This mod is a complete overhaul of FOT. Aimed at revising the single player camp. of FOT, to make the game more non-linear and to give the player more choice. This mod is a weapons bonanza, as all of the weapons (one version) from Fallout, and Fallout: 2 will be added. Not including all of the new firearms that the team has already added into the game. The original missions are being modded to allow the player a few different ways to finish the a mission. Every item/weapon/armor is being re-balanced to make each one distinct. Even the sounds are left unchanged as each weapon, will have a distinct set of sounds instead of them all using the same default sounds. The special encounters are being overhauled to make then more useful (particularly the ones without a point). Commodities will reflect in value i.e. a military ration pack will be worth a nice chunk of change. Atmosphere is the key and that is what this mod strives for.

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Discusses were the mod is headed and where we've been. Also highlights a new GUI, two ingame weapons and a new character sprite.

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Alright, so I'm aware that has been two-years since my last update. Starting today, that changes but first here is a little backstory on where I've been.

A lot has happened since then: (the short version)

  • Got my Degree in Math and Physics
  • Started working on my PHD
  • Got Married

Now...that is a lot of life experiences in a blissfully short amount of time and don't get me wrong I'm not complaining it has been an awesome crazy and sometimes scary roller coaster. I'm very thankful for all of it.

I started this mod for myself, because it was something that I enjoyed doing, I shared it because I felt that others in community would enjoy it. At some-point I lost sight of that, I started gaming more and modding less, to the point where I rarely if ever even logged into Mod DB itself. This was a serious change as Mod DB and this mod were part of my daily routine. The mod was rarely worked on and the community that I so loved to be a part of was neglected. No longer, I'm back and so is this mod.

Now with that out of the way back to the interesting stuff. Starting this moment I'm taking back full developmental responsibilities. That means a couple of changes.

Here is what I'm going to-do:

  • Updates every two-weeks on Friday starting this week (These will be smaller than previous updates, but much more frequent )
  • Implement Darin's new Character Sprites (where appropriate)
  • Mapping is going to take a back burner (it is very time consuming)
  • Initial focus is going to be on redoing the existing weapons (both stats and sprites)
  • After that I'm pushing out a tech demo (this will include the redone weapons, the existing mission 1 and probably not much else)
  • I'm going to rebuild the mod from the ground-up(I'm not discarding any features yet, just ensuring a smooth transition)
  • A public document to track the progress of the mod (Not sure how to handle this one yet)

Here is what is on hold or not happening:

  • Additional story lines, major modifications of the existing story arcs (on hold)
  • Any character sprites modification (just not currently possible.

Now to the fun stuff:
Screenshots from the Mod

This screenshot shows the new sprites for S&W M29 and Beretta Silverhawk 470. I'd also like to point out the new GUI bar (props to BlazeK and Ox-Skull from The Wastes). Finally, if you look carefully you can see the new Leather Armor Character Sprites (from Darin over at NMA).

Alright that is it for this week.

I want to sincerely thank everyone for sticking with us. We're re- kicking this off properly. As always feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions.

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HeartofShadows - - 75 comments

Glad to hear your back and congrats on your achievements in such a short time though it must have been a bit overwhelming.

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VengeFulSniper Author
VengeFulSniper - - 259 comments

Thanks mate, it has been an interesting road. But I'm better for it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
floor-pie - - 192 comments

Good to see your back.

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VengeFulSniper Author
VengeFulSniper - - 259 comments

Good to be back.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
d_seven - - 4 comments

A new GUI is cool and simply beautifull! A character sprite also cool as an other Darin's works!

Glad to hear, you're a live person with life and wife now ) Really. glad for u man )

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Imperial_Sheep - - 142 comments

Welcome back. Never lost hope in this mod. Looking forward to seeing it completed. I am also volunteering my service as a tester to help you in creating this mod because, well, I want too.

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tomatpaburk - - 2 comments

Hi, just want to start with saying great work. Tactics is a really good game, and its awesome that people take the time to create mods for it.

But when do you think that you will start releasing versions of the mod? Are we talking weeks, months or years?

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VengeFulSniper Author
VengeFulSniper - - 259 comments

My attitude towards a release date has always been "I'll release when it is done"... That being said I'd expect a demo no later than the end of month.

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