Since the 2020 Retail launch the 2011 release was renamed to: G STRING - BETA and in the future the G STRING - ULTIMATE EDITION is coming. Also don't be confused about the "Developer: LunchHouse Software" part. This is the G String Beta you are looking for, the one made by Eyaura. The display was changed because LunchHouse helped me a lot in publishing the game and this will help us both in promoting our work. Which reminds me: they're making PUNT! Go check it out! Since there is no way to list this on MODDB like on Steam (Developer: Eyaura, Publisher: LunchHouse Software) this is the best solution. Thanks and have fun!

Post news Report RSS B-Cup Released. Finally.

The July 2021 Update codenamed the B-Cup is out. First off sorry we couldn't get this thing out for the Steam Summer Sale as we planned! Believe me if it was possible we would have...

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4 1

Hello, hi.


The July 2021 Update codenamed the B-Cup is out. Have a look:

It took about six months of full time development and about three weeks of battling technical issues/nightmares to get this thing out so it's safe to say that it has a longer development cycle than a lot of smaller games released on Steam. Not bragging whatsoever but it is true.

And I feel it.

Seriously with what goes on behind the scenes and all the issues developers have to overcome it's a miracle anything gets done so appreciate every game, movie, piece of music that's released because it is hell to get anything done. But it's rewarding. So never give up your dreams. Ever. That's not allowed. Don't be one of those who look back towards the end and regret a lot and mourn all the things they gave up on.

Stay on target.

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And on top of all this I am still of course promoting like crazy. Well whatever I can do with my extremely modest social media presence... I have sent out over 3000 emails. Why? I don't know. Did it make a difference? I don't know. We just keep on moving on and hope for the best. Work, work, work.

Never look back. You send out 500 emails, post on Reddit/Twitter/Facebook (and also Youtube/Moddb if you have something more important to say) write articles, make funny videos, recompile a map, fix another annoying nonsense technical issue and you forget you did any of it. Next day you start from scratch as if nothing happened. Over and over and over and over and over again...

Why do I want to make this thing a success? I don't know. Will it work? I don't know. Boy, there is a lot of things I don't know lol! I feel it's the right thing to do for now. Is that an answer? I guess so.

Watch out Lucas.

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Either way a couple of months after G String came out and the first updates/patches were released I resumed development as if nothing happened. Full 12+ days for months and months trying to fix, polish all the things that I wasn't able to fine tune before release. And a lot got done in 6 months.

The game is still nowhere near where it should be but it's closer. Thanks to the great devs at LunchHouse a lot of annoying bugs have been sorted and I kept mapping of course so hopefully that shows especially in the first third of the game where I felt the locations were too claustrophobic and under detailed in some respect. So I tried to work on that...

The list of things that were fixed and improved on is way too long but you can read it on the game's announcements/news page at Steam. So go there, have a look!

Augmentation successful. Sort of.

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So this is the second big Cup update I planned and thank God we were able to deliver the first two already- the A Cup and the B Cup. The C Cup will drop for the Winter Sale I hope.

There are some small things people have found since the B Cup update and we are working hard to iron them out. A small patch is likely in the very near future. As we speak I am compiling another map. I moved those big wires at the start of the Bot Camp chapter as someone suggested they are a bit too much and I agree, they cluttered the sky. But at the end of the day I did promise myself I will go on a vacation one day. And I will.

Have look see through my social medias for more stuff and things:

See you!


Have fun!

Post comment Comments
kalidrone - - 1,459 comments

It may be unlikely for now, but I truly believe that G-String can get a real episodic tv mini-series possibility. I just hope that, if that ever happens, that they don't butcher any plot elements by replacing it with ******** replacements, as i'm REALLY hoping they stick with the original plot elements. Otherwise it's going to be like "Dragon Ball Evolution" all over again, and we all know how absolutely disgusting that was... DX

I also hope that they'll use CGI instead of live-action, there's already too much of it these days and it's getting so freakin' boring, dead serious here... -_-

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
SweetRamona - - 5,159 comments

Lol that's one of my favorite Honest Trailers videos, still makes me laugh whenever I watch it again. 😸

But yeah I can see G-String being adapted into a TV Series (preferably animated) or maybe even a Movie. :3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
kalidrone - - 1,459 comments

Really now? Interesting, I wonder if you're one of the TFS voice actors and if so then major props to your performance, seriously. :>

And i'm so glad you agree with me. Again though, just hope they don't either butcher the original plot elements nor any live-action, there's already more than enough of the latter already, I am SO not kidding there... DX

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Terrorist495 - - 272 comments

Great work! :3

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DarkShift - - 192 comments

I don’t even know how the game did on Steam.
Are you happy with the sales? It would be a shame if you didn’t get some substantial wage after your more than a decade long work.

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Rakym - - 159 comments

Ever thought of opening an indieDB profile for G String? You might reach a different audience as well there. As it stands, it's still shown to be merely a HL2 mod here.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Keep it up!

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ReezeTheVampire - - 3,944 comments

You are a true inspiration to the HL2 modding community.

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