(warning:english is not my main language so it might be a bit confusing) Hi! welcome to the page of my 1st mod! this mod is meant to be a little hobby for me and i wanted to try and test myself with programming, level design, storyline, and possibly the rest as well like music/sounds, modelling, texturing and so on... This mod is in their 1st months so it will take a while to be relased .While the plot is meant to take place in half-life 2 but in an alternative universe

Post news Report RSS It's been a year... It's not dead yet!!

It has been almost a year without updates, but don't worry this mod isn't dead!

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Almost a year has passed, and don't worry the mod isn't dead

So... It's been almost a year since the last image update about the mod, but don't worry the mod isn't dead. Im going to explain what happened between that last time i've posted the last piece of update and now, the progress of the mod so far

What happened between the last update and now, and how is it's progress?

After i've posted the last piece of this page, i've planned on making a demo chapter for my mod (Specifically a sewer demo) and these we're a screenshot during development.

However overtime some personal life made me really busy and caused me to have less free time.
So during december i decided to do a brief shelfing at the mod for a while.

Until recently at may after i've become less busy and got more free time.Along with the ability to have dynamic shadows. The mod is back in which im working on the sewers maps for a possible demo in the future. Here's some recent screenshots, some of these are remasters of some previous screenshots

hl2 zHWd8MQ2kj 1

hl2 zHWd8MQ2kj

hl2 zHWd8MQ2kj 2

This is Still work in progress as you can notice in some of these, but im trying to do my best with this free time that i have

Any other progress?

I'm trying to import/make some custom animations with a different technique that im learning recently. But so far it's just starting to import them (maybe later i'll show a gif from one of them).


this mod isn't dead, but it has quite slow development. Im planning to release a sewers demo if it's possible, but im not sure

anyway thanks for reading this article, i hope you have a nice day! <3

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