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Report RSS End of FXG on HWRM + Final Gift (Shimmering Path EX Unlock)

A new frontier, a new future for the FXmod project.

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Greetings everyone,

A lot has been said about HW3, and a lot of thought has been given to the topic of the future of the FXmod. Today I bring you the answer, and a final gift related to the Shimmering Path.

After weighing the modding tools and potential of HW3, we have decided that the FXmod will continue to be developed on Homeworld3.

One of the main reasons for this is that we had already hit the limits of what we can do on the HWRM engine. We hit the memory limit (no more races), had to write many additional scripts to get everything to work, and old issues from the HW2C days (Out of Sync) prevented us from truly delivering on the Multiplayer aspect of our mod. So, while we think that we were able to add a lot for the Single-Player fans, such as the Shimmering Path and new mini-campaigns, we are sorry for those that were hoping for a more sustained Multiplayer environment like in the HW2C days of the mod, when it was still called FX:Commander. In the end, we just couldn't get it to work.

What will happen now?

  • There will be no more releases for the FXmod on HWRM. The v1.39 build "Last Stand" is the last release for HWRM.
  • This ModDB page and the FX 1.39 download will remain online, but no more updates will be posted.
  • Once we have made sufficient progress with a HW3 version of the mod, we will make a ModDB page for it and post an update about it here.

Parting Gift: Unlocking all Shimmering Path (EX/Bonus) Stages

To thank everyone for all the support, messages and more over the years, we have prepared one final gift for you: We will show you how to manually unlock all stages of The Shimmering Path, so that you can also see the Hall of Fame, play any missions you didn't get to, and of course try out the bonus (EX) stages. These stages have unique scenarios and maps, that are not used anywhere else in the mod. We hope that you will enjoy them!

To unlock all Shimmering Path stages, first navigate to this folder:

  1. Select the "Profile" folder of the profile you want to unlock all Shimmering Path stages on (your main/first profile is named "PROFILE1").
  2. Locate "PLAYERCFG.lua" within this Profile folder > open this file with Notepad/Wordpad.
  3. Inside the Playercfg.lua file, look for "fx_path". You'll want the entry with the entire mission list below it - it tends to be near the bottom of the file.
  4. Within this entry, locate the "started =" and "scenario =" lines, and change these values to the following:

started = 1,
scenario = 37,

If you did it right, it should look like this:

Shimmering Path Unlock

Save and exit. The next time you launch the FXmod, scroll to the bottom of the Shimmering Path to see the new stages!

SPath Unlocked

How do I keep up with the FXmod / Progress in HW3?

Right now, we are already researching how to mod on Homeworld3.
You can keep track of progress via Khar-Adun's Youtube channel [LINK], or via our Discord page [LINK].

Here is a first testing video!

Modding HWRM was a journey with ups and downs. But the support of the players made us do our best, and encouraged us to push the limits of the engine as we sought to provide a memorable gameplay experience.

With FX v1.39, the most complete and stable build that we have ever released, we know that we have left the FXmod for HWRM in a good place for those who will not be making the jump to HW3 and will be sticking to HWRM.

For the next few months we will be thinking about what shape the FXmod should take in HW3, and in what direction we want to take the project as we study the new possibilities.

Stay safe!

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