Experience some of the fiercest battles of WWII across North Africa with Mare Nostrum. Building on the realistic, tactical game play that made Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 a fan favourite, Mare Nostrum lets players battle it out in an all new theatre of war. Featuring British, Australian, German and Italian nations, choose from a range of authentic weaponry or crew 1 of 10 fully realised vehicles. With 8 different battle environments the game play is varied from gritty street to street fighting in urban surroundings, to all out tank warfare in the open desert. This is North Africa, but not like you have seen it before. On the 17th October 2008, Mare Nostrum became the first, third party game MOD to be made available on Steam.


Hello once again to all of you. Apologies for the lack of news lately. But fear not – the team has been working away behind the scenes and Mare Nostrum is far from dead! You’ll quickly spot that this issue has a strong Italian theme, and we’re really pleased to be able to show off some of the new Italian content we’ve been working on. In particular, we shall be introducing you to the M13/14/15 tanks and their variants as well as a number of additions to the Italian infantrymen’s arsenal. Also you’ll find some more information on our future plans. So read on to find out what is happening in the world of Mare Nostrum.

January 2009 Tunis Telegraph
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