A Halo mod for the critically acclaimed Sins of a Solar Empire, that aims to capture the fast paced intensity of the Halo series.

Report RSS Fireside Chat with Unikraken about the mod.

Hey everyone, Unikraken here... I wanted to take a few moments and explain some things we've never really went into great depth about or have primarily only mentioned in comments that become buried in a few hours by new posts asking if we're going to be including the UNSC Infinity (Yes) or the Covenant Supercarrier (NO) from Halo Reach.

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Hey everyone, Unikraken here...

I wanted to take a few moments and explain some things we've never really went into great depth about or have primarily only mentioned in comments that become buried in a few hours by new posts asking if we're going to be including the UNSC Infinity (Yes) or the Covenant Supercarrier (NO) from Halo Reach.

Anywho, just what is Sins of the Prophets (SotP) anyway?

SotP is a total conversion for Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment, based in the Halo universe, featuring ships from the Halo lore, as well as fan designed ships to fill in the holes where necessary. Now, "total conversion" may not be a term that everyone understands, so I'm going to explain what we're doing and hopefully you'll catch on through context. Every ship in game will be changed to something in the Halo universe. The entire user interface is being changed to fall in line with how it would look in the Halo universe. All of the music is being replaced with tracks being composed by our very own composer, Waseem. Every ship voiceover is being replaced by one specifically recorded for this mod by voice actors. Nearly every sound effect will be replaced by one specifically recorded with the Halo universe in mind. Custom particle effects are being designed where necessary. None of the original races from Sins of a Solar Empire will be in SotP, at all, with no negotiations possible for their inclusion. We are literally doing our best to turn Sins into a Halo game.

What factions will be introduced from the Halo universe?

In the Entrenchment release of SotP the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) and the Covenant Empire will be featured. The pirate faction will be replaced by the Flood. After we are satisfied with our UNSC vs. Covenant release for Entrenchment, we will be converting the mod over to Rebellion, and at that point we will begin adding the Forerunners as an additional third faction. Right now, we are completely focused on the UNSC vs. Covenant gameplay and Forerunners are a hazy hope we can see off in the distance.

What is your vision for this mod?

Our primary driving force is to bring a quality real time strategy gaming experience to Halo fans, through the engine that Sins of a Solar Empire provides. We aim to take the Halo experience from the FPS games, mix it with the fleet combat from the novels, and translate that into the engine Sins of a Solar Empire provides. We envision large fleets of beautifully detailed ships smashing together, to recreate those battles you've read about in novels, like Halo: The Fall of Reach, or saw with your own eyes, like the Battle over Earth at the beginning of Halo 2. We want to give you a platform to bring those kind of experiences out of your imagination and onto your computer screen.

Is there a specific time period for the mod?

The Entrenchment version of the release takes place in 2543, 9 years before the first Halo installation is found. This allows us to make better decisions about what to include in the mod, so it is not a mish mash of different time periods. When we move to SoaSE: Rebellion the time period jump up to post-Halo 4, the exact date has not been decided yet.

What kind of gameplay will we see in SotP?

Gameplay mechanics are being changed in several areas to provide that experience, but there are some harsh limitations that require us to make some concessions. Gravity wells have been doubled in size for most celestial objects. We are adding custom planets, like Forerunner shield worlds. In vanilla Sins, asteroid belts had a handful of measly asteroids and were mostly just a nice find. Control of these systems did not determine success. However, in SotP asteroid belts are now a valuable strategic resource often containing up to 8 asteroids. Controlling more of these than your opponents can certainly help turn the tide of any war and fortifying those systems is a must.

We realize many of the potential players of this mod only play against the game's AI, so we are doing our very best to not only keep the AI intact, but in many cases improve its ability to play effectively in our mod.

What is combat like in SotP?

