The "New Horizons" mod for the 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean game by Akella is a continuation of the famous Build mod series. Developed as Pirates of the Caribbean Build 14, "New Horizons" continued where Build 13 left off, adding more new content than ever before.


Use this IN COMBINATION WITH "Part 2: Contents Archive"! Click 'READ MORE +' for further information.

Build 14 Beta 3.4 Part 1: Installation Wizard
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Guest - - 699,992 comments

nice work

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mekanosam - - 3 comments

am playing on windows 8.1 thank u so much for this great game !!!

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

Possible to use a save file from the build 14 3.2 version on this? Or is a new game required?

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

New game required.

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

does this fix engine crashing after i click new game ?

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

That has never been a problem for most players. No fix required.

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yishifu - - 8 comments

Anytime when try to update the game an error message pop up to me. Sometime it wants the original game (although I've already installed it) and in other case the error message says: Something was wrong during the installation. Now I'm playing the last update (not this update) so I hardly accept that is something wrong with it's installation. I'd like to play with the new update but i don't know how because it doesn't install for me. Can you help me?

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

That is possibly a bad download or maybe a corrupted file.

Since you have an earlier version running you should be able to get this new one running as well. I am playing beta 3.4 now and it installed with no problems and I downloaded it from here.

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yishifu - - 8 comments

I'm glad it's working for you. Sadly it isn't working for me. I've downloaded from here just like the other updates, I have the 3.3 update and it worked fine. That's why I don't understand why it isn't working for me (the new one). I can download it completely. And 2 error messages pop up for me: the first one is something is corrupt. Which is I don't understand because it worked till that point. The second one is: I have to use the original game and i already have it and installed it.And when I saw the error message I had installed it again. So that's why I'm asking you what can I do? Because until that point everything was working fine.

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

We recently added a CRC check into the installer EXE to prevent installing from corrupted or incomplete archive files as that used to happen once in a while. So if you wonder why you didn't get that message On Beta 3.3 or earlier, it is because the check wasn't built in yet at the time. But it is now and if you get that message it means that even before there was an error with the archive file.

As for any messages related to the original game, you simply have to point the installer to a folder that has ENGINE.exe in it as well as readme.txt . If you point it to any other folder, it will refuse to install since that wouldn't work anyway.

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mekanosam - - 3 comments

am playing on windows 8.1 thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Coroner - - 1 comments

Great work! Realy best pirate game ever.
Why I can't shoot when the aim is yellow or green? First time it's need to damage sails, second - to attack "white flags" and simple friendly ships. It worked in original game, i remember. But now damned merchants ruined my frigate to rapair cost about 200000, raised white flags and gone away. Offensively :(((

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

You can still use the V-key to manually fire your cannons.

Though if a ship surrendered, firing on it will cost you dearly in reputation. If it surrendered to you, you can just board her without a fight. Much easier.

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IAssassinII - - 43 comments

So all we have to do if we had the previous version was install part one? I did that and I got a runtime error. Any suggestions?

Nevermind, I forgot to uncheck the full install.

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IAssassinII - - 43 comments

I'm getting an infinite black screen when I try to launch the Master & Commander storyline.

Scratch that, every profile I try to launch fades into a black screen and stays there permanently.

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IAssassinII - - 43 comments

Ignore my past two comments, the error was, as expected, my fault in installation.

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yishifu - - 8 comments

Hello Guys! In Which storyline can I raise Leif Erickson, in POTC New Horizon?
There are two who curious about it. Thanks

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

There is no such character in the game. But using the Select Storyline interface, you can choose your own model and name and basically create your own "Leif Erickson".

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yishifu - - 8 comments

I meant two of us.

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

Hello folks, I was just wondering. When downloading. .... do I need to have all the previous updates or can I just download build 14 straight away? Sorry if that sounds like a silly question, its just I really want to play this game again. Its my first game I ever had on the xbox but unfortunately I cant find it so I bought it for the pc and I wanted to try these amazing updates you have done! The videos look amazing!

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

All you need is a running stock POTC, and then just download Part1 and Part2 and put them in their own folder. Then just hit the EXE. It unpacks itself.

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

Thats brilliant, thanks so much for your help! I greatly appreciate it

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mattimo86 - - 57 comments

Okay so, In real life, how did people sail their ships if there is a head wind? Realistic sailing in this mod is crazy, AI ships can sail into a headwind, the player ship struggles to get out of port half the time..

Also, how do you improve the actual strength of you crew? I'm getting tired of them being 1 hit by just about everything I come across, im on journeyman difficulty (step up from basic).

Can I keep the realistic settings on and some how script out the head wind negative speed?

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

Sorry for the late reply.

The method used to sail into the wind is called "tacking". No ship can sail directly into the wind, so you have to sail at an angle to it. When the wind changes direction, then you have to change tack and sail in a different direction also.
Real sailors had to deal with this too. On Columbus's 4th voyage he crossed the Atlantic Ocean in just 20 days but later it took him 75 days to sail from Central America to Hispaniola because he had to tack against constant head winds.

Early in the game everyone is weak. Give them better swords and armor and they will last longer.

