The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay, combat mechanics and the immersion factor by giving the Player more options and combat opportunities as well as refine how the Player handles his arsenal. Half-Life 2 : MMod also offers minor AI enhancements, extended abilities for combine soldiers, multiple bug fixes, enhanced visuals, VFX re-design, sound redesign and much much more, while keeping nearly every new feature in the mod totally optional.

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Well, it's been a loooong ride, after 9 years of planning, conceptualizing, researching, after dozen of re-visions, after 18 months of active development, Half-Life 2 : MMod is finally ready for its first release!

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Half-Life 2 : MMod - First Release!

Half-Life 2 : MMod - First Release!

Well, it's been a loooong ride, after 9 years of planning, conceptualizing, researching, after dozen of re-visions, after 18 months of active development, Half-Life 2 : MMod is finally ready for its first release!

In this jolly holiday season, I'm happy to bring Half-Life 2 : MMod under your Christmas tree, it's been a long road for me, from HL2EP2Enhased (sic) with basic particle replacements and FPSBanana skins to a fully fledged mod with its own huge, original ( for the most part ) feature set, loads of brand new content and remastered gunplay mechanics. This incarnation of MMod is my true vision I had from the start, but never could realize before, until now.

I couldn't have made this long journey without my friends: Fooltaurus, who joined mid-development and brought this project to another new level with his animations and model edits, without him 50% of features would have never made it into Half-Life 2 : MMod or would have never looked as polished as they do now. KrIsCrEeP, who also joined mid-development enriching MMod with some quality sound replacements and weapon foley, without him MMod would never sound as good as it does now. sgor00, who's been with me for what feels like forever, he's responsible for making mod page art and trailer art truly shine, always devoted, always kind, the kind of friend you always dreamed of. Without his contributions, MMod would have never got its pretty public image. He designed all the lovely logos and gave MMod its face, his contributions are invaluable.

Well, enough chit chat, check out the Half-Life 2 : MMod release trailer!

Half-Life 2 MMod : PistolHalf-Life 2 MMod : SMG1

Half-Life 2 MMod : Grenade effectsHalf-Life 2 MMod : AR2 Remaster (WiP)

As closing words, I'd like to tell you that I'm incredibly happy to finally bring you MMod. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, constructive criticism and wonderful ( for the most part ) comments. After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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FluffyNexus - - 207 comments

Can't wait, this looks awesome

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Sockman111 - - 71 comments

Nice! I'm really looking forward to playing soon!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
KrispyOS - - 1,288 comments

It’s going to be worth it indeed!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Gogogigi - - 28 comments

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TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

This was unexpected but appreciated for sure!

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Dune_Jumper - - 1,586 comments

Hell. Yes. Time to play through the series with sexy graphics.

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Astraxis - - 622 comments

Congrats, Merry Christmas, and thank you! This is one helluva gift, I and everyone else appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Olku_ - - 2,078 comments

Me want!

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Deniskapalkin - - 3 comments

How long will you release the mod?

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That1Guy:D - - 75 comments

Clearly the greatest Christmas any one could ever ask for, hallelujah

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SPY-maps - - 2,910 comments

I assume that you are uploading the MMod still to Moddb, or that Moddb has to approve the file still. Because i can't see a download link anywere, or maybe i am just completely looking over it. Because i don't see anything under Files. Other then that, great achievement Gunship_Mark_II !!!


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Tabajara77 - - 315 comments

Best Christmas gift ever!

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liblung - - 8 comments

Quite mysteriously, this mod REQUIRES Half-Life 2 Update to be installed. Make sure you do this, since they only mention it in the textfile about switching games.

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yori-san - - 2 comments

So, how to install it/get it to work ?
Such as shame that 9 years of work should be going to waste for the lack of proper installation instructions...
And no, the included readme is a joke! those arent even comprehensible English sentences.

