Fanmade Gold Edition Mod - is a unique Polish mod for the game KnightShift, also known as Polanie II. Enriched with thousands of new elements, it introduces hundreds of new enemies, offers freshly designed maps, intriguing RPG spells, and various gameplay modes, significantly broadening the range of possibilities. To immerse yourself in this expanded version of the adventure, owning the original version of the game is necessary.

Report RSS Changelog of the upcoming update *2.8.6*.

We are proud to announce a list of changes and new features in the 2.8.6 Gold Edition update, which will be released in the coming days! Thank you for all your support and hope you like the news.

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Changelog 2.8.6

We are proud to announce a list of changes and new features in the 2.8.6 Gold Edition update, which will be released in the coming days! Thank you for all your support and hope you like the news.

Table of contents:

1. Winter attire for woodcutters,

2. New monster variants,

3. Refreshed RTS modes,

4. New RTS modes,

5. New maps,

6. "The Dragon" Campaign Remaster,

7. RTS Balance,

8. Other,

9. End credits

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(Ad. 1) Winter attire for woodcutters

Oh, the woodcutters have decided to get into the winter mood, because an axe and snow are now a fashionable combo. Now, all lumberjacks automatically receive their winter versions, because surely no one wants to fall ill from a lack of style. Each one of them looks like a winter warrior, ready for snow battles.



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(Ad. 2) New monster variants

Until now, monsters in RPG mode showcased a wide variety... of boredom.
Minotaurs, giants, bearweres - those were the true masterpieces of creativity!
But now, get ready for a major breakthrough! Everyone has received new
variants, skins, and characters. Even the names have been changed - after all,
"Giant" sounded too original. Welcome to the world of monsters with new
paint and identically predictable stats!
The creators of the skins are: Grabek, Atlas



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(Ad. 3) Refreshed RTS modes

The current game modes have been given a facelift. Here are the descriptions of these RTS modes.

Swords and Sandals

Magical whimsy? Gone! Now we have only warriors, sand under our feet, and a pinch of iron under our ribs. Here, each strike of the sword is like a fireworks explosion, and steel driven into the bodies of opponents is our magic spell. No magic, no unnecessary magic, and on top of that, without magic – here, pure strength, steel blades, and the adrenaline of battle gameplay count.


* No buildings and magical units

* Ability to place two courts

Fast Game

Unburden yourself from the excess and get to the point - fewer units, fewer buildings, but more action!


* The number of ordinary buildings has been limited. (Huts - 3, barracks - 2)

* The number of special buildings (magical and courts) limited to one.

* Limited number of all units

* Maximum upgrade level: 2

*Individual upgrade levels for spells and magical items

-- Best played in a 1 vs 1 formula

Eight Sheds

In 'Eight Sheed' mode, it's like you have 8 cards in your deck instead of 4! The game picks up pace, and the map turns into a real massacre. Place barns as if you had them at your fingertips, and the dynamics of the battle reach new dimensions.


* Sheed limit increased to 8


Ah, the 'Adventure' mode, because after all, a plot on paper is obsolete! Now everything is written on information stones. Because who needs simple dialogues, when you can break a sweat reading text from boulders? Special maps, special stones, special headaches for players.

In addition, the game will include a new possibility of forming alliances with bots, developed by Kornel Witkowski.

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(Ad. 4) New RTS modes

Ah, yes, because everyone was waiting for this - new RTS sub-modes! Actually, there's nothing more exciting than new options that nobody asked for. Who needed peace and stability? Now, everyone can get lost in a sea of novelties because who doesn't love changes, especially the unexpected ones?

King of the Hill

In 'King of the Hill' mode, you can capture towers as if they were exclusive tickets to climb a mountain. The first to take over all wins! Of course, variety is an overrated invention, so to make it easier for you, we have one, absolutely unique map (with the KOH note)! Well, almost unique... (There might be more in the future)


* Capture all towers in the middle of the map

Economic Victory

Welcome to 'Economic Victory' mode - because it's known that true success is measured in liters of milk! Forget conquering territories or defeating enemies, now it's about how much milk you can gather. This game isn't for everyone - only for those ready for real cow competition! Race, accumulate milk like never before and show that your economic instinct is ready to flood the world with milk and claim the crown of the Milk King!


* Removed sheeds limit

* Removed court limit

* Goal: Reach a designated milk limit

The author and creator of the above modes and maps is: Kornel Witkowski

Zero Upgrades

You can enjoy the full extent of battle, but let's not exaggerate - why waste time upgrading weapons or spells when you can simply throw yourself at the opponent and hope that luck will favor you?


* Upgrades disabled


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(Ad. 5) New maps

In the wave of the latest update, our game world has expanded by a few amazing corners, where players can venture in search of new adventures. Here's the list:

Chop Wood, Carry Water

RTS map

a. Bartosz Lipertowicz

W Murowanej Piwnicy

Adventure map

a. Grabek58

Dragon Island

Adventure map

a. Jacek Gawron

King Of The Hill

KOtH Map

a. Kornel Witkowski

Holier Lake

Community map

a. Kornel Witkowski

That's all... :)

We invite you to play :>

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(Ad. 6) "The Dragon" Campaign Remaster

With immense pride and undeniable excitement, we announce the completion of our ambitious project - a comprehensive overhaul of all RTS campaigns. We present to you the culmination of our efforts: the final part of the trilogy, titled "The Dragon". This is the moment when we joyfully put into your hands the fruit of our passion and hard work. We invite you to dive into the richly renewed world, full of depth, mysteries, and countless curiosities!

CM1 1CM2



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(Ad. 7) RTS Balance

We've introduced tested innovations that will turn the existing order upside down – especially when it comes to our two somewhat controversial heroes. Prepare for the list of changes:


change in shield stats:

85, 90, 95, 100 (Vanilla)

65, 75, 85, 95 (Gold Edition)

In addition, the lightning spells from the shops were changed.

(20) 40, 60, 80, 100

basic damage increased from 10 to 50


change in the cost of removing weather anomalies

20 mana (Vanilla)

80 mana (Gold Edition)

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(Ad. 8) Other

Ad. 1 Easter eggs, easter eggs, and even more easter eggs. They have been added to the gameplay as well as to all existing campaigns.

Ad. 2 The editor and individual lanes have been updated.

Ad. 3 The game files underwent a complete rebuild, and the game has been slimmed down by a few MB.

Ad. 4 The adventure mode has been fixed. It now works on every map, not just on Garniec.

Ad. 5 Milava's skin update.

Ad.6 Extra content has been added to the game files - The ability to choose camera distance in the game.

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(Ad. 9) End credits

Thank you for being with us! We hope you enjoy the latest RTS mode update!

You can follow the news on our KnightShift DEV Discord server:

We also invite you to the InsideKnightshift server:

visit Steam

Fanmade Gold Edition mod for Knightshift - Steam

Mod authors:

Jacek Gawron - "Atlas"

Bartosz Lipertowicz - "Mese"

Jarosław Aleksander - "Reset"

Changelog graphic designer:

Mateusz Chojnacki


Grabek58, Kornel Witkowski, Alanov

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