Combat in our mod is very fast paced, much like combat in the Halo FPS games. Fleet battles will rarely last longer than a couple minutes and they often end in a very decisive manner. You will see MAC rounds and plasma torpedoes streaming through space and destroying ships they come into contact with. Our ship to ship combat is heavily borrowing from the battles seen in the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach. We consider this book to be the best representation of fleet combat in the Halo universe. That doesn't mean we won't pull ideas from other sources, it just means that when we're stuck on something we happily reread the book and stay in line with it. The UNSC will often need 3 to 1 odds to win a fight with Covenant forces. This does change with the classes of the ships, but you need 3 UNSC frigates to successfully kill a Covenant Frigate, and you will often lose 2 of those frigates in the fight. We balance out this very obvious imbalance by making UNSC ships cheaper and faster to build. The UNSC is an economic force to behold once you get the hang of the new gameplay. Covenant strategy is less concrete at the moment as we are entirely focused on this UNSC beta we'll be releasing eventually.

How does the UNSC play as a faction?

As a UNSC player, one of the first things you'll notice is the importance of fleet composition. In vanilla Sins a mass of LRM frigates accompanied by a capital ship is often enough to win the day. However, a successful UNSC fleet requires more thought and attention placed on it. Every ship in the UNSC fleet has a role and a suite of abilities to help them fill that role. You'll need Paris-class frigates to provide escort duties, allowing a fleet to travel faster. You'll need Berlin-class frigates to coordinate planetary invasions and ensure a successful ground campaign. You'll need Eion-class light carriers to provide squadrons of strikecraft and their flak batteries to keep the fleet safe from enemy strikecraft. You'll need the experienced engineers of the Halcyon-class cruisers to facilitate repairs fleet-wide. The list goes on, but you get the point. A UNSC fleet is greater than the sum of its individual parts, when composed of the right stuff.

The Fleet as it stands.

The only ship missing at this point is the UNSC Cradle, or Repair/Refit Station as she'll be called in game. Every combat ship has now been modeled and textured. Roles are currently being finalized and requisite abilities are being coded.

I hope this helps you understand where we're at and what you can expect from the impending release. The release date will be announced later, please do not ask about it.

And last, but not least, here is our most recent livestreamed gameplay between CanadaMan7 and myself. (Skip to 1:25 in to avoid crazy annoying sounds!)


Watch live video from unikraken on TwitchTV

Post comment Comments
CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

Regarding the Flood, which we've for the most part neglected in previous media postings, they are now a much more robust threat to factions. Even capable of limited colonization/expansion into neighboring and enemy worlds, their late game fleet numbers sometimes range into the several hundreds. It's not uncommon for them to foster limited cooperation between players until they are properly contained. It's heavily advised to consider using the Flood On/Off button when setting up a match depending on the type of match you're looking to play.

They are, however, using placeholder models at the moment.

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

On a brief side-note, the AI does indeed capture Asteroid Belt choke-points. Makes for some interesting battles.

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HTRK74JR - - 889 comments

Haha, i remember Uni told me of the battle you guys had against the flood, they started steamrolling you guys and you had to team up to slow them down. sounds like an excellent "gamemode" similar to Reachs firefight, survive for as long as possible.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

Canada wasn't there. I think it was Normon and Redleader, but I may be wrong about Red being there.

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Normon - - 481 comments

Yeah, it was you me and Red, I researched the infection ability causing them to steamroll you two, you guys were struggling to survive and ended up sending everything after me to stop the raids.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

So you were playing as flood?

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

There's a certain type of late-game research you can get that causes small Flood raids to appear on Enemy worlds.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

That's pretty cool. More of a precursor ability haha. Perhaps unscathed should have a counter to this as well seeing as they eliminated the flood both in the past and the present. Would be effective against covee and forerunner enemies?

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-Defender0- - - 1,193 comments

dat fleet

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VWV - - 960 comments

Wasn't the super carrier bigger in the last fleet scale chart?
Or aren't they scaled in this?

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VWV - - 960 comments

I remember the Eion light carrier to be almost twice as a Marathon cruiser and to be half the size of the supercarrier, while now seems more like 4/5 of it.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

They were incorrectly sized previously, as was stated in the comments there.

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VWV - - 960 comments

Oh, now i see, archers and hangars are all the same size on the ships.
The only one that feels too small is the valiant to me.
Even his archers seems smaller.

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JIMBOkye - - 85 comments

Very eloquent Unikraken.

