Continue the incredible Half-Life 2 Storyline somewhere in the antarctic through ice lansdcapes and underground bases inspired by Half-Life and conspiracy theories like the "Dulce Underground Bases" and the "Nightmare Hall" all in the confort of a new MKVII HEV Suit.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 48)

This is a weird mod. It's a half-serious, half-joke mod. But very, very entertaining. I love the new weapons and enemies. And dual-wielding smgs makes me feel like a badass. Some of the maps have a unfinished/unpolished feel however. Some maps are filled to the max with enemies, as if very little thought was put into their placement. And yet, in another mod, this might bother me. But in this one, it's just an excuse to play with the cool new weapons a lil more :D


KingDaniel says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree

There is a great mod in here, somewhere. It's enormous, looks fantastic, has loads of new weapons and interesting settings but feels very unfinished. It's kinda like playing through a beta. Weapon damage has changed quite a lot leaving the game feeling unbalanced: Combine go down much more quickly, and so we get loads more of them thrown at the player at once making it a bit enemyspam-ish. The new alien enemies are a very mixed bag. Some are pretty cool, some not so much. Some levels have unique concepts (like walking along scaffolds in the arctic) but I wished more was done with them. The ending didn't trigger after killing the last gunship, leaving me wondering around for ages not realising and I didn't realise until I watched a walkthough on Youtube.

That first penguin scene, following so much blood and carnage, was pure joy. It made me so happy. I loved it.

So 6/10 from me. More story and more meat on some of the areas would have made it a 10.

The mod may have its moments but its dragged down by terrible voice acting, uninspired level design, and bizarre enemies that feel out of place and are badly animated.

Needs improvement. And implement of ALL the assets.

This is actually a good mod I really really like it im not joking. I played Leons HL3 and it made me want to die this mod was actually funny and enjoyable and didn't break every 5 seconds. The enemies were creative and different it was an overall fun experience. Also I became best friends with my mobile turret and I was really sad when he died.

n ice

An good mod on this map but those Penguins are a little bit annoying but I did try to ignore that sound...(By a way...I don't hate Penguins so don't ask.) Some weapons are amazing and quite useful too.

I'll add this screenshot to comments or somewhere to let you see this misplaced value in pipes!

Map is great and new monsters are more ugly. Almost forgot and nice helmet creation and great use for nasty cold freeze air.

This is one of the best HL2 Mod's I've ever played.

After being so disappointed & let down with The Closure, all of my hopes for a decent fans attempt at making their own Half-Life 2: Episode Three.

But this was more than decent, it was great!

The New Weapons were fun to use (Dual SMG1's, Aperture Shotgun, & Mobile Turret FTW), New Enemies were fun to fight, and New Maps, whilst not great looking, were well made and balanced enough.

+New Weapons.
+New Enemies.
+New Maps.
+New Gameplay Functions.
+Half-Rats is in it! :D

-In some sections the Balance of Gameplay can go down under on the highest difficulties.
-Some of the new Enemies don't really fit the Theme, Tone, and Lore of Half-Life and look like they we're designed by Jim Henson and Dr. Seuss.
-Some of said new Enemies reuse sounds from Stock HL2 NPC's.
-Some of the Maps look abit Empty and bland looking.

Despite all the Cons, I loved this Mod, I recommend it to anyone whether you love Half-Life, love Half-Life 1 & 2 Mods, were disappointed with The Closure, or just need their fix for Half-life 3. ;3

Has some goofy models, but the gameplay and sheer uniqueness makes them only add to the charm of the mod