Fallout Kanawha is an ambitious Fallout 4 total conversion mod set out to answer one question: what if the Scorched Plague never existed. Featuring a unique environment of the coalfields of West Virginia, you as the Newcomer find yourself in a land on the brink of an all out civil war.

Report RSS Project Kanawha Wasteland Exploration Video

Due to a very minor set back, instead of weekly updates leading up to a video like I planned, I've instead released the first video look at Project Kanawha!

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As stated in the summary, due to a minor injury, instead of weekly updates leading up to this video I decided to go ahead and upload the video now! This video is a culmination of about 5 months of work creating this worldspace from the ground up -- including concept art, level design, and research to create a story for the Town of Kimball !

All the footage shown here is an early Alpha and is subject to change -- especially once more custom models and textures are implemented.

We're recruiting! If you're interested in applying to help out with Project Kanawha, feel free to check out this application: Forms.gle

Feel free to comment on what's available so far, and may Country roads take us home !

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