What is this mod and why i made? -This the second mod i am working on. This again is just me practicing modding this time with map creation and the module system. I have took some assets from other mod without permission as of now which i will change on the release of the mod. Have a good day :)

Post feature Report RSS Troop Trees for the mod

The faction lore is still in process (90%) i wish to create the world then abandon it because i am also gonna work on mushouko tensei's mod and likely for the book "Annals of Mewar".

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Confederacy of Vrotia


The Peasants have cheap muskets and old flintlock pistols while the militias have some better but still cheap muskets. The Brigadiers and Grenadiers have the same equipment just different skill set. The Carabiner and Silver Grenadier are elite units which best guns.

The Hussar Line has the same weapon but different skill sets and armor

The armors are stolen from 1800s america and i will maybe renew them

Confederacy of Urken


The troop Tree is same as that of swadia but with guns (I am gonna change it later on)

The Republic of Gornoi

mb14 1

The Peasants bear flintlock pistols and cheap arms like any other peasant in game

the Foot have cheap guns (Their Armor will be changed)

The Hussars and Dragoons would be the same with skill set diffrences

Musketeers have new uniforms according to there rank

Tzardom Of Khagan


The Peasant and Militia Clothes are to be changed later and they bear cheap arms like any other faction

the Marksman have scale breastplate and better guns they upgrade into Disciplined men

The footman are just fodder

Kingodm of Gornoimb13

The peasants are again same

They still utilise the old ways to combat and use the armored footman

They will be reworked later on in the full release

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Gallienus - - 81 comments

Stolen assets from 1860's old America and WFAS.

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Jenlifh - - 8 comments

Yes they are brother. As i have noted in the info pagethat on the final release i will either take the permission or replace them. Have a nice day :P

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Serial_Negus Author
Serial_Negus - - 35 comments

I researched and the WFAS Creator has allowed the use of the assets if credits are to be provided

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sharpmag - - 12 comments

When will this mod come out

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Serial_Negus Author
Serial_Negus - - 35 comments

Not decided but it will be out till the end of the month or middle of it

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