a (overly) ambitious beginners project that may contain custom weapons, maps (obviously) and a character that isn't just Gordon Freeman clone #345385735

Post news Report RSS Follow-Up article (STORY RELEASE)

After a brief day to get my crap together, I have a semi-decent story ready.

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Now most people are probably wondering why it's called "PostHuman". In xen there are the healing pools that are able to magically regenerate Gordon from 1 HP to 100 within minutes. What's stopping a zombie from healing? In HL2 headcrabs go flying off when blasted by the shotgun so what if the person underneath fell into a healing pool? Obviously it would heal them but headcrabs mutate their hosts causing their claws and [INSERT PHYSICAL FEATURE OF ZOMBIES HERE] which means the healing pool would heal wounds but not change mutations.

TLDR: Zombie falls in healing pool, headcrab flies off into space and unnamed main character is revived but with zombie mutations (AKA excuse to change the crowbar to something else [claws])

NOTE: I am not good at explaining stuff so the story sounds better on paper

Finish first area of LVL3

Screenshot 2024 07 02 124434

Level 3 second area (Sector C Loading Bay) (Location is not final and if someone has a better idea for locations say something in the comments)

Screenshot 2024 07 02 132318

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