I have re-downloaded all HL2 games including the "update" version; they are installed on the same drive as my steam installation. I have placed the mod folder into the respective sourcemods folder; now what ? do I start it using an extra executable ? using the HL2 update executable ? the latter didn't work, no changes ingame.

to provide some more information: I have steam installed on a secondard HD, my games are installed in a separate steamlibrary folder, so that means the sourcemod folder is actually inside a separate folder structure (ie not in steamlibrary)...
so, does that mean I cannot get this to work because my games are in a steamlibrary folder structure (as created by Steam itself), and not on my main HD where the steam installation + sourcemod folder are located ? seems pretty weird to me.

also, that stuff about switching games is more than just I have to re-install the mod files for HL2 update from the switch-games folder just so I can play it ? put differently, which one is even the default version the mod comes with ? why are there even two readmes with conflicting instructions ?

piece of advice: get someone to write a proper readme which explains everything from installation procedures to launching the mod proper etc or your 9 years of work will lead to nothing but frustation on the users' end.

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Jinoru - - 18 comments

hey, inside the HLMMod folder is another folder with the same name. That's the folder you put into the sourcemods folder.

Restart steam when you've done this and "Half-Life 2 : MMod should be in your games library list.

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yori-san - - 2 comments

well, it does not show up in the library, no matter which sourcemods folder I put it ?

this is such a much work for such a mod, and it all fails due to it relying on a fixed folder structure that only some systems will have...
basically, anyone using multiple steamlibrary installations across multiple HDs will not be able to get this working
why not just release it on steam the same way HL2 Update etc were released.
??this is so stupid. 9 years of development and they did not think of a good way of installing their mod other than using the ominous sourcemods folder which is scuffed af, like who ever uses that ??

nah, this aint worth the trouble and frustration...
I have been modding scores of games for nearly two decades but this just blows my mind;; just how can it fail because of something as simple as this
there isnt even a single other HL mod that needs to be installed like that. so why do it that way ?!

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Mccheesy22 - - 1 comments

For starters make sure that all half life games (episode 1, 2, half life 2 base game, and half life 2 update) are installed on the same drive.

I had the same issue of it not showing in my library, which I solved by using the answer on this page here:

You need to simply link the source mods folder on your "main drive," which is presumably your C: drive, to the source mods folder on your secondary drive.

If you're on Windows 10, this command will not work in Power Shell (the replacement for Command prompt), so you
will need to manually search and open up Command prompt instead.

To have the "command prompt" option show up when shift+right clicking as shown in the article I linked, you can follow this quick guide here:

Hope this works for you too!

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Diozzy - - 3 comments


144/-gib: UTIL_SetModel: not precached: models/weapons/w_gauss.mdl

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Diozzy - - 3 comments


144/-gib: UTIL_SetModel: not precached: models/weapons/w_gauss.mdl

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hunterstev1546380451 - - 1 comments

Hi pls help. When playing the mmod I get this annoying line across my screen and a message saying "node graph out of date". I've tried setting my game to 32bit -no luck..Any fixes that actually work?

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dave_5430 - - 2,114 comments

One question, why not add an ironsight to the TMP, or a PIP scope to the crossbow? The sights 're there for a reason, aren't they?

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Tobbl - - 1 comments

\Release 1.1\HL2MModv1.1\HL2MMod\bin\game_shader_dx6.dll

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ThotPatrolofSweden - - 9 comments

Its probably a false positive.

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HeadlessZombie - - 80 comments

Anyone else getting the error when you start it about not being able to load library client? I have re-installed the mods and hl2 update and hl2 episode 1 and 2 and It just wont work. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it.

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wmf776759 - - 479 comments

YESSSSS Keep it up, guys.

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kenny355a - - 341 comments

I must admit that I had only heard of this through the moddb newsletter, but this looks incredible. Giving a shot now.

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Jezsus - - 21 comments

Look, I appreciate the whole doing this on my birthday thing, but the thing is, those are some utterly noisy gifs and you shall repent


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