftwaffe AT Falls have been replaced with the Crete Veterans
Crete Veterans:
Slightly better at everything
5 man squad
Can smell your snipers
This is a placeholder unit to tide you over until we create something more unique.


Purple Heart Lane - updated
schijndel - updated
villers bocage - new
sainte mere eglise - new
Eindhoven Woensel- new
airfield assault - updated
operation deadstick - updated


Camera options now defined to be clear in their purpose. "Performance" & "Quality" -> "Classic" & "Extended Zoom"

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