The second Sino-Japanese war is a part of WWII, but for quite a long time, the fiercest Asian battlefield was forgotten…… Because of the war and widespread disease and famine, China suffered 35 million casualties, 20 million of which died. The war in East Front lasted for 4 years in Europe, 6 years in China, 8 years since Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the war fully broke out in Mid-1937, but in fact, Chinese never gave up resistance for 14 years, after Mukden Incident in 1931…… We cherish the memory of the martyrs, and we will never forget the foreign friends who helped us to win the liberation, no matter they're American, Russian, or German……

Report RSS 2v2 Tourny!

Hey Everyone! Since we have finally released the mod on steam. We thought of making a tournament!

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Hey Everyone!
Since we have finally released the mod on steam. We thought of making a tournament!

Starts 1st of Jan till the 31st of Jan

The general Rules are:
*500 Victory Points
*FIXED position
*standard resources
*all commanders are allowed
*Each team plays as both factions once. if it reaches a 1-1 score then it goes to a third match
1-1 tie:
The losing team will have 0 VPs left.
If a team is annihilated or has surrendered from the game, their VPs are considered "drained to 0".
The VP leader can be found by comparing who had more VPs left in the game that he won.

Teams who had the lead on VP points in first 2 games chooses the faction in 3rd game.

All games will be observed with a ref and will be recording a video to put on Youtube. Any doubts will be his call.

We are also currently looking for other refs (must have obs or some recording app)

So get your friend and join this event!

To register Click Here

Or if you can't access it Just comment on this discussion
Click Here /
comment your team name, players, email, and timezones

Good luck!!!

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