Explore the island of Vvardenfell as you never have before, with a world built anew to be both alien and familiar to the Morrowind you knew before. New adventures await, with new exciting areas to see and explore, and new artifacts just waiting to be discovered. This is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Experience the world of Morrowind in a new light, try out Morrowind Rebirth today!

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 288)



Mother of God this is sweet!

I love this mode it feels to me the only true version of Morrowind. Because I decided to start a Morrowind classic play through but I started to see places where it feels Bethesda really could have made more effort. Like in the first two city/town you go to Balmora and the starting town (I can't remember the name). I saw gapes, unfinished walls and just plain sloppiness. I'm not saying that Morrowind classic isn't a great game I'm just saying that there are places where they could have spent more time.

I love more versions of Morrowind classic and rebirth. you've done a great job using your imagination to do what Bethesda might have done if they had had all the money and time in the world. They were struggling I heard until they released Morrowind and made enough money to stay afloat and keep making great RPG's.

here is a list of things I think could make this already great mode even greater

1. redoing the ground textures a bit
2. adding more things underwater
3. including modes like the scenic strider and boat travel by about
4. animated Morrowind series by Arcimaestro Antares
5. including a optional road signs
6. making mountain climbing more fun
7. adding in fishing we can catch and sell

end of list

You really did make this already great game even greater, taking an aging game and gave it life. Don't stop until you feel you've done to the game what Bethesda would have done. It's people like you who do what we would love our favorite game makers to do. Go back and make enhanced version of their games. Not all games need to be enhance but some like Morrowind benefit well from enhancements like rebirth. if I could have given you a 100 out of a 100 I would have.


Good old times :)

Многие считают, что самая лучшая игра из серии TES - Morrowind. И я тоже придерживаюсь этого мнения. А с этим модом игра становится, может быть, конкурентом Skyrim...

Definitely deserves a full 10/10. I my self have not actually played the mod yet (and will do so when it is finished) but what I've seen so far seems amazing. What trancemaster_1988 is trying to do is just remarkable. It looks like a lot of time and effort goes into this, and it adds a huge variety to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. And the best thing about it is that it all looks lore related to me. Don't get me wrong, I love the Elder Scrolls games, but I don't know absolutely everything about it's lore, but I think I have enough knowledge to assume he knows what he's doing. Anyway, my vote may change when I get the finished version, but I am very confident that trancemaster_1988 will always have my 10/10 for Morrowind Rebirth.


awesome... makes having morrowind worth playing over and over again.
thanks guys.

I love Morrowind Rebirth and I hope and think other people think the same :)

very nice mod