FULL HD MOD for Fahrenheit (Aka Indigo Prophecy) This mod makes everything sharper and detailed. For more info read the summary.

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I finished all the chapters, everything is remastered... well, not really.

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The project reached 90%

90% means all the chapters are done. Now I'll have to work on the:

- Bugs (fix hundreds and hundreds of bugs, yay... )
- Making Of videos
- Software Optimizing (HARD task)

I know I promised you all that this mod would be a good Christmass present but unfortunally it won't be possible. There's still a lot of work to do and I can't finish everything in 1 month. Sorry ;(

Well euh... if you watch the lastest video you'll surely recover your smile

These weeks I finally got into the source code of the executable of the game! (not all, obviously)
Me and a friend managed to decoplie some portions of the main C++ code of the Fahrenheit.exe executable, we couldn't get any info about the algorithm that those (damn) BIGFILE.dat files use, BUT we learned some (random) interesting stuff.
Also we could play (not extract) all the music/voices/effects from the BIGFILE.dat files with a modified version of a software called ModPlug Player (with some horrible loud white noises betweeen tracks)

The game uses a custom multiplataform engine called moteur3d ("3d engine" in french) written in Assembler and C++. It supports Direct3D 9, DirectSound audio, DirectInput keyboards and joystick (yep, no luck with the xbox 360 wireless... ), simple physics system, IAM (Quantic Dream's Intelligent Adventure Manager) simple particle system, 2D decal system, pixel/vertex shaders 1.1 to 3.0 (software and/or hardware), GPU lighting (software or hardware), vertex/skeletal animation... and a looot more things.

[The game engine has support for Pixel/Vertex shaders 3.0, but the game Fahrenheit don't use them (it doesn't even need them for working)]

The engine data was depeloved with a set of tools called Quantic Dream Tools and almost all them are included WITHIN the main executable, but they can only be executed connecting your PC with a secured IP host of Quantic's Dream server (in other words, you need to access Quantic Dream's PCs for make them work)

The version of the public version of the game is Fahrenheit 3.5 PC FINAL, which could mean that there were other 2 early verions prior that one (maybe these?)

I can tell you guys a LOT of more technical stuff about the engine that Fahrenheit uses but now it's not the time :P
I'll leave you here some screenshots

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Theon - - 712 comments

I wasn't even aware there was a PC port! :O
brb, piratebay

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rudolfarch Author
rudolfarch - - 60 comments

it's not a port, the game was made for working on pc, xbox and ps2 without any tweaks

you didn't know there was a pc version? mods only exist for pc games :/
btw... try to buy the game instead mate, it's only $5.99

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zozzhun - - 1 comments

One of the best games, i'm looking forward to your mod. I'll play it again now, and play it again with your mod too :)

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get8p - - 21 comments

Let me be clear about what I personally think of your mod *puts hands together* It's faken awesome. What are you, videogame Santa?
Looking forward very much to see this happens.

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kadoosh - - 1 comments

Was just thinking of playing it again but now I find this mod Ill wait :).

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oscarpratense - - 4 comments


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rudolfarch Author
rudolfarch - - 60 comments

wha..? no oscarpratense, i'm really sorry... that's an estimated date :(
when I put the realease date some months ago, I had to write even the day (it was obligatory), and as I had no idea when exactly would this be finished, I just entered a random number (it IS planned to be released this month, but as i'm still adding new features to the mod... I don't know)

I better change it before having to apologize to everyone ;(

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get8p - - 21 comments

Darn. Was also putting my hopes at that date..
08.28 is a final number?

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rudolfarch Author
rudolfarch - - 60 comments

no, still not sure.

The thing is... the mod's done, but there's still new features I want to add, and some textures, effects, decals,etc that I feel I can do much better
Hope you understand me, I'm doing this because it's fun and creative (I'm also learning a lot in the process); and I like to think that I have all the time in the world to make this mod better. This is the fist project I'm making without getting stressed about when am I going to finish it, and I already cancelled a lot of old projects because of these stupid anxiety problems lol

Maybe putting an estimated date now it's not a good idea, and I hate to disappoint the people :/

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

Well take all the time you need whenever you feel you're happy to put it up I'll be happy to come back and see it up :)

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

I would love if you released it now in it's current state as Beta for people to bug test!

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rudolfarch Author
rudolfarch - - 60 comments

ok that's a good idea. I'll see if I can release a tech demo one of these days

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

I've never played Indigo Prophecy, though I always heard it was great. Last year I picked it up, but ran into your project and decided to hold off playing it until you finish, checking here occasionally. There's no rush, I'm always glad there are people with unique interests willing to focus and dive deep into niche projects like this.

Whenever I got around to playing Heavy Rain, I understood for the first time what the hype was about Indigo Prophecy. Their storytelling format is really excellent and their first iteration deserves the attention you're giving it.

I'm not sure what sort of features you're adding, but do try not to get carried away with your creativity which can result in an infinitely long list of possible features. It's amazing and exciting to get lost in those kinds of thoughts, but those sorts of lists can easily kill motivation on projects eventually. Sift through them and pull out a few, then add more in future versions if necessary.

Try to keep a safe "finished" version around that you could just release as 1.0 in case you get carried away and start losing interest. If the end is clearly in sight and the features are well defined and finite, then it might not be bad to try to get it out at least in time for the release of their next game Beyond: Two Souls. It would make a great time to promote the project so other people learning about their games can go back and get the most out of playing Indigo Prophecy.


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Guest - - 699,975 comments

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

Sorry, hit POST before I was finished.

As the Mod isn't 100% complete, can I still beat the game? In other words, I'm afraid that I will play the game to 80% and then cannot continue until the mod is complete. Should I still with the original version until then?

Thanks again, great work!

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rudolfarch Author
rudolfarch - - 60 comments

The game is kinda short (~40 mini-chapters), so I'm sure you're going to finish it two times before I even upload the tech demo

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Guest - - 699,975 comments

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