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mattimo86 - - 57 comments

Fair enough.

I'am having a crash issue, I'm not sure what the cause is and I haven't changed any of the games files, I can't make port in Port Royale, I can land on one of the shore places like "Devils Throat" (i believe thats what it is called) and walk into town.

I have verified that once in town, I cannot access the "Port" Location at all, whether I'am accessing it from the ship or accessing it from being in the town it's self. This was working previously.

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

To fix this problem will take some work. It might just be a bad download or install or something got corrupted.
Post about that here.

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

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Guest - - 699,992 comments

It seems to have about 70% chance to crash, otherwise i can play normally. After leaving the island it's working normally, for now at least.

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Miklkit Creator
Miklkit - - 374 comments

This has nothing to do with the installer.

To see about what is causing your problem, you should post here.

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diamondblock - - 5 comments

Um Hi i load the mod and it works fine (except for some missing textures here and there) but when i left the fort in Hoist The Colors! all the buildings where gray after i talked to the guy in the tavern and went to sea the sea was black please help!

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Kpax7 - - 1 comments

I just found your Mod of PotC, I loved this game in that era!
So I found the CDs and installed it, it ran fine. But patch doesn't work!
1. Installed to C:\Games\Pirates of Caribbean
2. Downloaded both parts and installed with intel and ENB checked.
(I have Intel Corei7 and Intel HD3000 Graphics)
3. After installation, when I run the game, I get Visual C++ runtime error.
4. Completely Removed the game and installed the patch with only default features (Main+Update). Same errors.

error.log >
COMPILE ERROR - file: sea_ai\sea.c; line: 146
function LanguageCloseFile(args:0) doesnt accept 1 arguments
system.log >
initializing complete
User Rised Exception
fail to create program

System Specs:
Intel Corei7 CPU
Intel HD3000 Graphics
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
All visual C++ runtime libraries (redistributable packages) installed.

Please help

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ItsThatGuyBayley - - 1 comments

I am having a very small irritating problem. (for me at least) When I invoke the wraith of the heathen gods and take the Aztec gold from the chest on Isle De Muerta. At night my crew members don't turn into skeletons they just look like they normally would Its just me that looks like a skeleton. everything else related to the curse works like the holes in the sails and the fog. I find it really annoying, is there anyway to fix it? is anyone else having this problem?

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

Do you still have those Cursed Coins? You have to put them in the Weaponslocker in your Captain's Cabin. Otherwise you as captain will be the only one cursed.

With the upcoming WIP version (internal one already available here ), you can start the game immediately with you and your crew cursed if you like.

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zemmer - - 2 comments

Hello, I like the mod a lot, but is it possible to implement only the added boats, weapons, items and the resolution, but don't change the game like changing oxbay or changing the starting boat. tnx

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

You can get old versions of the mod here:
Both Build 12 and Build 13 do not include the island name changes.
It is theoretically possible to add all the new ships, but you'd have to do that for yourself.

I do have to wonder why you'd want to though. We're moving forward and not looking back! Build 14 Beta 4 is coming and it is going to be EPIC. By far the best version we've ever released.
The internal version is already available here:

It contains, of course, many new changes and is almost like a new game. You CAN choose your starting ship though, so if you want the stock game one, you can still get that.

The changed island names are there to stay though. That's what they're named in the real Caribbean, after all. ;-)

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zemmer - - 2 comments

Thanks for the fast response (and sorry for my late one).
The reason I wanted only the weapons, is bc I have played this game alot since I was little, and now it's hard to deal if something changes because I like the way the game works. I tried the mod and it looks really good tho, so you should definetly keep going that way!

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Gunzershreck - - 3 comments

I keep getting an corrupted file im not sure if this is just me or on MODDB's side. As a result the installation is failing, has anyone found a fix to this??

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

Try the mirrors under "read more +" above.

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Themistoklis1 - - 35 comments

Guys firstly thanks for keeping games like these alive i realy am a huge fan of AOP1 and 2 (a shame i cant play AOP 1 in win 8.1 but whatever) and now i discovered this game with this mod (i saw a lot of gameplay videos in YT) still can someone help me purchase POTC game i am not able to find it

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davyjones99 - - 1 comments

hello, i have downloaded potc build mod 14 but when i will start the game i got a error. Can anyone help me out?

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alexbla - - 1 comments

when you start a new game does it give you an option to choose from?

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NiekHV - - 11 comments

I downloaded the original game, extracted it in a folder outside Program files and put the b14_beta3_full map in the folder which also contains the origional game, but when I try to use this installer and try to install the game, it says that I have to put the 'b14_beta3_full.potc' map in the folder, which I've already done.

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vonypet - - 2 comments

how can i snstall it its said install th pirate of the caribbean 2003 by akella :(((

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Kx2000 - - 1 comments


I have original game that i've patched with the Build 14 B3 part 1 and 2
I'm on W10P with nvidia GTX970 and game crash at launch

any idea ?

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Pieter_Boelen Author
Pieter_Boelen - - 1,106 comments

Just to make sure, you might want to try this:
If it does work with that, for some reason the game is not running from your NVidia GFX card.

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