Mostly known as a "Quake III On Doom" mod, Hunter's Moon is a mod for Zandronum and GZDoom that consists in bring the Player versus Environment experiences that Quake III Arena never had.

Report RSS Future Versions, Maps and Coop Tutorial

Finally the Map Pack overhaul has released, but what happens after? Sure there are work to do, among other things such as Zandronum support and the Coop matches.

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Hello once again Arena Warriors! I have some minor news to share about the direction where the mod will go and future aspects of it!

Map Pack Updates and the Main Mod

So, the recent release of the completely reworked Map Pack is only the initial stage, obviously more maps will be made and the Tutorial map needs to be finished. The Mod itself still needs abilities in Klesk and Xaero which are the only remaining ones without them. There's also the Versus Mode, in which players may play as demons in a different team to stop the Gladiators team from progressing fast, something in a similar manner to Left 4 Dead Versus mode or even the old Master of Puppets doom mod.

Will the mod feature anything from Doom Eternal? Personally i have no idea, this is something i'm thinking about as i feel all the monsters roles are properly fullfilled, problably only update some models like the Pain Elemental, but all of this are for updates months ahead yet.

About Zandronum Support

I also guess many people is asking themselves when i will update the Map Pack to work properly in Zandronum, well as a matter of fact, Zandronum branch may be discontinued and the mod will be left stricly for GZDoom, in the next couple days i will be writing a short tutorial on how to get GZDoom working online to play coop matches. Because honestly, i'm tired of having to break and dissect my own to code to make it work in the ancient features Zandronum supports, i'm at this point to prefer to teach people how to play GZDoom online rather than having to deal with the dinosaur that is Zandronum right now.

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