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PrivateChuckles - - 260 comments

forgive me if this is a stupid question, but since the rebellion version takes place after halo 4, will all unsc ships have shields by then?

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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

The faction divide will be whether you follow ONI or the Regular UNSC military. The ONI side will indeed have ship shields as a late game research.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Piggybacking, for your halo 4 era release, are you going to take the time to remodel at least the frigates to match the "Charon MK-II?" (pronounced Char-on, not sharon. I know unikraken had some trouble pronouncing it. Please don't take offence at me correcting you)

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Normon - - 481 comments

Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe man, really just a matter of preference, that's unfortunately the way the English language is.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

Just looked up the reference on wikipedia, I'll be pronouncing it "Karon" from now on. :)

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Totally agreeable. I just noticed he kept stumbling on it so i threw that tidbit in my comment. The frigate question still stand. I'm curious as to whether or not you'll remodel all of them to fit this new design. And how you interpret said design should you follow that avenue.

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KhevaKins - - 271 comments

Would the Infinity be the titan for Fleet or ONI? They both own it in the book.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Well what would UNSC have? Theres no other ship that compares to the infinity.. anywhere. So either they would both have it or the dev team will think up a new experimental ship.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

We're treating the new Charon like the American Thunderbolt fighter. Both ships will be in game. The Infinity will requisition Charon MkII's from FLEETCOM and they'll jump into the gravity well.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

I applaud you and the rest of the team. It's like calling for pirate raid ability, except reinforcements. A very deadly ablility if you're playing on dev mode with CD timer off haha

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Hellstormer321 - - 233 comments

What happened to Phoenix class?only asking cuz I dont see it in the pic

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Pretty sure it's being remodeled. Id wait for a dev to confirm

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Normon - - 481 comments

Spot on Runemaster117.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

The current model would look way out of place on the render chart, but the version we have now is the one you'll get in our first release, but Annihilater is planning on remodeling them.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Hey Uni, i PMed Canadaman but didn't get a reply. I sent him some stuff on ideas for covee ship models. If you don't mind I'll forward it to you and you can give it to whoever needs it

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments


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CanadaMan7 - - 2,588 comments

It was barely half an hour ago, Ace.

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Runemaster117 - - 197 comments

Maybe something was lagging on my phone or it finally went through reopening the browser, but i composed and sent it on my end about 5 hours ago, im terribly sorry. At any rate i hope it helps in some way. Thanks for your time even looking at it.

Two heads is better than one right?

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

Wait I am confused, if the time period is that early, why are there flood?

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

Daddy drinks because you cry.

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments


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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

Okay I'll stop being a **** for once... On the Halo installation you travel to in Halo 2 there are flood forms that have been fighting a war with that station's AI for thousands of years. The Flood are around in several research facilities across the galaxy, it's just a matter of coming across them. We allow for that possibility in our mod. The Flood are a big part of Halo and we want that experience to be available to you.

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LonelyKnightess - - 841 comments

Oh alright, so basically this is sort of a more 'what if' scenario sort of thing?

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

The whole mod is.

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Inderezzed - - 702 comments

Okay, to see if I'm wrong and/or correct, I don't see a colony ship in the picture, so refresh my memory- which one is it??

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments


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Sloosecannon Creator
Sloosecannon - - 809 comments

And no, there isn't a colony ship in the picture. You're right there lol

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Dumbaz117 - - 2 comments

I would like to thank the commenting person in the live stream video for giving us also useful tips (like the mac cannons formation) while he was playing. The video was highly enjoyable, thank you guys.

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Unikraken Author
Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

Thanks! I really wanted to show some of the strategy involved, because it deviates from normal Sins so much. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging when the mod is released.

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Dumbaz117 - - 2 comments

I noticed, thanks again. Mind if I ask, are you planning on doing another video stream in the next few weeks/months? I would love to see the idea of splitscreen(one site showing your progress and the other side showing canadas)in action. Also excuse my english grammatic flaws, its my secondary language.

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D4RKST0RM99 - - 127 comments

I LOVE THAT SCALE CHART, beat mine hands down despite the abundance of ships, love to see the Mod's covie ships along side these in an update of the chart.:D

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

awesome mod!

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